
A D&D Wizard in DC

Alexzander is your not-so-average nobody. He wakes up, goes to work, comes home, and sleeps. Only the occasional superhero battle breaks his days of mediocracy. Then one day everything changes. Suddenly he gained the ability to cast magic and not just any magic. No, he gained the spells and abilities of a high-level magic caster from D&D. Not only that but he gained the ability to use powerful rituals. However, life won't be easy for Alexzander as old wounds from a past best-forgotten open. ...... This fanfic is a slow burn. So don't expect major plot points to happen quickly. Additionally, this is kind of my " Don't think too hard about it fic", so don't expect a masterpiece. Also, the Cover Pic isn't mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Bank Heist

" Thank you for choosing Gotham bank loan service. Have a nice day." Alex said with a professional smile as he held out a check.

Alex was currently at Gotham bank, the largest banking company in the city if you didn't count the less-than-legal ones. The brown-haired male worked at the front desk and handled most checks and non-important clientele that came to the bank.

It was a job that paid fairly well, and one he was mostly okay with.

Unfortunately, the client opposite to him didn't seem to be as enthused.

The man was angry because he didn't have enough credit to afford a higher loan than a few thousand dollars.

But, it was either this or nothing so reluctantly, the white male that Alex had been talking to for the last three minutes, took the check before storming out of the bank.

Letting out a sigh as he left. Alex leaned back in his chair.

' That should be the last one today.' Alex thought to himself.

It was already getting late, and the few employees left had already started packing it up for the night.

Still, Alex couldn't help but feel slightly exhausted. It wasn't easy keeping his mind on the job today.

Especially because he forgot to take his Adderall and anti-psychotics this morning because of his rush to get to work.

Not to mention It kept wandering to his reservoir of spells.

"Tough day huh?" a feminine voice said behind the brown-haired man.

Slowly turning around Alex was greeted with the sight of his fellow employee and friend Elizabeth Mercer.

Mercer was a tall white woman in her late thirties with blond hair and blue eyes. She wore the standard clothing all banking employees wore ( A dress shirt, nice shoes, black dress pants, and a tie around her neck.) and held herself confidently.

" A little. Just have my mind on some things." Responded Alex with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

The woman hummed before pulling a chair up next to Alex and sitting in it.

" So who is it?"

Alex gave her an unamused look for her choice of words.

" I didn't get a girlfriend if that's what you're asking," said Alex.

However, Elizabeth waved off his comment.

" No, not that silly. If you have gotten yourself a girlfriend it would have been obvious." She said with a smirk.

" Oh, really? And tell me miss detective how you would know?" Alex asked playfully.

Elizabeth merely motioned to Alex's whole body.

"You wouldn't be so gloomy for one. Secondly, you've been looking like a puppy that's had his snacks taken away the entire day. You've only looked like that when your girlfriend dumped you."

At the mention of his ex-girlfriend, Alex had to hold back a wince.

'Barbara' Thought Alex with a frown.

Barbara Gordan, daughter of commissioner Gordan, and his former girlfriend.

They had dated all through high school and a little into their college days when she decided to dump him.

It was sudden too. Without any sort of sign or warning. One day he was at work when she broke up with him through a text.

A fucking text.

Didn't even give a proper reason besides " focusing on her studies". Which was bullshit when one considered she was a genius with identic memory.

Alex didn't see her after that even though he tried to. Thankfully he was over it now thanks to Elizabeth bringing him out of his funk.

Elizabeth seeing Alex stay silent gave him a knowing look before speaking.

" So," Elizabeth asked as she crossed her arms," What happened?"

' Should I?' Alex thought to himself as he took in his surroundings.

There was hardly anyone in the bank. The few that were included himself, Elizabeth, a few employees that were filing out the bank, and three security guards that were packing up.

The windows in the front of the bank showed the setting sun and slowed traffic of Gotham as it transferred to night.

After a few more seconds of thought, Alex decided he might as well tell her.

He has heard of the stresses of keeping a secret identity from various heroes online and on TV, and how much it helps to have one person who knows. Not only for personal reasons but to help with alibies and other issues. If he couldn't trust Elizabeth with this he couldn't trust anybody, and the burden of holding such a secret by yourself isn't something he wanted to bear.

However, as Alex went to open his mouth he was interrupted by the sound of the bank's door opening.

' Strange, I'm sure one of the other employees put up the closed sign.'

Looking at the entrance of his place of employment Alex was met with someone any Gotham city resident would recognize.

Stranding at seven-feet tall with bulging muscles covered in green scales and features closely resembling a crocodile was Killer Croc, one of Batman's many rouges.

A rouge that had just casually walked into the bank with a large sack thrown over his shoulder.

For a moment no one spoke a word. The employees were too scared to make a peep, while the guards were in tense silence. They knew with the basic handguns they had on their persons it would be useless to engage the Demi-human.

Meanwhile, Croc just walked up to the first open reception, which just so happened to be where Alex and Elizabeth sat, and dropped the bag on the counter.

" You know the drill." Growled the reptilian.

Unfortunately, they did indeed "know the drill".

With practiced movements, Alex clicked the emergency button hidden nearby as Elizabeth went to grab a cart of cash for the reptilian to steal.

These kinds of incidents were commonplace with working as a banker for one of Gotham's biggest banks. So commonplace in fact that a silent agreement was made between the bank's workforce and the majority of villains.

As long as they were cooperative and didn't put up a fight, or be annoying, no one would get killed. It had worked so far, and employee deaths had drastically decreased as a consequence. Though this "deal" only applied to the more reasonable villains.

People like Victor Zaz, Scarecrow, or Joker didn't care and simply killed/tortured them for the hell of it.

The last time joker strolled in he had killed a third of the staff for being " boring". A few of his good friends had died that day too.

Fucking Gotham villains. He never did understand why Batman never put any of them down.

A minute later Elizabeth returned with a cart of one hundred dollar bills and quickly handed it off to killer croc.

After checking the contents for any bugs or anything similar, Croc, seemingly satisfied, stuffed the money inside and turned away from Alex, and began making his way out.

However, despite having done this countless times something didn't sit right with Alex. The actions of this man-no, beast irked him.

It wasn't the fact that Croc had taken money from the bank. It wasn't Alex's money. Why should he care?

Rather it was the casualness in which the reptile had dismissed them all. Like they were insects or specks of dirt to be brushed aside.

It was frustrating to be seen like that.

Subconsciously his hands began to clench themselves in rapid fashion as an all too familiar feeling began to build up inside of him.

'All it would take is a single {Disintegration} spell.' Thought Alex as his hands, which were hidden in his pockets, glowed a sickly yellow.

' It'd be one less villain in this world. Croc wouldn't be able to harm anyone innocent any longer if I kill him now.' Reasoned Alex mentally.

Though, as he watched Croc reach the door, his mind bombarded itself with other thoughts, much darker ones.

'With {Cone of Cold} I could freeze his limbs and chip them away piece by piece while making him watch. '

Under the table, his hands glowed glacial blue.

'With an {Acid Fog} I could slowly melt him down to ooze.'

His hands dripped with symbolic acid green power.

'And if I wasn't satisfied I could just bring Croc back with a wave of my hand using {Raise dead}.'

A soft heavenly glow permeated his pocket before being snuffed out by gray energy.

'Then I Could use {Polymorph Other} to turn him into a cow, burn him alive, and ea-'

Such thoughts were once again crushed under the weight of Alex's will as the sounds of the police rapidly reaching their position reached his ear.

Taking a shaky breath, Alex allowed his inner thoughts to fade to the back of his mind. Unbeknownst to him, his whole body shook as he struggled to rein in his emotions.

' It's just money. No need to kill anyone over that. The police or Batman will handle it.' Alex told himself as he slowly calmed.

Though it was obvious that he was simply trying to convince himself he didn't need to intervene.

A moment later Killer Croc left the building and the employees of Gotham bank could breathe easily.

Though not for long as Gotham PD showed up.

'Guess it's time to answer some questions.' Thought Alex wearily.