
Chapter 16: In the storm

The four travellers had been walking for hours, their pace slow and steady. Ophelia was in the lead, hers body tense and alert. Zack followed closely behind, his gaze darting from side to side. Morwen and Captain Malachi trailed a few paces behind, their footsteps silent and their voices hushed. The air was thick with tension, the silence broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or crackling of twigs underfoot.

Zack, feeling the weight of their journey pressing down upon him, finally broke the silence.

"We should stop and rest for the night," his voice was clipped, edged with an urgency that brooked no argument.

Ophelia nodded agreement, her eyes fixed on the darkening canopy above. 

"It'll be dark soon, and we'll need to build a shelter," she added, her expression grim.

"We should keep going," Morwen countered, her voice firm. "We're not far from The Tribe of the river now."

"And what if we get to tired and someone could attacked?" Zack challenged, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"We have the soldier with us," Ophelia offered, her tone tinged with sarcasm. 

"that is what I am afraid of." Zack's reply was dripping with venom.

"I would never," Captain Malachi vowed, his tone sincere.

Zack's eyes bore into the Captain's, a storm of doubt and mistrust swirling within. "You already have," he accused, his eyes narrowed.

Morwen, sensing the tension bubbling to a boiling point, stepped in swiftly. "That's enough." She intervened, her voice sharp.

"We can't afford to waste any more time," she continued, her gaze drifting to the horizon. Storm clouds were beginning to form, the sky darkening with each passing minute.

"We need to find shelter and get out of the storm before it reaches us," Morwen insisted, her tone brooking no argument.

Zack glared at her, his expression conflicted. He knew she was right, but he still didn't trust the soldier. Morwen turned to Malachi, her expression sympathetic. Though her loss was still fresh and heavy on her heart, when she looked at Malachi she couldn't bring herself to hate him. He seemed genuine, his intentions pure. But the wounds of the past still lingered, the pain still raw.

Morwen sighed, her shoulders sagging in resignation. She could feel the tension radiating from Zack, his body coiled tight like a spring. She knew he wouldn't back down, not without a fight. A raindrop fell on her shoulder soaking through the linen on her shirt, another one landing in her eyelashes as she looked up. She would have to worry about Zack later. The sky's opened up and poured its fury down upon them, the rain pouring down in a torrential downpour. Soaking them to the bone, Morwen shivered at the chill that swept through her body.

"This way," Morwen said, grabbing Zack's arm and dragging him into the forest.

"The river is too far, we won't make it in this weather" she shouted, her voice barely audible over the sound of the thunder crashing around them.

Looking around she spotted a stone wall, a crumbling archway carved into its side.

"Let's head to the ruins," Morwen called, her gaze focused on the old temple. Swiftly making their way to the ruins, Morwen hoped that the roof would still be intact enough to keep them dry.

"Come on," she called out, her voice echoing through the abandoned building. 

The four of them made their way into the ruins, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls. As they walked, they could see the damage time had caused, the walls were crumbling, and the floor was covered in rubble.

The rain pounded the stones, the wind whistled through the cracks, and the thunder roared in the distance. Zack and Ophelia found a corner, far away from the door. the roof was hanging into the building, partially collapsed but still intact enough to keep most of the rain out. They group settled themselves down, trying to get comfortable.

"At least it's dry," Zack said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

The rain had soaked through all of their belongings, leaving them cold and wet. They were in for an uncomfortable sleepless night.

"Let's build a fire," Morwen said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Zack nodded, his expression unreadable.

"I'll go get some wood," he said, his tone clipped.

He moved off and headed off to explore the ruins in search of anything dry enough to use for firewood, the rain battering his skin coming down through the opening in the dilapidated roof.

Morwen watched him leave, her gaze tracking his movements. As he disappeared into the darkness, a flash of lightning illuminated his silhouette.

"Don't worry about him," Ophelia murmured, her voice quiet. "He'll come around."

"I know," Morwen sighed, her eyes fixed on the doorway where Zack had disappeared. "It's just... he's so stubborn sometimes." she knew he had a right to be angry, he lost everything. 

Morwen felt her eyes misting over. She knew how hard it had been for both of them. She didn't understand why the gods were so cruel. Ophelia gave her a knowing look, her expression softening.

"Give him time," she said.

Morwen nodded, her gaze shifting to the open door. A gust of wind blew in, causing Morwen to shudder, the cold seeping into her bones.

Her hand reached for sword Zack had found her, it was still tucked away safely. She had wrapped it in a cloth, taking it out slowly she inspected the weapon. The rain continued to fall, its relentless rhythm echoing through the empty temple.Morwen felt her heart skip a beat as her fingers brushed against the blade. It was sharp, its edges gleaming in the flickering light. Her hand tightened around the hilt, it was a simple blade, nothing extravagant. It wasn't designed for elegance or show, but it was well crafted and well balanced.A blue sapphire encrusted at the hilt of the sword stood out from the simple design, its beauty captivating.

Morwen's gaze drifted back to the doorway, her eyes searching the darkness for any sign of Zack. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her, the weight of the past settling upon her.

"I'll go find some wood too," Morwen announced, her voice strained.

She needed some space, and the idea of sitting still and doing nothing made her anxious. She grabbed her pack, slinging it over her shoulder.

"Be careful," Ophelia warned, her voice heavy with concern.

Morwen nodded, her gaze drifting to the sky.

"I'll be fine," she said. "I'm not helpless." With a sigh, Morwen headed deeper into the ruins.

The wind howled, the rain whipped at her skin, and the thunder roared in her ears.

 She felt alone, isolated from the world.

As she wandered through the ruins, her mind consumed by a torrent of emotions. Her first thoughts were of Zack, she knew that she needed to talk to him, to know he was safe amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

Yet, even as her thoughts reached out for Zack, they veered towards Malachi. Her emotions were a tangled mess when it came to him. She trusted him, he seemed genuine in his desire to make amends.

Amid the rubble and remnants of a forgotten era, Morwen found herself engulfed in memories of the recent battle. The horrifying sights of blood, the echoing screams of the fallen, it all played vividly in her mind like a relentless nightmare. Her chest tightened at the haunting recollection, her breaths shallow and hurried as she relived the turmoil of those moments.

Fearing the suffocating darkness that seemed to close in around her, Morwen's instinctual response was to flee. The walls of stone seemed to press in on all sides, the menacing shadows threatening to swallow her whole. Desperation fueled her movements as she ran, her feet striking the wet stone floor in a frantic rhythm, a symphony of urgency echoing in the empty spaces

She had to escape.

Her chest felt tighter with every breath, suffocating. Morwen ran, her feet pounding the wet stone floor.

She had to get out.

Her breaths came in ragged gasps, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She could feel her body trembling, her legs weak. 

The storm raging outside mirrored the tumult within her, rain pelting down fiercely, thunder rumbling like an angry beast. In the midst of this elemental fury, Morwen's voice cut through the chaos, a plea for Zack that was barely audible over the roaring winds and pounding rain.

"Zack!" she cried out, her words lost in the tempest that surrounded her.

"Zack, please!"

Her need to find him, to ensure his safety, drove her forward with a fierce determination. Each step she took through the ruins was a battle against her racing thoughts and the oppressive atmosphere that threatened to overwhelm her. She called out his name again, the desperation in her voice palpable, a fragile thread holding her together.

"Zack!" she cried out again, her voice breaking.

"Morwen," he called back, his voice a distant echo.

She turned towards the sound, her eyes searching the darkness.

"Where are you?" she asked, her voice frantic.

"Over here," Zack replied, his voice closer this time.

Morwen turned towards the sound, her eyes scanning the ruins. She could see a faint light, a dim glow illuminating the darkness.

She walked toward it, her heart racing.

"Zack," she whispered, her voice cracking.

"I'm here," he said, his voice soothing.

As she drew nearer, Zack's silhouette emerged from the shadows, a familiar figure in the dim light. Without hesitation, Morwen ran towards him, her arms outstretched, a silent plea for comfort and reassurance.

"I was so worried," she breathed out, tears mingling with the rain that cascaded down around them. 

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his arms enveloping her in a tight embrace. "It's okay," Zack assured her, his voice gentle.

Their exchange was a dance of emotions. Morwen's apologies were met with understanding, Zack's words a balm to her Brocken spirit. In his arms, she found a refuge, a place where guilt and regret could be acknowledged and forgiven.

"It's not your fault," Zack's words echoed in her ears, a soothing reminder that she was not alone in her struggles.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she murmured, her voice heavy with regret.

"It's not your fault," he said, his hand stroking her hair.

"Yes, it is, we lost everything." she insisted, her voice breaking.

"It's not," Zack countered, his tone firm.

"You can't blame yourself for what happened, It wasn't your fault," he repeated, his arms tightening around her.


"No, buts," Zack interjected, his voice soft.

"It wasn't your fault," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.

"I'm sorry, seeing all the dead bodies made me think of Idrae, mom, dad Galena.." she mumbled, her body melting into his embrace.

"Shh," Zack soothed, his fingers gently stroking her hair.

Morwen cried her tears streaming down her cheeks.

They stood in silence, in a comforting embrace. The rain continued to pour down, the thunder rolling overhead.

"I'm so sorry," Morwen sobbed, her shoulders shaking.

"It's okay," Zack murmured, his voice barely audible over the sound of the storm.

"It's not," she whispered, her eyes closing.

"No, it's not," he agreed, his arms tightening around her. "But we'll get through this," he said, his voice steady. "We'll make it together."

"Do you promise?" Morwen asked, her voice fragile.

"I promise," Zack whispered, his lips gently pressing against her forehead.

Morwen could feel her body relaxing, the tension ebbing away. She was safe, she was with Zack. The storm raged on, the thunder booming, the rain falling, and the wind howling.

"We should get back," Zack said pulling away from her embrace.

The two of them began to make their way back to the ruins, their steps slow and measured. Zack picked up discarded pieces of wood, collecting them in his arms as they went. The wind whipped at their clothes, the rain pummeling their skin.

"Zack," Morwen called out, her voice trembling.

"What is it?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

"Thank you," she said, her words soft and hesitant.

 Morwen followed him back to the ruins, their footsteps splashing in the puddles. As they reached the safety of the crumbling structure, Morwen could feel her body beginning to relax, the fear and anxiety melting away. She was safe, she was with Zack, and they would get through this. They would get through anything.

"There you are," Ophelia called out, her voice edged with relief.

Malachi looked at them his facial expression unreadable.

"Let's get a fire going," Zack replied, his arms full of twigs and branches. He pulled out a tinderbox and started a fire, the heat of the flames warming them as the rain beat down outside.

Morwen and Zack settled in, the two of them huddled close, their bodies providing each other warmth. Ophelia sat across from them, her eyes focused on the crackling fire.

Malachi sat in silence, his thoughts racing. He was grateful for the distraction, his mind preoccupied with the events of the day. He couldn't stop thinking about his king, about the choices he had made. He couldn't shake the guilt that weighed down his soul, the grief that tore at his heart.

His gaze drifted to the others, his thoughts turning to his companions. He could feel the tension between them lifted. He sensed the connection between Morwen and Zack. They shared a bond, a deep and powerful bond. He could feel it. A pang of jealousy tugged at his thoughts.

As the fire crackled and the storm raged on, Captain Malachi felt more alone than ever. He was surrounded by people, but he had never felt so isolated. He was a stranger, an outsider, a shadow.

Morwen glanced at him, their eyes meeting. She smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and something else.

He smiled back, his gaze never wavering. In that moment, he felt like they had a connection, a silent understanding. He knew he had to earn their trust, to prove himself.

Morwen looked away, her eyes drifting to the fire.

Captain Malachi watched her, his gaze intense. He wanted to know more about her, about her life and her past. He wanted to understand her. But now wasn't the time.

As the rain poured and the fire burned, the four companions huddled together. Each lost in their own thoughts, each carrying their own burdens.