
C30. Unsatisfactory

Continuation of Jossie's POV:

     Zeke was nodding off in the chair. I watched as Casimir gently helped him place his head down on the counter. I was positive Zeke would have a sore neck in the morning. Casimir took off the blanket wrapped around his shoulders and put it under Zeke's head as he rubbed his head. It was the first I've seen Casimir do anything for anyone. It was so sweet in a way. We should both hate Zeke... But here that guy was trying to make it up to us. Too bad he nodded off. Casimir didn't notice I was still awake. I had been sitting so still I didn't want him to notice. He sat at the island with Zeke as he drunk a cup of coffee.

     He had remained quiet as he finished his cup. He'd fill it up once again. I watched him the whole time as he remained keeping a quiet pace amongst the kitchen. Only when he was coming back to his place beside Zeke did his eyes wander across the room.  His eyes would glance over at me and I tensed up as he caught me looking at him. He smiled as he quietly walked over to me and sat down on the floor next to my head.

"What are you doing awake?" He asked softly.

"I can't sleep," I admitted.

"You should get some sleep. I'll wake you up when the storm blows over," he promised. "We'll leave here immediately."

"I know... I still can't sleep." He offered the cup to me then.

     "You might as well take a sip," he said in amusement. "The storm is still too heavy to go out in." I sat up quickly and motioned for him to come up with me. He moved to where my head had been and I stole the mug and took a sip. His coffee was a little sweet but it was enough to make me enjoy it. I had forgotten how much I missed the simple things in life. I wish he was just some boy I was crushing on that maybe... lived next door. Something silly like my father disapproved but it wasn't stopping me from seeing him in secret. No- instead we're here in this reality.

     "Thank you," I whispered softly. Casimir promised to be loyal to me. Whatever is going on with the rogues... I know he's got nothing to do with it. "You tried to save me from this," I mumbled. I should have listened to him back at the diner the first time he came to me. I should have took him up on the offer with that date. We should have talked things out. If I had just listened... We wouldn't be here right now. None of this would be happening. "Casimir... Someone really did kill my father... but I believe you when you say you didn't do it. I really need you to help me find out who did it so we can avenge my father. You're still going to help me right?" After all the trouble he's been through here...

     Casimir took the mug and sat it aside before cupping my face with his hands. He pulled me close before kissing my forehead. I was able to smell his chest now. My head clouded in dirty thoughts. I wanted to mate with him. I think I wanted him from the very beginning. Casimir didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this. He's had nothing but trouble since he met me.

     "Thank you," he whispered. "For believing me when I have no proof besides my word." I nodded as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "You really..." he trailed off. "You really are something special to me. We will find your father's killer. I promise you that we'll be safe from here on out. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." His eyes landed on my lips as he let my head go slowly. His hands landed on mine as he held onto them. "We can start with assuming your sister knows something since she's the one trying to go after King Camren."

     "I don't know... Juliette's always wanted the best for herself... But, I don't think she'd know anything. She wasn't even home when it happened." That's why she's been ruled out from the start by everyone. Even if she's my twin and comes from the same bloodline.

     "That's why she's even more suspicious." He might be right... I should consider everyone the murderer until proven innocent. 

     "You have a point."

     I would have never considered her until he suggested it. How was he so good at this? Was he used to finding murderers? Is that what rogues were used to?

     I looked him in the eyes as I leaned in and stole a kiss from him. Our lips collided as he reacted fast. He put the cup aside on the coffee table. His hands pushed me backwards as he started to crawl on top of me. I smiled as I took the blanket and laid it on top of us. It was warm underneath. His lips came back to meet mine as he reached behind my neck and pulled me closer to him. This was nice. He was nice. I wanted more. I wanted to mark him. I just... wasn't sure how. 

     "D-do you mind if I were to mark you? R-Right here... right now?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't know what he would say. "I want to..." I trailed off as I couldn't find the courage to ask him how I should do it. Casimir pulled his head away from mine so we could make eye contact. 

     "Are you sure?" He asked as he looked uncertain. "Jossie..." he trailed off and looked like he was thinking of a way to tell me no.

     "P-please don't say it," I whispered. "I don't think I could stand hearing you say it." He bit his bottom lip as he looked to be thinking. I could see the dark highlights in his sea green eyes. The dark permitted me an imagination that they were staring at me. He was so hot. I couldn't stand the thought of him telling me no. I didn't want to be denied. Not after loosing Jude. Casimir was thin like a model with toned muscles that were hidden amongst the spare clothes. Between his legs was a bulge pressed up against me. It was hard like there was a zucchini ready to pop out. Casimir was very aroused. His scent told me so. I knew he wouldn't say no if I kept begging. "Casimir... I want to be your mate." It was like a whistle. His face lit up in a light blush. He was making my hair stand up across my arms.  

     "On one condition," he mumbled. 


     "I don't want to just be marked. If you really want to mark me then you should expect a matching mark of your own." He looked serious. He really wasn't going to back down from what he wanted. He deserved to mark me. He was right. If I was going to mark him he should be able to do the same to me. I bit my bottom lip as I couldn't think of a reason we shouldn't. We might not have another chance to. 

     "I want to mark you first," I whispered. 

     "I can agree to that." 

     He tilted his head as he offered it to me. I stared him down as I couldn't bring myself to understand what to do next. I leaned up and kissed him softly in the crook. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "C-Casimir... I don't know what to do," I admitted. 

     "Whatever we do... Don't wake up your friend over there," he teased lightly in my ear. He nibbled on my ear suddenly and I could feel the delight of my insides growing moist. I suddenly became aware of how hot it was getting under the covers. I went to push them off but he shook his head. "No- Don't. It'll help keep our scent in check." His reminder made me smell the air. His pheromones were stronger now. It was a major spin for me. My head felt light. I was floating in pure essence. His scent was off by a long shot. It was sending my body into a hot frenzy. I smelled he was aroused before... But, this was NEW. His scent was calling to me. 

     "Don't keep me waiting." His voice was rough as he tried not to go over a certain octave. His scent was overwhelming. It was making me dizzy. I was sure I had soaked through my clothes by now. My own scent was inside the blanket. I barely could keep my mouth shut. I wanted to moan from it's scent. I decided now was a good time as I leaned in and started to suck on his skin. I would leave a hickey as payback for his attitude. 

     "You smell so good," I mumbled as I pulled back from his neck. I could see his face was straining. His body was shaking on top of me. He wasn't used to being teased. I giggled slightly in my own amusement. 

     "You keep laughing," he warned. "It'll only count as a reason for me to get you." He reached down to my tank top and yanked it up. I suddenly felt our skin connect as his heated abs touched my soft skin. I felt my mouth drooling. 

     Ah... I'm so screwed. What will happen if we accidentally wake up Zeke? I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was still asleep. Before I could get a good look my head was forced back. Casimir had turned me back to him as he stole a kiss from me.

     "All you've got to do is bite into me," he whispered in my ear. "Your body will know what to do automatically." It was that easy? He touched my skin as his fingers lingered on the entrance to my shorts I was wearing. I wasn't sure what he was thinking... But, I knew I wanted it. I nodded slowly. 

     "Do it," I mumbled. "While I bite you. Do it!" I felt a little shocked as I wasn't sure if my voice broke out and woke Zeke. But- his light snores were heard seconds later after my voice. Casimir sure is something... He was tempting. I wonder what he would be like without the strain of another person holding him back? If Zeke wasn't here... I'm sure I would be begging for mercy. His hand slipped into my pants. They were cold at first but my heat would eventually warm them up. I felt shameful when he stopped. His fingers resting against my hairs. They were soaked. My thighs were soaked. 

     He gently rubbed his fingers across my hair. Not yet pressing forward. It was enough to send me overboard. I was bothered as he teased me. H-He was doing it on purpose. He wouldn't touch me fully. It was like he was waiting. I wanted to play with him too. I wanted to feel him up. I wanted to explore his body. I waited all my life for a moment like this. I felt like such a pervert. It was a little unfair we weren't alone.

     Zeke was the biggest cock block I've ever met. 

     I leaned back into his neck as I needed something to distract me. I couldn't take it much longer. I was sure enough going to jump his ass if he waited any longer. I took his advice as this time I picked a spot in the crook of his neck. I gave it a gentle kiss before biting in hard. I could taste iron as his blood got in my mouth. It was gross but I could hear him holding back a quiet moan. His fingers gently caressed my clit suddenly. I bit down harder as I wasn't sure if it had worked. He pressed his finger against a pressure point as he rubbed. His fingers were soaked in the matter of seconds. 

     I could smell my choking scent hiding under the covers. I knew I was releasing some sort of- scent. It was strong. But, his was stronger. It was like my own scent was mixing with his. I couldn't explain it but it smelled right. He smelled like he belonged to me. It reminded me of how Nathalie smelled like she belonged to Veronica. I must have done something right.

     I pulled away from his neck as I released him. He was panting quietly as he looked at me with permission. I nodded and slowly felt his fingers sliding into me. His index first as it opened me up and rubbed the inside of my vagina. I blushed as I looked away from him and couldn't find myself to look back. It was too good. I was panting as I couldn't decide on how to hide my moans that were surfacing. He leaned down into my ear with a teasing chuckle. 

     "Don't wake Zeke up," he mumbled as I suddenly felt the blanket near my mouth. "Bite down into this." It was a good suggestion as I bit down into it to keep quiet. He was not letting up as he stretched and relieved me of my longing for him. His fingers worked from one to two in. I was in pain at first bit it felt good right after. His thumb would play with my favorite spot. It would run against my clit and massage it gently. He was a soft lover. He pushed my shorts down and raised my legs to cross against my stomach. They rested on his chest. I suddenly felt the zucchini slide to fit tucked between my thighs. It was his dick- I knew it. He was being thoughtful as he used my thighs to get off. He rubbed his shaft between my soaked thighs and kept at pleasing me. I squeezed my thighs as I wanted to make it feel good for him also. He looked down at me with a soft smile. 

     We were in an understanding. Tonight wasn't going to be the night I lost my virginity... It would just be a night of satisfaction. His hands would stay busy with me. It was endless seeming. But, not enough. It wasn't enough for me. I wanted more. I'd have to wait to have him. I suddenly felt something wet and slimy hit my stomach. I glanced down through the dark to see the tip of his shaft leaking a white substance. That was cum! It was white and leaked down onto my hairs. I blushed slightly. His hands suddenly cupped my face as he pulled me into a kiss. It was longing as he pushed his tongue into my mouth and captured my togue. Suddenly he began to suck. I was forced to keep in the moans as he rocked his hips into mine. His fingers slipped out of me as I knew that was all I could have tonight.

     I pushed back on his chest as I breathed heavily. I was tired suddenly like my body was persuading me to go to sleep now. It was no fair. I looked up into his eyes with wonder. "A-Aren't you going to mark me back?" I asked him. I felt my eyes lowering by force as I was fighting to stay awake. What's going on? Why am I so tired now?

     "Maybe I'll wait," he said. "You look like you could use some sleep." It was no fair. I wanted him. I wanted more of him! I thought I just had coffee to stay awake. I thought we agreed... "Get some sleep," he told me and kissed me on my forehead. This was no fair. Not in the middle of my greatest lifetime goal! I was about to finish mating with him. He was supposed to mark me back. It was cold as he left me and covered me back up. The warmth of the blanket hit me like a rock to the head. I was completely out of control as my eyes shut on me. My body was working against me.