
A Couple In Another World

Both were transported to another world, but they found themselves in different places. The God's demand blood offerings, and a war is approaching. What would you do to be with her again? What would you do to be with him again? Follow the tracks of both as they challenge the worlds they were thrown at.

Dini_Jimenez · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 8a – Hand to hand combat

Sania was the name of Farlan's wife, «This guy doesn't have imagination FARlan + SANia = Sandar» I sighed...

The food had the chicken flavor, but the broth was insipid, they don't know anything about the vegetables flavor, Farlan said that it was delicious, I also said the same although the food that Clara prepared far outweighed this attempt at food.

We were talking a bit, - Yesterday when I reached home, my daughter asked me for you, didn't though about where you could sleep, she was mad hahaha – Farlan was laughing so hard, her wife hit her in the back of his head.

-Dear, how come you would forget about that, I'm happy the kid found where to sleep, but things could have been worse, be careful, the kind can give you a punishment next time-

-Yeah Farla, I'm going to tell them you won't take care of me- I said jokingly.


After returning to the stables, some recruits were already exercising, I walked alongside Farlan and we headed to the center, where the recruits instantly make rows of 10 I took a place next to them.

-Very well, there are 6 days left, today we will dedicate ourselves to hand-to-hand combat, you lot know the rules so I only want to see leather equipment, leave the metal aside and I want you all in formation 2 minutes, NOW! -

They all ran to take off their armor, I stayed in my place since I had no clothes to change into.

-Boy, go change, there are clothes in that building- he pointed at the weapons cellar - Your clothes are already dirty and torn from the exercise with Dorian and me, it would be good if you improve your defense, now run-

I took the equipment, put on a leather breastplate that covered the heart and left shoulder, the clothes were heavy and smelled of horse skin, but I preferred to use this than to rip more the clothes Clara had bought me, those clothes I kept them in the Inventory.

-Very well, pick a partner yourselves and every 5 minutes I will shout to change so you will fight everyone-

We all took a spot in different areas of the field, a boy a little shorter than me picked me as his sparring partner.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Benno" A boy of about 18 years old, extended his hand to me, while I shake his hand, I checked his muscles, I could see the bulges in his shirt, that kind of strength must be for the weapon training they have been doing, he must be 1.75m, it was a little smaller than my 1.81m, I was taller but his arms were definitely thicker than mine.

"Nice to meet you Benno, my name is Elliot, I would prefer you to call me that and not the title they have forced me to carry" I looked at him smiling.

-5 minutes may be too much for you, so if you get tired I'll stop- Benno said with a big smile

-That's considerate, but I already spent almost an hour training non-stop with Farlan in the morning-

Benno was silent and gave me a look of anger. –Ouu! So you trained with the Chief… I'm sorry Elliot but maybe I can't contain myself much- I could see his envy for having personal training with Farlan

The boy spread his arms and legs, took an open position, the openings in his defense were too noticeable.

-Is that your guard? - I told him dissapointed

-Heh, it surprises you right, the melee combat is designed by ourselves, and it's polished later in the individual training, I came with this, I'll try not to break any bone- He was confident.

More than surprising me, I felt sorry... I took my favorite position, I extended my right arm to the front and the left one lowered it to the level of the heart, I placed my feet just like my arms, and I began to jump in my place, I could see how Benno, was laughing at my posture, that pissed me off and only increased my desire to fight, weapons were perhaps not my thing, but in hand-to-hand fights I was good. «So he ridiculed, the stance my Sabom teached me»

-FIGHT!!!- Farlan shout to all recruits.

Benno dash at me with his arms outstretched, he just ran in a straight line with the intention of grabbing me, -Heh!... that's useless- I couldn't help but smile feeling sorry for him, I measured the time and when he approached my range, I rotated my body, jump and raising my left leg tracing a tornado roundhouse kick towards your face.

The result… Benno was kocked out unconscious after the first kick... perhaps trying a "modollyo furyo" was a mistake, I quickly approached the boy and lifting his neck started to unbutton his clothes so that he could breathe.

- Boy what are you doing? Leave him alone you won- Farlan approached to us.

-No! I'm sorry I knocked him out, I'm opening his clothes so he can breathe and don't choke-

-Then are you helping him? Go on let me see-

I finished undoing the thread that held his clothes together and ripped it up to the height of his plexus, took off his shoes, put one on his neck to keep the airway straight, looked up to the crowd that formed -Somebody bring me water, and a little alcohol-

Everyone looked at me confused.

-Why don't you just leave him there? -

-We are training it's his fault for being defeated-

-Benno is an idiot-


-SIR, YES SIR- both shouted in unison.

-Explain the procedure to me boy, what do you plan to do? - Farlan got closer as did the other recruits.

-Look, this guy got kicked in the face, he may have had a concussion, it was my mistake to think that he could resist the kick, he really looks muscular, leaving that aside, alcohol is for smell it and that will activate his brain, the water is for him to sip when he wakes up, or you can throw it on top so that his reaction is to breathe as soon as possible but that's not recomendable, the point is to not keep him unconscious, because there can be respiratory problems if we leave him for a long time like this-

The two arrived with the stuff, the gave me the alcohol, I soaked my hands with it and put them to his nose, Benno immediately reacted and tried to get up, which I pushed him to the floor in responde, -You have to do this slowly, you've been unconscious-

-Woah! Elliot, you defeated me with one blow, hahahaha! and I thought you were useless when I saw you fight with Dorian, sorry- he said while sitting on the floor.

-Apologies accepted and I hope you accept mine for hitting you so hard-

-Leaving this settled- Farlan said – Benno! go rinse your face, and come back to me after doing it, if Elliot considers that you cannot train today you will listen, the others continue in their positions and fight each other every 5 minutes, Marno, Gipen, Kirra, Elliot, come with me-

The 4 of us approached him and he stared at us -Elliot, Gipen face to face- we stare at each other and move to our position.

-On guard- Farlan said

So he wanted to see my way of fighting up close, I took the same position as with Benno, while Gipen placed his feet on a long guard and his arms were placed as if he was holding a weapon above him, I could almost see Dorian's shadow on him.


Unlike Benno, Gipen didn't dash, he looked at me carefully and didn't move from his place, I observed him… he wasn't going to move, so I moved first, I dashed with a leg impulse and enter his range, I placed my left foot in the area and gave a backward jump, just as Gipen tried to hold me by the arm.

-Counter-attack and grab- I said, while his face was stunned -you spend your time waiting to be attacked, and you maintain a range in which you have the advantage with your leg stretched and your body separated, achieving that we can't measure the range-

«But that won't do much good» I leaned towards him and pretending to push myself again, hit the ground with my foot, that made Gipen lose his balance when falling on the feint, with my right leg I kicked him and when he lost his balance, I approached fast grabbing him by the neck, did a twist and throwed him to the ground, holding his arm to not letting him hit the ground.

-Ippon- I yelled as I went back to take my guard waiting for him to get up.

-Enough- said Farlan - Kirra, Marlon, you both against the rookie -

I saw how the two looked at each other confused, but both adopted their positions, Kirra looked like a boxer with his feet together and his arms covering his face, while Marlon had the same position as Benno.


They both launched instantly, Marlon tried to hold me, but I took a step back keeping my guard, I thought about giving him the same kick as Benno, but I would be exposed to the other one, when he was not being able to hold me with the charge, Kirra appeared next to me, and threw punches with his left hand moving his feet clockwise.

-Boxing in all its splendor- I managed to murmur watching the boy throw jabs, while I was on guard.

Marlon charged again but this time, I stretched out my hand and grabbed Kirra's, I traded places with him making Marlon held him instead of me and while he was confused keeping Kirra still, I kicked his knee and hit the liver, Marlon let go of Kirra but he fell to the ground, holding his stomach.

«One more to go»

Marlon looked at me angrily and approached me, I let him grab my arm and using his speed decided to throw him over, took him and turn my body below him, lift him up and throw him to the ground.

After leaving them both on the ground, I turned to look at Farlan, he was smiling. -Heh! It's not over boy- after saying this Gipen held me in a "Rear Naked Choke".

«Kuh! I didn't see that coming» I was losing my breath, tried to calm me down, with my foot I swept Gipen and we both fell to the ground.

I fell on top of him and hit his plexus, before both recover our breathing, I held his arm and locked him in a wrestling move, managing to surrender him.

-Enough- said Farlan and separated us.

I tried to regain my breathing, while helping Gipen and the others get up.

-These three are the best in close combat, and you defeated all 3 and fighting together, hahahaha, excellent- Farlan eyes were shining.

All three held their heads down, they felt sorry after Farlan's words.

-But I don't think you can beat them in weapon combat, it is very different you are lacking there- The three looked up and looked at Farlan.

I looked at them and said -I have specialized in hand-to-hand combat in the world where I come from, I can't use weapons don't have complete knowledge about how to handle them, but in a fight without them, it could be said that I am an expert-

-Ok! "Expert", I want you to teach what you know to them, I need that at least these three learn something from you by today, remember that you don't fight alone in the Great Fall, you need a vast number of allies and I don't want you lot to fight each other for stupid reasons like jealousy or wanting to be better than others-


Finishing saying this he said. –I will return before noon, you all will train with Elliot as the person in charge, anyone who learns something from him will be able to be in the special training- Saying that he left.

When Farlan left the stables a window appeared.

-Farlan has left the party-

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

'Begginer melee combat technique learned, level 20'

Beginner melee combat mastery, new technique learned.

'Intermediate melee combat technique learned, level 20'

Intermediate melee combat mastery, new technique learned.

'Advanced Melee Combat Technique learned, Level 12, Exp 0%'

Skills learned.

Dragon Strike ---------- MP: 10

Star Fist ---------- MP: 25

Flying Tornado kick ---- MP: 20

Crescent moon -------- MP: 35

Endless kicks --------- MP: 50

AGI +10

STR +3

Fame: +50 (Farlan Academy)

Title acquired: Battle Genius / +5 STR, + 5VIT, CRITICAL 20%

Forced title: Combat Master lv 1 / Students Training x2

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

«Huh? Forced title... that's new» while looking at my data the recruits looked at me expectantly.

-Okeeey!... well apparently I should teach you all, about fighting without weapons, first of all, remember that I am the summoned Hero, so I hope you are not scared when you see this-

-Inviting recruits as students-

A window appeared in front of each of them, asking if they accepted.

-I just got a skill to make training twice as effective, I hope that those who want to learn faster will accept the request, and I know that Farlan is your teacher, but he is also my teacher, so Farlan will continue to be our main Master- I said this to eliminate the issoues of those who would not accept me as their teacher.

-How do we accept this?-

-Why can I read this, I don't know how to read-

-This is scary-

-Well, reach your finger to the 'floating thing' and move the finger to the one that says 'YES'-

One by one they were accepting and in the end, they all pressed yes, they couldn't see their status, but I could see each one of them.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

'Examine has risen in rank, now it will express the ages of each person'

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

That means that some of the skills will be able to go up and improve, I started to get excited, I couldn't wait.

-Very well, I want you to line up in rows of 7 and we will start to warm up before the training of combat techniques, I would like to improve the style of each one of you so I do not plan to teach the same to each one-

They all formed instantly, and I started the warm up.

Having them as students awoke that memory of my own school, and I wondered if my students would care about me… my family… my friends… I must find a way to get Clara back, and helping in this war seems to me the fastest way, I hope to make all these recruits carry out my mission.

I sighed and looked up, asking for her to be safe.

Re-upload, sorry got a mistake my wife pointed out.

(Do I put the status every chapter, or only important ones?)

Dini_Jimenezcreators' thoughts