
A Couple In Another World

Both were transported to another world, but they found themselves in different places. The God's demand blood offerings, and a war is approaching. What would you do to be with her again? What would you do to be with him again? Follow the tracks of both as they challenge the worlds they were thrown at.

Dini_Jimenez · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 3b - Jagged Shine

When I realized I had already taken his hand, and I was on his dragon form back.

We flew over the town, at the distance it looked like a small town, but it was huge, I really couldn't compare it, but we still didn't reach the castle, and we have been flying for over 12 minutes.

From below, the dragons in their normal form watched us, many took flight and pirouetted around us, Arget could communicate with the mind, and spoke to me about the factions within his clan and the other dragons.

There are more than 16 races of "monsters", including elves, fairies and dragons, the reason for being classified as such is because of the blessing of the gods. 1 for humans, 1 for demons and 1 for dragons, the name for this combination was said to be "monster", that also includes humans, we were given a piece of land to live in the human world, but they do not respect the earth or nature.

That is why the dragons decided to seclude themselves in the world of demons, our great strength and intelligence would serve more here, and thus not generate controversy, nor unnecessary wars.

Each race named have the ability to think or speak, and we also named ourselves for the little differences between, the elementals rule over the 5 elements and they have their own "clan", the ghosts have their own elements, the elves named clans between them, the dark, snow, forest and the pure ones, and we too exclude ourselves and name our differences, and we gather together in our similarities.

Dragon clans were differentiated by the color of their internal scales and the magic by which they were endowed. Even if a couple of different clans had a child, it would have to grow within the customs of their scale clan.

Arget explained to me about magic and its effects, about who was fit and the elements of each one, from the power of the wind to the power of water or fire.

He talked about two races of divine dragons, and they were defined as races and not clans since they only exist in legends of creation of the gods, the golden dragon of light and the black dragon of darkness.

As we approached the castle, I saw how a green color flooded the space that flew over, the other dragons withdrew from our escort.

Upon reaching the castle I was dazzled, everything was pure emerald, carved to shape the pillars, the ground, the walls, I came down from Arget's back, and my legs lost their strength.

I fell trembling and a strong feeling welled up inside me, tears formed instantly, such a beauty had captivated me, and my body did not know how to react to such emotion and happiness, I kept looking sideways, Arget had taken human form and he was looking at me with fear, but my eyes had remained fixed behind him, when he dissolved his dragonic form, a source appeared behind.

I regained mobility in my body and slowly dragged me closer to a fountain, its color twinkled with the green sun, and the carving, and the shapes they maintained, were perfect, the water was cleaned by touching such beauty, this could not be the work of humans, although on second thought, there were no humans here.

Arget came up next to me, and with a smile he told me about the fountain, -This is called Jagged Shine, it was built by me, in one of my mineral molding classes, no part was cut or discarded from this sculpture, something that we are proud of in the wind clan, is in the molding of precious stones through the mind and magic, my father praised me and decided to place it in the center of the hall, I am honored that you like it- Commented with a hint of pride in his voice.

I was amazed, I couldn't find words for such sculptures, such architectural wonder, I sighed at such beauty, after calming down I followed Arget towards the inner chamber, the castle inside was even more beautiful, marble adorned the place, and statues of jade dragons, at the end there were huge doors carved in somekind of mineral, I could not differentiate the stones, everything was too much for me.

We reached the throne room, a door so big that I had to take more than 10 steps back to see it all, Arget entered first and announced my arrival, instantly I died of embarrassment, I had not yet received a bath and was still Covered with dirt and blood, my hair was disgusting, and my clothes had cuts and scrapes, so I should not introduce myself to a sovereign, let alone the dragon king, but it was too late, I could not flee, nor say something to Arget.

With tears of shame and my head looking at the ground I enter the room, when I looking up, a dragon, perhaps the largest of them was in front of me, its body stretched for more than 200 meters and It curled up to lean on itself, the first thing that came to my mind was Quetzalcóatl, a giant feathered serpent, its scales shined white on its jade green color, and two oak horns decorated its head.

The dragon dissapeared, and his human form walked towards me an imposing figure, a straight and hard sovereign, a white beard with a square head, a gold colored crown with green stones on his head and a cape that undulated in the air, possibly made it swing with magic, he stood up in front of me and when he put a knee on the ground, I let out an involuntary scream.

-Ki... King Dr... Dragon p... pl... p... please no...- I stammered, terrified by his attitude.

-Miss White Halo, I!... The Leader of the Wind Dragons welcomes you to this humble castle, I beg of you to make it your place, and I ask for mercy not to destroy us if something offended you or if my stupid son Calgary said something to upset you.- He said and then got up with a smile on his old face.

I didn't know what to say, the shock of such a powerful king bowing to me, I couldn't process what had happened, but a thought crossed my mind.

What had happened to me, and who was I now?

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