
A Couple In Another World

Both were transported to another world, but they found themselves in different places. The God's demand blood offerings, and a war is approaching. What would you do to be with her again? What would you do to be with him again? Follow the tracks of both as they challenge the worlds they were thrown at.

Dini_Jimenez · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 1b - Arrival

The wind woke me up, I was lying on the dirt floor, all I could hear was a strong whistle that made all the near trees to crack, supporting myselfwith a tree I stood up and looked at the sky, a dark green covered all the stars and a moon glowed with shades of jade, disoriented and with a huge headache, I tried to remember what happened, there was a light, a circle, something was pulling me and then nothing....

-Gasp*.... Elliot-

Where was he?, rubbed my eyes and looked around, but there was no one near me, I tried to think, make this something beliavable but nothing made sense, maybe this was another of my weird dreams, pinched my arm and felt pain.

-Well maybe this is not a dream-

I walked with no direction, and I saw far away a mountain with hundreds of red lights at the bottom, I decided to walk to there, maybe people was in that place, saw my bag on a tree and grab it but all the stuff inside was on the floor, While I was picking them up, I made a cheklist of what I had.

Cellphone, card holder, make up, wet towels, and the new clothes I just bought.

I made a remark giving my congratulations to past me. -Past me, you're amazing for choosing a sport get up today- it was then that I walked towards the possible town.

Two hours passed and the "town" looked farther, I wasn't good at checking distance but it has been a while and I can't reach it, I was angry, bored, tired, and restless, finally I decided to rest a bit down a tree, moaning for the long walk.

Four hours later still keep walking, I started to remember what was to use a car, I didn't even knew how to drive, but Elliot owned one, he actually tried to make me learn how to drive it, but I didn't wanted it... -Oh.. Elliot, where could you be?, are you thinking of me?- I really need to find him, with my resolution charged I keep walking.

My feet hurted like hell, the town actually looked near this time, but then I heard a rustling in the woods, the sound keep getting louder and it... surround me?

-Wolfs!- was my first though... I was alone and they would kill me and eat me, I wouldn't see my mother again, and Elliot, I tried to run but my legs where glued to the floor by fear, to the right a monster came out.

It had the body with grey fur, its arms were extremely long, the back legs bended backwards, I fell to the floor and shout with all my might.

-Why?... why does this thing have to happen to me?... Green sky... monsters... where am I?, why me?, and the worst of all, this monsters looked exatly as my nightmare demon, it came closer I could see the drool falling, I sudden roar surrounded the place, and eight more monsters appeared around me, I was their dinner... that was it, I was dead, nothing could save me, no one would came to my rescue... Elliot where are you?

A monologue started in my mind, Why?... Why me?... Why does this happen to me?... what in the name of hell is happening?... why?.. why?... WHY?... -I started to shout and cry- FREAKING BEASTS, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME, KEEP AWAY, DIE YOU STUPID BEASTS.

A light appeared from my hands when I shout to the monsters and with a sudden movement it reach every monster at the same time, they exploded at touch and only the legs remained in place, they fell to the floor with a splat* gross sound, I was dazzed while it rained.

The rain stopped almost instantly and I realized it was the blood of the monsters that fell on me. I cried at the moment, nausea... I barfed to the side, and cried, and shout, and cried again, and vomit again...

I saw this, and looked at my hands... -I killed them... I did this... ohh...-

I raised up and taking the meat pieces out of my body I walked towards the town thinking -If I can do this, maybe I can find Elliot-.

Once again If you happen to see mistakes in grammar let me know, also hope you all enjoy the story.

Dini_Jimenezcreators' thoughts