
A Compromise

Michelle_Neslie · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Job Hunting

The following day, I woke up so early. It was time to seize the day. I needed to find a job that suited my degree, Bachelor of Elementary Education. All my papers were complete. I chose to find a job. I did not want to work in my family's company. It was almost bankrupt.

I took a shower, fixed myself and went for breakfast. As usual, my parents were not around. I fixed myself again and brought all my requirements with me and headed outside, took a cab and went to my first destination. I paid the taxi driver and hopped out of the cab. I walked towards the school's gate. "Good morning, Sir. I'm here to pass a job application," I told the guard who stood near the gate. He took my application and said, "we'll just contact you." "Thank you, Sir." I smiled and went away. The sun shone brightly up the sky. It was already summer. I checked my list and headed to my next target.