
A collection of Short Stories

Please enjoy a selection of short stories written by a sleep deprived writer on a sugar high! None of them are particularly NSFW but a few do have violence or descriptions of blood, disease and death. - Frodo xxx

Frodoughnut · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Power in Darkness

I'm just your version of heaven. The rays pull the silvers in my hair to the surface, turn my ocean eyes to a sharp green. I can feel the very cells that make up my being, replenishing with the midnight sun. I needn't do anything but lay still, my beauty is enough to conquer mountains and oceans. Not even the greatest marksman or swordsman can defeat me when her cool approval is cast upon me. I am nothing but your every desire. You cannot cast me into the dark for that is where I thrive. You won't see me coming for the silver lady leaves my shadow to run though the stars not your sight. I am a mighty being and you are but a fly on my arm. Fly, fly away for there is nothing for you to feast upon in the lands of the silent. You may think no beasts stir but they only hear your foolishness like one of your machines. No gasp for breath or cry of fear can escape their pointed ears. Your footsteps plough through the gardens I grew like your human noises through the dark. You disturb me but you do not scare me. I tower over you yet you don't see me. Your kind is blind to the real world. The world that lies behind children's eyes and the world that lives under the roots of the trees. The world that lays behind your drawn curtains and the world that is over the 7th cloud. You are but a man where as I am a new power. I am your every desire. I am the ocean that you are but a drop in. I am anyone but you. I am not a dream. I am a nightmare.