tenya becomes a teacher at Ua the year after Izuku's little sister graduates.
He got up inside the bed with her. He pulled the covers tightly. He then put his arm around her waist on top of the covers
She got as close to him as she could before nuzzling his chest sighing a bit
He tucked one arm under her head as he held her in
She figured it would be awhile so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
When he realized she fell asleep he didn't dare to move he just kept on holding her
as hours went on a doctor finally walked in and Mizuki slowly woke up and sat up straight in the bed rubbing her eyes a bit.
He sat up slowly, a little saddened since the cuddles where over. He didnt get them often not even when he was a child
the doctor sat down and asked Mizuki why she was here "my quirk has been burning my throat every time i push it to the limit sometimes i cough up blood and recovery girl as tried to fix it but nothing works i was hoping to have surgery to get it fixed without my family knowing"
Tenya got off the bed andoved to the corner of the room to give them the chance to talk to each other
as they talked more he told her that the surgery would be risky as she could loose her ability to speak if it went wrong but she would still be able to use her quirk she looked over at Tenya wanting his opinion on it
"I can't decide that for you" he said giving her a stern look. "This is your decision to make"
Mizuki nodded before looking at the doctor "i rather risk it than keep hurting"
He kept his eyes on her as she told the doctor that
the doctor nodding saying they'll get her in as soon as they could.