
A Chance To Rewrite My Story

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Amy Churchill Bryan. I got married to Jim Bryan when I was just 24 years. My father, Donald Churchill was a big business mogul in the city before he died. I was the only child of my parents. Before my father died, he handed over a wooden box that had a special key to my mother. He had said it was a present meant for my future husband. I never knew what was in the box and I wasn't supposed to know what was there. Even my mother didn't know what was there. When I got married to Jim, my mother handed over the present to him. He opened it and he said it wasn't the right time to reveal what was there. Soon, I forgot about the present or the content and we never spoke about it for years. It had been 20 years since Jim and I got married. Our marriage became manageable and a little bit enjoyable after the birth of our first son. We named him David. After that, we had a girl and we called her Grace. And then we had another girl and we called her the name Matilda. Our marriage became better having kids around us. Although, I still couldn't feel this intense love between Jim and me but we were just cool. Jim would apologize at the onset of any quarrel and we were just couples. It was our 20th wedding anniversary and Jim had organized vacation for us. He had bought our plane tickets to a beautiful city and I felt elated by the news. "Probably, the first love that existed between us was about to be rekindled" I had thought. Jim had said it was a three days vacation and so, we packed a few clothes for the trip. We were going to a resort centre to have a good time and of course to have fun. Our kids were still in school and so, we had all the time to ourselves. There was nobody to disturb us. Jim and I got dressed up and left the resort centre. Jim later told me while we were in the car driving to the airport that he had a place to show me. He said it was a beautiful sight to behold and we would spend the remaining two days there before returning home. So, he diverted from the route that lead to the airport and headed to the place he had talked about. The road was so lonely and I became uncomfortable. "Hey Jim, where are we going to? Are you sure we are heading the right way?" I asked in fear. "Don't worry my love, we would soon get there" Jim had assured me. In twenty minutes, Jim parked the car and we both alighted. "Where is this Jim?" I asked again feeling more disturbed this time around. "You worry too much Amy," Jim said as he brought out a blindfold. "I'm going to cover your eyes now and lead you to the surprise. Remember, it's a surprise love" Jim said as he blindfolded my eyes and led me to a place that looked like the cliff of a mountain. "Amy dear, at the count of three, you can take off the blindfold and see the surprise I have for you" "Okay dear," I said in anticipation. "One…two…. three," Jim said as he gave a loud laugh. As I opened the blindfold, I saw Him point a gun directly at my skull and I was standing just at the cliff of a mountain. "Jim, please don't do this to me! I'm sorry dear" I cried for my life. At this point, I was in regret. Marrying Jim was the greatest mistake ever. I wished I could have another chance to rewrite my story. I wished I hadn't married Jim. Jim immediately pulled the trigger and it was targeted at my skull. He shot me three times and I fell off the cliff instantly. That was the end of my life! I was gone! My lifeless body sank beneath the blue sea. Probably, I must have been eaten by the sharks and whales but all I remember was that that was the end of my life. I was gone!

Isibor_Precious · Thành thị
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One More Chance

The news of my death had spread like wildfire. Jim had cooked up a bull story and it was believed by all. He said we had both been kidnapped on our way to the airport by my ex-boyfriend 'Zach' who was seeking revenge and I was thrown over the cliff by Zach and his guys. The police tried looking for Zach but to no avail. He wasn't even in the country then. In no time, my case was forgotten and justice wasn't served. My kids couldn't help but cry at the death of their mother. Two months later, Jim got married to the lady of his dreams 'Annabelle'. He had been secretly dating Annabelle even before we got married. It was both of them who had planned my death. I had suspected Jim was seeing someone then but I couldn't guess who it was. If Jim wasn't interested in me, why didn't he opt for a divorce? The reason for his action balled down to the content of the wooden box my father gave to him. The box contained the documents of some important assets and properties my father had. It was stated there that my future spouse could only claim ownership of all those properties on our 20th wedding anniversary. I wouldn't blame my father for his actions. He just wanted the best for me. Jim had perfectly set his plans well. He tried to stay with me for 20 years even though he wasn't in love with me. He was a gold digger!

That night at the resort centre while laying on Jim's hairy chest, he brought out some documents and he asked me to sign them. I didn't bother reading them but those were the documents of the contract. After my death, Jim claimed ownership of all my father's properties and his old-time lover moved in with him. He forgot his role as a father and my kids were literally on their own trying to survive. Before I took my last breath when the first bullet got into my skull, I was filled with regret and I wished I could have just one chance to rewrite my story and set things right.

I opened my eyes and I saw the unbelievable. I could feel myself. My soul was in a body. I was alive again! I ran my hands through my face and it was soft as silk. I ran my hands through my breast and it was as firm as an orange. I immediately jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom and I peered into the mirror. It was me, Amy. It was my younger self. It was the 24-year old me. I was alive!

"Hey babe, you are awake? Good morning my love." The young man walked into the room and said smiling.

I stared at him trying to figure out who he was and what he was doing in my room.

"Good morning," I said trying not to raise suspicion.

"Yesterday was so much fun, Amy. It was the happiest day of my life. I'm so glad that we are finally married. " He had said but this time embracing me gently.

Immediately he hugged me, the cologne he was wearing sent a signal to my brain. It was Jim. He was my husband in my past life. The whole story wasn't clear to me. Did I reincarnate? How did I die in my past life? I had never believed in reincarnation. So what was happening to me? These were questions I had asked myself. I was so certain I had lived a previous life. I had reincarnated. Same body, same husband, same environment but twenty years before my death.

After taking my bath, I went to take a look at the mirror again examining my body. I couldn't remember the cause of my death in my past life. I peered through my body searching for any clue and then I saw three pronounced dark spots on the side of my head. That immediately sent a signal to my brain and I saw myself standing on a cliff removing a blindfold. Then, I saw him. Yes, it was the same man who had greeted me this morning. It was Jim. He was holding a gun and then he pulled the trigger on my skull and then I fell. That was all I could remember. I immediately burst into tears and started crying. I was murdered by my husband.

It then dawned on me that I had been given a chance to rewrite my story. Before I died in my previous life, I had wished for a second chance. A second chance to make things right. Probably an angel had heard my prayers and that was why I was reborn. I was reborn to rewrite my story. I was reborn to avert my death. Unfortunately, I had gotten married to Jim. It was the day after we had gotten married. How then do I rewrite my story?