
A Chance To Rewrite My Story

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Amy Churchill Bryan. I got married to Jim Bryan when I was just 24 years. My father, Donald Churchill was a big business mogul in the city before he died. I was the only child of my parents. Before my father died, he handed over a wooden box that had a special key to my mother. He had said it was a present meant for my future husband. I never knew what was in the box and I wasn't supposed to know what was there. Even my mother didn't know what was there. When I got married to Jim, my mother handed over the present to him. He opened it and he said it wasn't the right time to reveal what was there. Soon, I forgot about the present or the content and we never spoke about it for years. It had been 20 years since Jim and I got married. Our marriage became manageable and a little bit enjoyable after the birth of our first son. We named him David. After that, we had a girl and we called her Grace. And then we had another girl and we called her the name Matilda. Our marriage became better having kids around us. Although, I still couldn't feel this intense love between Jim and me but we were just cool. Jim would apologize at the onset of any quarrel and we were just couples. It was our 20th wedding anniversary and Jim had organized vacation for us. He had bought our plane tickets to a beautiful city and I felt elated by the news. "Probably, the first love that existed between us was about to be rekindled" I had thought. Jim had said it was a three days vacation and so, we packed a few clothes for the trip. We were going to a resort centre to have a good time and of course to have fun. Our kids were still in school and so, we had all the time to ourselves. There was nobody to disturb us. Jim and I got dressed up and left the resort centre. Jim later told me while we were in the car driving to the airport that he had a place to show me. He said it was a beautiful sight to behold and we would spend the remaining two days there before returning home. So, he diverted from the route that lead to the airport and headed to the place he had talked about. The road was so lonely and I became uncomfortable. "Hey Jim, where are we going to? Are you sure we are heading the right way?" I asked in fear. "Don't worry my love, we would soon get there" Jim had assured me. In twenty minutes, Jim parked the car and we both alighted. "Where is this Jim?" I asked again feeling more disturbed this time around. "You worry too much Amy," Jim said as he brought out a blindfold. "I'm going to cover your eyes now and lead you to the surprise. Remember, it's a surprise love" Jim said as he blindfolded my eyes and led me to a place that looked like the cliff of a mountain. "Amy dear, at the count of three, you can take off the blindfold and see the surprise I have for you" "Okay dear," I said in anticipation. "One…two…. three," Jim said as he gave a loud laugh. As I opened the blindfold, I saw Him point a gun directly at my skull and I was standing just at the cliff of a mountain. "Jim, please don't do this to me! I'm sorry dear" I cried for my life. At this point, I was in regret. Marrying Jim was the greatest mistake ever. I wished I could have another chance to rewrite my story. I wished I hadn't married Jim. Jim immediately pulled the trigger and it was targeted at my skull. He shot me three times and I fell off the cliff instantly. That was the end of my life! I was gone! My lifeless body sank beneath the blue sea. Probably, I must have been eaten by the sharks and whales but all I remember was that that was the end of my life. I was gone!

Isibor_Precious · Thành thị
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Keeping Hope Alive

I couldn't believe my ears when Jim echoed the words "Would you marry me, Amy? It was one of the most memorable moments in my life. I screamed so loud that I lost my voice. "Yes, Jim! Yesssss!! I would marry you!" I had screamed as Jim placed the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. The feeling was heavenly and I felt like the most happiest person on planet earth. Jim and I had been dating for 7 months and I had always envisaged the day he was going to propose to me. Jim was the perfect kind of guy I had always imagined. He was tall, calm and kind. His smile could brighten one's day and he was so handsome. His eyeballs were green and I found this so attractive. He had a special cologne he always wore and the sweet-smelling fragrance always enveloped me anytime we hugged. I didn't think twice before saying yes to Jim. I felt he was just Mr right. Of course, he was right for me. Everything seemed perfect. We barely had any quarrel while we dating. He was just like an angel. He would send me rose flowers in the morning and love letters in the evening. He always treated me like his queen and I did not doubt that Jim's intentions for me were pure.

Well, I was wrong all along. Jim wasn't right for me. One month after our wedding, I discovered that Jim wasn't who he claimed he was. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He wasn't nice or kind. He wasn't caring. He was far from that. He didn't give a damn about me. He never cared about how I felt. He was always hurting my feelings. He wasn't this loving and caring husband I had dreamt of. He wasn't always at home. He would claim he had business meetings and would travel for days. Sometimes, he would go for months and I always felt lonely. He never checked up on me.

Precisely one year after our wedding, I was down with appendicitis. It was so severe that it almost ruptured. I told Jim that I wasn't feeling fine and I needed to see the doctor.

"Go see the doctor yourself!" He had yelled at me and left the house. I felt so hurt by what Jim had said. I was dying as I was in severe pain that morning. I was vomiting and the lower quadrant of my abdomen was on fire. I could barely stand or sit. I had lost my appetite. I immediately mustered the courage to go seek help. I walked out of the house and went to our neighbour 'Kelvin' who was just next door. Kelvin was a medical lab scientist who worked in one of the biggest laboratories in the city. He was unmarried, so he stayed alone. I knocked at Kelvin's door hoping he wouldn't have gone to work that morning.

"Hey Kelvin, it's Mrs Bryan" I had said while holding my stomach and groaning in pain as I stood in front of his door"

"What the hell is this? Oh My God! I've got to rush you to the hospital right now" Kelvin screamed in disbelief as he opened the door only to meet me crawling on the floor.

Kelvin drove me to Saint Andrew's hospital and immediately, I was booked for surgery. He paid the bills and signed the necessary documents. He tried calling Jim but his number was unreachable. Three days later, I was discharged from the hospital. I didn't get any call or visit from Jim while I was at the hospital. I felt so hurt by how I was been treated by Jim. Jim who used to be an angel while we were dating had suddenly turned into a devil. When I got home, Jim apologised to me for his behaviour. He claimed he wasn't going to repeat such again and for the next 3 days, he treated me like a queen but after that, he returned to his usual behaviour.

Well, my marriage with Jim had been a sad story. It had been a loveless one. Sometimes, Jim would behave so nice and caring and this would only last for a few days. After that, he would become this unconcerned husband. I never thought of divorcing Jim as I had always hoped he would change. I always assured myself that he would change. Sometimes, I would set up a meeting with Jim to talk about us and at the end of the day, he would apologize and claim he would change.

"Babe, I'm sorry for how I make you feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. But I promise you that I'm going to change. I still love you Amy" Jim would say and his green eyes would turn watery like a hungry puppy.

My marriage with Jim was a few days of sweetness and many days of bitterness. I was so sure that the love was gone but I kept on hoping my marriage would work. Was I foolish to have kept this hope alive?