
Chapter Fourteen: Development Method of Sealless Jutsu (Part 3)

Kakashi is also a sensible kid. He understood Kenji's intention very well and said, "Sensei, we should take our leave now."

"What, leaving already? I was hoping for a destined showdown with Kenji here. Also, my training plan for today isn't complete, and I wanted to spar with you, Kakashi."

On the other hand, Obito seemed a bit displeased with the request for dispersal from Kenji and Kakashi.

What's with this "destined showdown"? When did Obito get influenced by someone with a melon head and a green tight jumpsuit?

Kenji slapped his own forehead vigorously. Come on, Obito, can't you read the atmosphere?

"Obito, we should indeed disperse," Rin said to Obito.

"Um, okay, if Rin says so." Obito scratched his head awkwardly and reluctantly agreed to everyone's suggestion to disperse.

Obito's outrage didn't need Kakashi's intervention, nor did it require Kenji to take action. A single glance and word from Rin were enough to KO him.

The goodwill of the students is something a sensei naturally accepts.

Minato said, "Well then, take a good rest. Now that you're back in the village, you can relax, especially you, Obito and Rin."

Kakashi, on the other hand, had already adapted to the rhythm of war due to the missions and the levels of tasks he received. As for Rin and Obito, who had only been on the front lines for three months, to be honest, they were finding it quite challenging.

This time, they had a seven-day rest period to enjoy in the village.

After Minato's instructions, everyone dispersed in different directions.

Kenji got to observed the Yellow Flash up close, the trio had their close encounter with the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, and there wasn't much lingering dissatisfaction left, it seemed best for everyone to simply part ways for now.

The only unfortunate part was that Kenji's and Obito's homes were in the same direction, which meant he had to endure Obito's chatter all the way.

The next day, Minato treated his disciples to a barbecue, which naturally included Kenji.

Given Kenji's previous circumstances, he relied on the assistance funds provided by Konoha. Wanting to eat something like barbecue was pretty much wishful thinking.

After he became an official Genin, the assistance funds from Konoha automatically stopped. Neither he nor Kushina was enthusiastic about taking on those low-level missions, so his income remained insufficient. If he wanted to eat barbecue, he'd either have to rely on Kushina's goodwill or continue to dream.

Now, he was hoping that Kushina could finish developing the Fourth Symbol Seal soon, so he could get a share of several hundred thousand Ryo from mission rewards as an assistant. That way, he could improve his lifestyle a bit.

So, when the Future Fourth Hokage invited them for a meal, should he go?

The answer was, why not?

"It's been a while since I've been back to Konoha. I've started missing the taste of Konoha barbecue," Minato said in a certain barbecue restaurant.

Given Minato's mission volume and the level of missions he undertook, he was undoubtedly among the highest-income individuals in Konoha. Even if he cleared out this restaurant, it wouldn't bankrupt him. Everyone knew that, so there was no intention to save money for him.

Rin and Obito's attire was also more casual now, although they still carried a few weapons, it wasn't like yesterday's mission gear. After a night of rest, they were in much better spirits.

Resting on the frontlines and resting in Konoha were two completely different concepts. On the frontlines, there was never a moment to let your guard down, while in Konoha's safety, there were practically no worries.

Rin mentioned that there had already been casualties among their peers. This was a quite euphemistic way to put it. The reality was that more than half of the new graduates had been killed or injured in these short three months.

Even someone like Minato Namikaze, an S-rank powerhouse, couldn't guarantee that he'd never encounter problems in each battle. For the freshly graduated Genin, war meant death, and death was always impartial. The targets of death could be S-rank powerhouses or ordinary Genin, the children of a Hokage or nameless ninja.

Returning to Konoha allowed those who had come down from the battlefield to temporarily forget the heavy topic of death.

"Are you two really developing forbidden techniques?" Everyone was eating barbecue and chatting casually. Of course, the main conversation was between Kushina and Minato, while the other youngsters were listening.

In fact, Kenji was busy stuffing food into his mouth and didn't have time to talk.

Kushina, at this moment, was showing off her genius student to Minato, only to receive a larger reaction than she expected.

She said with some dissatisfaction, "What's the matter? When you were younger, I also taught you many forbidden techniques. In my opinion, Kenji's talent is even above yours."

Minato chuckled awkwardly. It seemed like Kushina enjoyed embarrassing him in front of the younger generation. That wasn't a good sign.

"This…" Minato hadn't even finished his sentence when Kushina immediately turned to Kenji and said, "Kenji, show your ninjutsu to Minato."

"Isn't this a bit inappropriate?" Kenji hastily swallowed the food in his mouth and hesitated. Performing ninjutsu in a barbecue restaurant wasn't a good idea.

Kushina said "your ninjutsu," and Kenji knew what he had to do.

Do you know what happened from this moment onwards? Kakashi, the Copy Ninja, truly became Kakashi, the Copy Ninja for the rest of his life, as his only future self-created ninjutsu would be stolen at this very moment.

Stolen by a dimension-hopping traveler with questionable morals.

"Just go ahead and show it."


After getting a light but not insignificant tap on the head, Kenji reluctantly extended his palm.

People were a bit puzzled. What was he doing?

Kakashi looked at the Kenji in front of him—almost two years his senior, slightly taller, with hair of the same color, albeit paler skin. He didn't seem very robust; to be honest, Kenji's presence hardly left an impression on him. In comparison, Might Guy was far more memorable.

There was just no way you could forget someone who challenged you to a two-digit number of games every day.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now I'll demonstrate a new ninjutsu. Please pay attention. This move is called 'Chidori'."

As Kenji spoke, he partially raised his forearm. His right hand's five fingers were curled up very relaxedly, but the next instant, a piercing sound and a brilliant lightning appeared in his palm.

The blue lightning seemed to have a life of its own as it danced within Kenji's palm. His fingers struggled to contain this chakra mass, which seemed poised to unleash danger and destruction at any moment.

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