
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-written)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so i apologize since i made something similar to some of their names,plots and such. [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover]

LazyWriterZ · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Chapter 17: PokeBall Design and Conversations with the system!(1)

Word Count:2038


*After both trainers are done with praising their respective pokemon*

The two Teens decided that it was time to leave after seeing that it's already near evening.

although before both of them left I beckoned Jason to stay as he still haven't received his custom PokeBall.

*Cough*"Jason, There's one last thing you need to do before leaving, would you mind staying a bit longer?" I Stated, looking into his eyes.

Both of them stopped walking and Jason Looked back at me and replied"Yeah sure what is it Shop Keeper?"

"Umm...Is it like an important thing? should I go?"Alex asked.

Shaking my head at his questions" No it's isn't important, so you can stay if you want"

And hearing my reply Alex did his usual Cheery smile and exclaimed"Alright! I'll stay then!"

"Yeah.."I said weakly before looking towards Jason and stating the reasons of my call.

"Jason, You must have noticed by now that you didn't get a PokeBall like Alex when You got Ditto"

Hearing my words Jason scratched his head before saying"Yeah, I'm confused about that as well, I was just assuming that I won't get one"

Hearing his words, I slowly shook my head and said"Oh no...It's not something like that. The reason why Snover didn't have a PokeBall is that you can have the choice to Design your own PokeBall, another perk of being an employee like mine for example." I then showed them Ditto's Unique Half White and Half Light Blue PokeBall.

"Although it's a bit plain and looks like I only changed it's color, this PokeBall has a unique feature, This one is the base form, and you remember that Ditto can transform right?

well, this PokeBall Will change it's appearance as well if Ditto Transforms. Like this for example" I continued, before Patting ditto and asking him to transform into the Chibi Entei.

His body then glowed for a moment before slowly turning into Entei, starting from his body shape, then to It's unique features like his mask like face, to his fur, and the cloud between the metal plates at his back. And at last, the light subsided and a Shiny Puppy Entei is now standing where Ditto's previously was.

And instead of it's normal mask Like face, with Red,Yellow,and Silver Color.

His was coloured Blue in each left and right side, along with the normal Yellow/Gold and Silver upper and lower part respectively.

And While Ditto was Transforming, His PokeBall also changed. From being the normal light blue and white PokeBall. It turned into a brown PokeBall with a Entei's Iconic Mask like face at the front of the PokeBall with a cream colored line that goes from the front of the PokeBall all the way underneath it with a metal plate at the end.

The two had varying reactions.Jason was more amazed that the PokeBall changed when Ditto Transformed.

While Alex was more vocal, although not for the same reason as Jason, but because he just saw the cutest thing he had ever seen.

"AAAAAAA...The heck!!! Why is he so cute?!?"

Alex exclaimed before Swiping Ditto (Chibi Entei) into his embrace.

Seeing Alex's Reaction I couldn't help but sigh, then looked towards the pleading Ditto, still in his Chibi Entei form and mouthed bear with it for now.

Ditto's Reaction to my words was quite amusing, Starting from Shock, then of those betrayed, then Anger, although the Anger part lasted only for a second before he enjoyed it because Alex scratched his favorite spot under his chin.

Seeing that Ditto is now fine being Carried by Alex I beckoned Jason towards the front of the counter and after we sat down I gave him a paper. What's that paper you ask? well it's just a paper containing questions on what you want your PokeBall to look like.

Question like "What Color would the PokeBall be?" and other design ideas he want like "Theme" for his PokeBall and such.

Why did I do this, when I can just ask the system you ask? Well it's just for appearance that's it.

After Jason was done answering each of the questions shown in the paper, I then took the paper and took a picture of it using my Rottom-Phone then asked my system to make the PokeBall based on the answers written in the paper.


'thanks' I said in my mind which they responded with no problem, I then looked towards Jason and said "Alrighty, the PokeBall is done and let me get it. Be right Back!"

Then went inside the room at the back of the counter and took out the PokeBall inside my inventory. The PokeBall in question has a blue and white(snow) color It's snow themed with grass motifs here and there, overall it really fits the Snover line.

'Alright the system really did an amazing job at designing this' I praised which the system responded with [Of course], somehow I can imagine their smug face.

I then shook my head and went outside, PokeBall on my hand and went back to the counter where Jason is sitting, he's a bit stiff somehow, probably nervous about the PokeBall Design?

Anyways, I went towards him and then handed out the PokeBall before saying "Man you gotta relax the ball turned out great, see?"

Hearing my words and seeing the PokeBall he breathed a sigh of relief then said.

"Thank you Once again, for the opportunity you gave me"He stated firmly, which I responded with 'No problem' then we went towards Alex and the Pokemon in the lobby room then called out.

"The PokeBall is done already!" I announced, which made Snover look towards Jason and the rest looking towards me, before looking towards Jason who's carrying the PokeBall and Snover who started to walk towards Jason.

"Hey there buddy! I finished your PokeBall, do you like it?"Jason who met Snover halfway asked. Which Snover respond with a flurry of Sno and ver while nodding.

"I'm glad you liked it, your Trainer was really worried if you would like it you know?"I said before adding "now, would you like to go inside and check the environment?"

Responding with a nod and a 'sno' Snover beckoned Jason to catch him with the PokeBall after he hugged his leg.

Jason Complied and pointed the PokeBall on Snover which was met by Snover's balled hand, then he was sucked inside the PokeBall.

The PokeBall didn't even shook before a mechanical voice said "Capture Complete".

After that announcement i looked at Jason and said "Congratulations, You're Officially Snover's Partner now!"while clapping then I added "You might wanna leave Snover inside the PokeBall for 10 minutes before you call him out, since the PokeBall is adapting towards Snover right now. and if you wanna know why Axew didn't have that, it's because the PokeBall Axew has is just a standard one.

It's like the difference between if you rent a hotel room and you owning a house. the Hotel room you can rent it's fixed and cannot be Modified by you and your owned house where you can modify it with appliances and other things you want to."

Hearing my explanation both of them nodded then uttered an 'i see' before one of them specifically the curious one asked "Now that we're talking about it, First: How does a PokeBall work anyways?, and Second: Can I get a modified pokemon for my Axew as well?!"

"Of course you can Alex, You just need to go back tomorrow because the Machine I used need to cool down a bit"(Totally a lie) I lied yep..At first I really wanted to decline since I can only really get the custom PokeBall from Gacha and a one time freebie for an employee but I totally changed my mind when I got the notification for completing a hidden quest.



⟨⟨Hidden Quest⟩⟩

A PokeBall for my Employees partner

Description:Since you already Employed someone, why not help them have a bigger bond with their Pokemon?

Objective:Your employee must design a PokeBall voluntarily that will be liked by his Pokemon partner.(Completed)


1.The Bond of the Employee with his/her Pokemon would increase much faster, thanks to the PokeBall the employee made.

2.A Custom PokeBall Designer Machine(Will finish building tommorow)



The first reward I couldn't use but, I guess good for both Jason and Snover, the second one on the other hand, I can already imagine the profits I can make by making custom PokeBall's!

Sure I'm the only PokeBall creator right now, but I know I would need to share the method sooner or later since I can't really provide the PokeBall's for everyone around the world can we?

It would be troublesome, besides I can use that as a leverage for partnerships, be it for the government or for other business proposals.

And of course I wouldn't give it for free or dirt cheap, and if nobody would agree to that then I guess I'll just groom someone to manage that.

Well people can't really steal or reverse engineer them because the core material's needed can't be found here.

These stuff, I'll just leave it to the future me!

Now back to the two it's time to answer Alex's other question.

"Well a PokeBall basically works by shrinking the Pokemon caught and making them undergo a partial Stasis inside the PokeBall.

So the Pokemon's Body is basically relaxed like they were sleeping, but they can choose to have their mind not to sleep and see the outside by using a technology I wouldn't disclose..'yet'I continued in my mind.

That's why it takes a minute or so for a newly caught Pokemon to be released out again as they need to imprint their mind in the PokeBall they are in, but afterwards it's instantaneous

That's the basic function of the PokeBall.

While the custom one, apart from the normal functions of the PokeBall and the Custom Appearance, The custom PokeBall also has the function to restore stamina faster!, So whenever Your Pokemon gets tired you can just take it inside and the PokeBall will do it's magic and restore the Pokemon's stamina at a much faster rate, this is really important by the way! if you ever face a lot of enemies hypothetically, You can switch your Pokemon while you fight while the other can restore stamina then after your Other pokemon gets tired you can switch the two!

By the way although the Injuries won't heal as much as the stamina the custom PokeBall also heals the Pokemon's injuries if they are inside, although it's only for superficial wounds like some shallow cuts or mild burns.

and as for the Energy needed to power the PokeBall, If it's the custom PokeBall the power will never run out! because you only need to recharge it once every year! and heck it even charges constantly using Solar power so it wouldn't really run out easily.

since the power are only used if you retrieve and let out your Pokemon along with the Thermal control inside the PokeBall.

By the way The PokeBall is Unbreakable well in the current time at least since it's made of a metal that deflects kinetic energy.

so you can only break it by cutting it, and only a stronger metal can break it, if you can get that or heck even turn that into a sword"




A/N:Heya. Everyone!!! Imma leave cliff Kun here.. It's an info dump chapter but this won't happen that much...

now anyone wanna guess what the PokeBall's are made of??

Anyways this is only part 1 as I need to do some of my school projects!

Imma graduate this July after all!

I'll fix the chaps if I have time so feel free to point out my mistakes!

And without further Ado! I Hope y'all enjoyed this chap!

and Saving the fic on your library would really help this novel along with Powerstones!

So if the Powerstones reached 50 this Friday, I'll drop two chapters by the end of Sunday!

That's all!! Cya next time!