
Chapter 24:Gacha!

"would you like to look at our other products in the Poke-mart section? or would you like to proceed to the payment?"

"Umm....I heard what you and Mr.Andre talked about before, Im sorry for eavesdropping and all that, but...Can I become one of the Pokemon's Spokeswoman?"Chitoge with red face mutters shyly.

"And..Umm, I dont mean to brag but, I can also get my family to support the shop and pokemon and Im sure they will 100% agree with me" She continues, her face still red but nonetheless full of determination.

Hearing her words, the first thing that came to Zekes mind is what or who exactly her family are, and they are none other than the mafia, her dad being the don and her mother is supposedly some kind of CEO or even the president of a big company.

So getting her support isn't actually bad, as Someone could look out for the Pokemon in the underbelly of society.

nonetheless thats all just a plus for him, as the real value of chitoge is of course her character. She might be rash and violent most of the time, but deep down shes a kind individual who would a hundred percent take care of animals she comes across.

so without hesitation whatsoever Zeke answered.

"Of course, you're welcome to be one of our Spokesperson, Im sure you will always take care of your partners and would show the world how great it is to be living with pokemon" Zeke smiled, before he once again asked siesta to buy another rare mystery egg, which along with the previous egg he gave Andre totals to 200 SP, making his remaining SP at a total of 3,550.

But! since he sold Zorua which if sold will give him 78 SP and multiplying that by 50 since he has a blue/rare grade the total points Zeke got is 3,900 now add that to the previous 3,550 it totals to a grand amount of 7,450!!

which is 1k+ more than his previous 6,300 points!! Plus the money he got from Andre which is 5k W.D which is a very high amount, considering that W.D is the only currency the world is running on right now, Its value is even higher than USD and British Pound.

And if Chitoge bought Feebas then another 800SP will be added to his balance, a rather small amount compared to Zorua, but nonetheless, SP is SP.

"Here you go.."Siestas voice woke Zeke up from his thoughts, and seeing the egg that Siesta is carrying, Zeke thanked her once again before picking the egg up and offering it to Chitoge.

"Here's your Gift Ms.Kirisaki, you can hatch him in the same room before although seeing that your hands are full, I guess I'll be the one carrying the egg for now?"

"Ah, Y-yea..thank you Shop Keeper, also you can call me Chitoge instead of using my family name" Chitoge replies before she propped up Feebas.

"Look feebas, It seems like you're getting a younger sibling" She carresed Feebas's golden scales as she uttered thise words.


'Looks like their relationship is better than J thought, well she is a heroine afterall, so its not surprising'Zeke thought seeing the heartwarming scene of Chitoge and her Feebas.

"Lets go!" Chitoge turned her head around and let Zeke know before she headed towards the Day Care area.

Hearing this, Zeke followed her, not before inviting Siesta of course, but she declined and told him that she can just watch through the system.

The two arrived at the Day Care just in time to witness the blue egg that Andre recieved a few minutes ago glowing, and ready to hatch.

The two stopped walking subconsciously, not making noise as best as they could as the egg started to sway left and right while cracks started to spread around it.

A few minutes is all it took for the whole egg to get completely covered by the crack before it went completely still and what followed afterwards is the egg shells falling down one by one, revealing what was hidden inside.

*"Bau! Bau!"* Seeing the person in front of it, the newly hatched Pokemon, Greavard greeted excitedly.

"Aaaah...Nice to meet you! My name is Andre, and this little guy is your older brother zorua, we will be your family from today onwards, I hope well get along~" Andre crouches in front of the ghostly pup, before patting its head.

Meanwhile seeing his newly hatched brother, zorua'd melancholic eyes shined happily as he got down from Andre's shoulder before he greeted Greavard.

*"Zyuu!"* Zorua circled around Greavard, and stopped in front of him.

*"Bau!"* Greavards wispy candle lit more brightly, signifying his happines seeing his older sibling who has the same aura as him.

The two exchanged a plethora of Poke-speech which Andre gleefully observed, happy that his two new family members get along well.

"Would you look at that, It seems like you're destined to be a great Ghost type trainer Andre" Zeke voiced as he walked towards Andre and his two mon's, smiling happily seeing another pokemon born.

Chitoge followed him, who also congratulated Andre after seeing the newly hatched Greavard.

"You should say hi to them Ditto, im sure your friend will be stoked to introduce you two to each other" Zeke picks up Ditto who still haven't changed back before setting him down near the two other mon's.

Chitoge followed as well, as she set down her feebas on the ground, who happily introduced herself to others.

"Awwwww...would you look at that, they all got along with each other rather easily right? thats how pokemon normally are, sans those who have a predatory relationship of course.." Zeke explains, seeing this blissful image of four Pokemon chatting and laughing.

"Oh, and here miss Chitoge, you should set the egg down in the incubator" Zeke handed Chitoge the egg, who upon receiving it, happily walked towards one of the nest, even going as far as saying a few words to the egg before she settled it down in the nest she chose before she came back towards Andre and Zeke who was having some small talk.

"Why dont we sit down in the sofa and leave the young one's to play?" Zeke suggested which the two promptly agreed, so with Zeke on the lead, the first trio of trainers in this world settled down in the resting area.

"Cough...first of all, I would like to once again thank the two of you for being representative's of the shop and the pokemon" Zeke started of with a simple thanks which was met with the two's rather awkward replies, both saying that "It was nothing/Its my pleasure" and so on.

"Right, now that we got that out of the way, I'll explain what you can do as a trainer, their activities, responsibilities and classifications."

"First up, as the name suggests, Pokemon trainers train Pokemon, you see, Pokemon are a bundle of potential that if trained properly, they can even destroy your house to a minimum with one use of moves, and heck even affect the whole country if they tried enough"

""What? Is this true?!/No way..."" Two disbeliefed voices from Chitoge and Andre could be heard after hearing that.

"Huhu..You guys seem skeptical, well for starters..."



And so, after a few minutes of explaining, both Chitoge and Andre could be seen shell schocked from the absurdity of what they just heard.

"So...since you've heard all my explanation, its time to ask yourself, 'What trainer do you want to be?' " After saying that, Zeke stood up planning on leaving the two some space to think it through.

He left Ditto with the other mon's as they seem to be playing tag, except for feebas, as she just acted as a spectator, cheering for the other 3 as they ran around the Day care.


"Siestaa" Walking out of the door, Zeke saw siesta with her eyes clothes, so instead of calling her out again, Zeke chose to stay quiet, sat down in another sofa before he checked on the newly opened system function, Gacha!

"....hmmm?, So its like this, pretty standard gacha system" Zeke muttered seeing the U.I for the gacha..

Basically the rewards comes in as a card just like the TCG pokemon, where it has images and explain its uses.

"and to get the item, I just need to think about materializing it ..huh, thats pretty neat.

And as for the currency to use gacha...I need these coins which I can get from either completing task or selling pokemon..

Humu... Theres also a 10X draw..." Zeke checked how much coins he has and the result is a rather surprising amount which is 12, 2 from the two mon's that he has sold and the 10 came from the reward of opening the shop.

"Great! and I'll be able to get 2 more tokens since the two of them will be buying whatever hatches in their eggs...

This system of mine is truly a cheat, its basically easy mode, thank you at the bottom of my heart whover made it possible..."Zeke tears up as he made that realization.

Meanwhile in two completely opposite places, A certain Omniversal caretaker and a Lazy Writer both sneezed at the same time...

"Anyhow! Let's try to draw-" Before Zeke could even finish his sentence, a loud but feminine voice distrupted her, the voice also caused Siest to wake up from his short nap.

"Ive decided!"  Chitoge stormed out of the room with conviction, marching towards Zeke who stood up to meet her.

"So? Have you decided what trainer you want to be?"Zeke inquired, deciding to draw the gacha at a later time and intending to focus on his customers and employees for now.

"Yes! after talking to Feebas and Grookey, I decided to become Pokemon coordinators!-"

"Wait... back up! did you just say Grookey?" Zeke asked in disbelief, after hearing just the first part.

"Hm? Yeah! Grookey is the one that hatched on the egg you gave, well I didnt know what her name was but Andre helped me by using his Pokedex" 

"No-no...thats not the reason why I'm surprised...well it is, but in another way.."Zeke sighed as he pinched his temple before he looked up towards chitoge who has a glowing smile before he looked back down and sighed again.

"You're really blessed miss Chitoge.."Zeke voiced before he got back to normal posture and wore his business face once more.

"Putting that matter aside, since you have decided to become a pokemon coordinator, I'll give you an appropriate gift once I see that both your partner has grown to match my standards.

for now, I'll give you and Andre something that would help to raise your pokemon, although after you use them up you have to buy some more, but lets leave that matter later, first let us go back inside the Daycare."

Once their next course of action was decided, Andre and Chitoge once again walked inside the Day Care.

And seeing the two leave once more, Siesta yawned before she stood up as well and entered the Poke-Library.

"It really is grookey" Zeke muttered after seeing the green chimp like pokemon whos currently "it" it semms as it chased after the other pokemon sans feebas whos currently in the ocean zone.

Meanwhile Grookey who was chasing suddenly stopped after it noticed that it's owner/family was back and was about to greet her when it noticed a male human walking besides its human.

*"Grookey!"*(I dont like this guy!) Grookey glared at Zeke who stopped and stared at it as if examining it.

*"Kee!"* (Yea, I dont like this human)

Zeke who's reading Grookey's info and worth, suddenly shuddered as he felt a penetrating stare at him, and when he looked at where it originated from, he saw that the previously cheery grookey is now staring at him menacingly.

'...A...This one's bad new's... probably' Zeke sweated as he took a glance at the still staring grookey, making him shudder so he decided to do the best course of action which was to ignore the chimp.

"A..ah, anyways..miss chitoge lets continue walking towards mr andre..haha" Zeke beckons before he suddenly felt the stare intensifying, but he chose to ignore it and continued to walk to where Andre currently sat.

Andre was still in deep thoughts about what he plans to do on the future. Thinking of multiple possibilities and scenarios that might happen when the Pokemon becomes well known, as well as what part he can do in it, but when his eyes caught the scene of the pokemon playing, his face softened into a smile before he mutters.

"Right... as long as these two are with me, then it doesn't matter what my role is, lets just do our best for our happiness"

Andre nod's one more time before his attention was caught by Zeke and Chitoge approaching so he waved at them.

"Shop Keeper, I have decided on becoming a traditional trainer, and as long as I live I'll raise all my partners the best as I can, to protect our happiness!"

"I see...then I wish you luck on your journey"



And so, after explaining to andre what he needs to do as a traditional trainer as well as giving tips to the both of them, then proceeding to give both of them a gift which are 2 sacks of pokemon food each for their 2 pokemon's that he bought from his shop—it was time to say their farewells.

Despite the 5 pokemon's reluctance, they ultimately relented and instead promised each other to play and fight once they meet again.

"See you both two weeks later" Zeke along with Ditto waved goodbye at Chitoge, Andre and their pokemon as they walked out.

"Now then...lets go..." Zeke walked solemnly back to the lobby and stopping in front of the world tree sapling.

"Please bless me lady luck!"

Zeke crouched, putting his palms on top of each other as he said his prayers.

Seeing this, Ditto turnded back into his regular form and imitated his actions, mich to Zeke's amusement as he pats Ditto's soft body before scooping him up and putting him back on his shoulders.

The two then proceeded to sit back on the sofa as Zeke opened up his system window, deciding to close the shop temporarily as he doesn't want to be disturbed as he draw his gacha.

"Haaa....14 coins— hopefully I get something decent" Zeke mutters much to Ditto's confusion.

"Okay..here we—GO!" Finally, Zeke opened up the Gacha tab before he pressed the 10X draw which costs him 9 of the coins, leaving him with 5 coins.

⟨⟨Congratulations you recieved: Chesto Berry seed⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Rock⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Rock⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Nugget⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Pokeball X5 ⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Mysterious Liquid ⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: ???? Leaf⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Mt. Pyre Ash⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: Poké Block Machine⟩⟩

⟨⟨Recieved: World Ticket:Super Gene⟩⟩

