
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-Write)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! ______________________________ Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so don't be surprised if there some familiar things. _____________________________ Disclaimer: [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover] [The rights to the characters shown belong to their respective owner and only my Oc's belong to me!] _____________________________ Permanent Discord Code: yPePuE3PVu

LazyWriterZ · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Chapter 12:??? Trial Grounds, New quest.

Ten minutes later after Hatching Ditto, I decided to check out 3 other items from my inventory, those items being ???? Trial Ground, Rottom-Phone(Unique), and finally the Shop Renovation Ticket.

Lets start from the Shop Renovation Ticket first.


           [Shop Renovation Ticket]


A ticket which would allow you to change the shop's paint for free!


Just as it says, i can use the ticket to change the paint of the shop, From inside to Outside, which is honestly quite helpful, since i dont want to manually paint the whole shop, or even hire others to do it.

The ticket is rather cheap in the Poke-Mall, costing only a meager 5SP..

Oh! and There are other versions of the Ticket as well! One of them, can even instantly add a floor, either above or below the shop! Its expensive though, It costs a few hundred SP, but that doesn't hold a candle to the most expensive Ticket there is which is an Expansion Ticket, which basically upgrades the Shop instantly!

Though it costs 10K SP, the price also rise when i buy the Ticket, and if i did use one, the cost of the other Tickets will Rise as well.



Lets move on to the next Item!


           [Rottom Phone](Special)

Info:A phone that Greatly Resemble a Rottom-Phone.

Dont let it's appearance and name fool you!

The rottom phone doesn't actually have a Rottom-Phone like the original one, It was made to imitate the function of a Rotom-Phone.

It also has an A.I that would assist you just like a real Rotom-Phone!

The phone has infinite Battery, and would not break, It also has other functions like the phone would not be tracked and Always having internet connection, as well as an app that has access to the anime,Tv shows,manga, and movies the User remembers.


'Waaaa,'I exclaimed inside my mind, as i looked towards the phone in my hand..

The phone is just like in the anime, an Orange colored phone with Rotom Motifs..

Strangely it doesn't have a camera lens.

Anyways, lets open this Bad-boy up!

I pressed the power button that was placed in the left side of the phone, which caused it to turn on and show an orange PokeBall logo spinning around.

and a few second later


"Hello!" The phone talked..

"Uh...hi?"I replied to it.

"Would you like to sync your Old phone's data into me?"The rottom Phone asked.

"Sure! Thanks a lot!"I agreed before thanking him.

"No problem, Now please Place your phone near me" The Rottom Phone said.

"Alright"I sad after nodding, before taking my phone from my pocket and placing it besides the Rottom-Phone in the Lobby Table.

"Connecting..... Complete!, Transferring Data...Complete!"

"Master, would you like to transfer the 3.5gigabytes sized folder called 'School Homework' In me? or do you want to keep it in the old one?" The Rottom Phone suddenly asked whoch stunned me.

"What?!? Dont Transfer that!"I hurriedly exclaimed, as my face turned red from embarrassment.

"As you wish..."The Rottom Phone said, as he complied and stopped copying that.

Then a few second passed before.

"Transfer Complete!" The Rottom-Phone Voiced.

"Now what do you want me to do Master?"It asked.

Which i replied with"Nothing for now, Well continue later"

"Alright... Entering Sleep Mode.."After saying those words the Rottom-Phone Turned off.

"Whew!... Hopefully he didn't saw what was inside that folder."I said worriedly, after having a sigh of relief.

What? im a growing young adult! Its normal to have that!

now where was i? ah yes,the last item

???? Trial Ground.

I used appraisal on its icon and what came up surprised me..


               [Build's Trial Ground]

Info:A trial ground for those seeking to inherit all Kamen Rider Items that graced upon the world of Build.

You must Complete the challenges imposed into you by the trial ground to get the rewards.

If you fail the challenge you were given, you will get expelled from the trial ground and would need to wait a day to enter once more.


*Thump* *thump* *thump*

Seeing what it actually is, My heart couldn't help but beat fast and hard.

I hurriedly stood up, and started walking outside fast, then right after i closed the door.

"YOSHHHAAAAA! Thank you mr. A.I!"I said out loud as i am really happy with his present, because if i complete the Trial ground challenges, i could not only get the Build Rider drivers, I can also get the Drivers of the Riders which visited the World of Build!, Heck two of them can even time travel!

So its not that strange im so happy..



After a few minutes of celebration, I decided to pick some Oran and Leppa berry before going back inside the lobby..

Ditto is still asleep, because well, hes just a baby.

So i just sat there and ate Leppa and Oran berries..

Even though i am happy that i got the Trial ground, i wont enter at the moment as Ditto might wake up, hes still a baby after-all so i dont want to leave him alone.

I then peeled the last Oran berry i got from outside and started to eat once again..

"Kuuh! This oran berry taste good as always"

Now, what do i do? I cant do any quest since, I've already completed the only quest i can do..which is the Exercise Quest..

Oh yeah! I still haven't checked the other 3 wooden doors! Guess ill do that then.

Done thinking about what to do while awaiting Ditto's Wake, I stoodnup from the sofa and walked towards the other door on the shop's Right side.

I opened the wooden door and was greeted by room similar to the one with paintings, although this time the walls are colored gray, lights were lit on the ceiling.

And not that far away is a stairs that leads downward, the room was lit properly so i continued walking towards the stairs.

After walking down the stairs i was greeted upon an Arena meant for Battling Pokemon, It isnt that big like those from Gyms and Leagues, There are for rows of chairs, 2 in the left and the other 2 rows on the right..

The Arena's Source of light are rows of Linear fluorescent tubes which gives enough light like the Sun's..

After walking around the arena a few times, I left and got back towards the lobby.

Ditto is still asleep so i decided to check the Door opposite to the door which leads to the arena..

And upon entering it, i was greeted by an Empty room, which is strange since all the rooms in the shop should have something in them, but this one is just an empty room.

Suddenly, a System Window popped up in front of me.


      [The room is sufficient as the Library]

              [Build the Library here?]

                    [Yes]       [No]


"Ohhh! So thats what this is for"I mused upon the discovery of the room's purpose.

I tapped [Yes], and then another System Window popped out in front of me.


               [Room in Renovation]

               [Time left:1:59 Hours]


I then left the room, and got back to the lobby area, where ditto who's very-much awake now, is munching on one of the Leppa Berry I didn't get to eat.

"Hey! Good afternoon Ditto"I called out to him, which he most certainly heard as he looked towards me before waving his hand? and Calling out "Ditto~"

I walked towards him and picked up the last Leppa berry in the table and sat down on the Sofa.

*Crunch* I took a bite on the leppa berry before looking towards Ditto who was eating "Its good right?" I asked him, while taking another bite.

"Ditto!" He Voiced as he chewed and at the same time nodding softly.

"After this do you wanna come with me to check whats behind the last wooden door? The other 3 leads to the daycare where you hatched, a battle arena, and an empty room thats now being made into a library."I offered him.

*Nod* "Ditto~"Ditto nod's before voicing his agreement.

"Alright!"I replied.

Not long after, Ditto finished the leppa berry he was eating, so i picked him up and started walking towards the last door.

I pushed the door open and met a staircase that leads up on the Second Floor.

I climbed up the stairs and was met with yet another door, which i opened before entering inside.

I look around the room,Ditto doing the same. The room isnt empty or something special, its just basically just like an apartment living room, though a bit bigger, it also has a sliding door that leads to the balcony that i saw outside.

There is a C shaped white couch and a wooden table with intricate carvings in front of it. Basically, more fancier looking than the ones at the lobby, the room also has a white piano in the corner of the room, next to an antique clock, as well as 3 Empty shelves that was placed in diffirent parts of the room.

I went over the couch and sat on it.

"Ahhhn~ This one is more softer than the sofa below,I feel like im sitting in a cloud. I wonder what is it stuffed with?

What do you think ditto?" I voiced my comfort before asking what Ditto's Thoughts are.

"Zzzzz...Ditto~"The barely awake Ditto muttered before falling asleep.

"Huh, guess that answers my question.."I murmured, whils looking at the sleeping Ditto.

"Now, lets check what the cushions are stuffed with..."I said before using appraisal on the chair.


                  [Altarias Comfort]


A couch all stuffed with Champion ranked Mega Altaria's feather/wool, making it one of, if not, the most softest couch that was ever created.

If sat on, you would feel like you were sitting in a cloud.


*Soft as cloud:Enhances Mental Regeneration.


"This explains it~...Its made with Altarias Feathers?wool?A literal pokemon that looks like a cloud."I muttered, with a relaxed voice.

Before exclaiming afterwards.

"And its Mega and champion too?!?"

and that awoke ditto from his slumber.

"Ditto?!?"Ditto said out loud, his eyes wide as he looked left and right.

"haha..Sorry Ditto, it was just me.."I apologized.

"Di-Ditto~!" Ditto said while shaking his head, he then jumped from the couch into the table before he waved his hands and said "Ditto~" before jumping down and pulling my leg.

Looking at his actions i asked if he wanted to continue, which Ditto replied with a nod..

so i stood up and started to explore again with Ditto, our destination? the kitchen!

and while walking there we passed by a corridor, which has two doors on our left side, probably the bedrooms?

Oh and i forgot to mention, The room seems to have an expanded space, because the building is most definitely not this big outside.



A moment later, we arrived at the Kitchen.

"Soo big~"I muttered, as i looked around the kitchen.

The kitchen is not that different than the one on the penthouse. Long rectangular table, counter and shelves, then 2 gas stoves next to each other, the kitchen also has a fridge, and a separate freezer, right next to each other.

Afterwards we checked all the cabinets,the fridge, and freezer which turned out all empty, so i decided i will buy utensils and store some berries in the fridge later.



"This is the best~"I sighed in comfort as soon as i sat down on the hot spring bath, located in the bathroom in one-of-the two rooms in the corridor both Ditto and I passed by before.

Although its a bit strange and surprising, having a hot-spring a bathroom located in a second floor, but....compared to having a dimension where i could farm, having a hot spring on the second floor isn't that strange.

Ditto is asleep on the bed this time, which by the way is more softer than the couch outside.

So i used appraisal on the bed's mattress and found this.


                 [Forest's harmony]

A matress made by the combination of Altaria's Cloudy feather,Whimsicott's Cotton and Butterfree's Silk.

Altaria's Feather is stuffed inside a fabric made by the silk of butterfree that was stuffed with Whimsicott's cotton, making it not just softer, but fluffier and more comfortable as well, making whoever sleeps in it relax and fall asleep easily.

After its creation, a wandering mew stumbled upon the place where it was stored and upon sitting in it made him enamoured with uts softness, so mew took 2 of these and got Cresselia the Legendary Pokemon of dreams to bless the two mattress which turned them into the best Mattress that was created in all the Pokemon world.


*Largely Enhanced Mental Regeneration

*Largely Enhanced Physical Regeneration

*Blessed by Cresselia:Whoever sleeps upon the bed will guaranteed to have a happy dream.

*The Matress will never get dirty or broken(mew's blessing of protection)

note:This one is merely a copy, as we would never steal anything, so mew still has his two matress stashed away -Management


And while i was looking through the info of the mattress, Ditto was already asleep in it.

Since he's still a baby and all.

so i continued to check the Bedroom. The bedroom is big, bigger than my room in the penthouse, it has 2 shelves, A big closet, another couch and table.. Though this one has a lower quality than the one outside.

it also has a door, which leads upon this massive bathroom i am on.

as the bathroom also has a Toilet room and laundry room near the door, as well as a shower room besides the Hot-spring.

So now here I am, sitting upon the Hot-spring.

and with nothing, better to do, i decided to retrieve the Rottom-Phone inside my inventory.


the A.I greeted me, and i greeted back, before i started surfing the internet before deciding to watchone of the anime available on my phone, which is Nisekoi.

//2 episodes later//

*pop* *pop* the sounds of joints popping was heard as i stood up and stretched my body ."Haaa...My body feels more lighter now" I muttered while standing,

afterwards, i took a towel from my inventory and started drying myself before i went outside the bathroom.

Ditto is still asleep on the bed, so after i changed my clothes i sat in one of the couch facing the window and just stared at the berry tree's..

All of the Berry tree's is already bearing Fruits/Berries so it looked really great watching them.

'maybe i should harvest them..'i said inside of my head, and like it read whatvi was thinking about the system gave me a quest.


A new quest has been received!


                       [First Harvest]

The system gave the host trees that is all ready for harvest. So why not harvest them?

Objective: Harvest the current berry trees around the farm..

Oran Trees:0/15

Leppa Trees:0/15

Nanab Trees:0/10

Rawst Bushes:0/10


*5,000 SP

*Random Berry Seeds

*Bee's will spawn

*Wailmer Watering Can(Uniqe)

Time limit:15 days(outside time)


A/N:Yo! Author here! I ain't finished yet but I'll post this one first...I'm also getting ready to move so the time I can post would be moved back again...

That's all! Cya soon!

Don't forget to give the book a REVIEW so I know if I did good or not!

PowerStones would be appreciated too!