
A Certain Magical Reincarnation

In a world of swords and magic, the Nameless Lord brought disaster four centuries ago. His dark legions invaded, and he wielded fearsome power. As the gods fell, they gifted the world a hero, blessed with divine favor and light. The hero repelled the darkness, but the Nameless Lord vanished suddenly. Records claim he was defeated, while legends whisper he retreated, awaiting his return." *** "Trevor, a mundane editor from Earth, died one fateful night. But as his life ended, a new one began. Reincarnated in a magic world as Reo Bellar, he found himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict. Reo longs for a peaceful life in the suburbs, surrounded by friends and family. Raised by gentle parents in a small village, he discovered unusual abilities in his new body. Now, seeks the secrets to his past and of his rebirth. 'I'll be straight with whoever brought me here,' he thinks, 'I'm not interested in being a hero or vanquishing demons. Just a quiet life, away from all the excitement...' But fate had other plans for our Prince of Woe.

DBM_Novelist_ · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 7: That One Kid

As time raced by, I made the definitive choice to return to the comfort of my home. A surge of accomplishment coursed through me; I had ventured beyond the confines of my sheltered existence, and in doing so, I'd gained a profound understanding of the world around me.

Collecting my belongings, I gracefully rose from my spot and cast one final, wistful gaze upon the field of golden wheat. The grains swayed harmoniously in response to the wind's gentle caress. It was the very field where I had reveled in the joy of frolicking earlier, leaving indelible memories.

A contented smile graced my lips as I turned to embark on my journey back. I retraced my steps, following the same familiar path that had led me into the heart of the village.

As I made my way back home, a curious "Hmm?" escaped my lips, drawing my attention to a tumultuous encounter unfolding before me. It wouldn't be entirely accurate to label it a "brawl"; it was more akin to a one-sided beatdown.

My gaze was transfixed as I observed one of the kids repeatedly pummel the other's face with relentless force. The recipient's countenance had already undergone a grotesque transformation, marred and disfigured by the brutal assault.

Just as I contemplated turning away and pretending to have never encountered such a distressing scene, a sudden realization washed over me. Despite the severe injuries that obscured his identity, I managed to discern that the child on the receiving end of the ferocious punches was, in fact, one of the kids I had encountered earlier in the day. He possessed light, creamish-brown hair and vivid green eyes that still radiated with resilience despite his current dire circumstances.

It was undeniable; the spirited boy I had met earlier was now enduring a relentless pummeling from the other child, leaving him in a pitiable and tattered state.

The stark contrast between the two combatants was undeniable. The aggressor loomed over the other child, dwarfing him in both size and weight, easily twice his dimensions. His ash-colored hair framed a plump face marked by a menacing scar that ran beneath his left eye.

Comparatively, the bully appeared not only twice the size of his victim but also appeared two or even three times older, placing him somewhere in the range of 7 to 8 years old, perhaps. His expression was chillingly delighted, tainted with sadistic pleasure as he ruthlessly and repeatedly battered the other boy's face.

On the periphery of this unsettling scene, three additional children stood, safely distanced yet wholly engrossed in the unfolding spectacle. Their faces bore sinister grins, and their laughter echoed through the air as they reveled in the distressing confrontation.

A quick assessment led me to conclude that their passive stance indicated allegiance to the larger child, serving as passive accomplices in this brutal affair. The larger boy, his grin expanding to a sinister width, clenched his fist and delivered a powerful blow to the smaller boy's gut.

A guttural Guacckk sound erupted from the injured child's mouth as he crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain. However, the aggressor showed no inclination to halt his assault there; the ordeal was far from over.

With sheer determination, the battered child overcame the searing pain, forming a determined fist, and launched himself at the larger aggressor with a primal growl. His resolve was admirable, but it led to another brutal outcome. A heavy, merciless fist crashed against his face once more, sending him tumbling back to the unforgiving ground.

As a result, blood began to trickle from his broken nose, and his left eye rapidly turned a dark shade of purple from the relentless bruising. Meanwhile, the trio of onlookers, initially entertained by the one-sided violence, erupted into raucous laughter at the sight of the boy's continuous suffering.

Yet, the battered child, refusing to yield, emitted another primal growl, rising from the ground with sheer determination. He charged once more, emitting a piercing cry. This time, the bigger kid, preoccupied by his own actions, failed to react swiftly. In an unexpected twist, he was tackled to the ground with a resounding thud. Before he could muster a response, his own face bore the brunt of three forceful punches.

The laughter and cackling of the other children gradually fell silent, replaced by a stunned and uncertain hush.

"Argh-!" The larger child, growing increasingly infuriated, seized the moment and delivered a brutal kick that sent the boy sprawling away from him. A guttural Gu-huu sound escaped the boy's lips as he collided with the unforgiving ground, clutching his injured ribs and folding over in pain.

Gasping and wheezing, the resilient boy clenched his chest, raised his head defiantly, and locked his glare onto the looming figure of the larger child. His eyes, though marked by the physical toll of the confrontation, still burned with unwavering vitality and determination.

This unexpected defiance slightly disoriented the larger child, causing his triumphant grin to swiftly devolve into a gritted-tooth, enraged scowl. "You bastard..." he spat out, his fingers curling into tight fists. Taking long, menacing strides toward the doubled-over boy, his patience was wearing thin. He stood like an insurmountable wall, glaring down with malicious intent.

With a grim determination, the larger child tightened his fist and, with a subdued grunt, ruthlessly kicked the smaller boy's midsection, forcing him to double over once more, the pain etched across his bruised form.

The grim spectacle unfolded as a cruel, repetitive cycle—a harrowing display of the smaller child being ruthlessly pounded to the ground, time and time again. Each time, he summoned the strength to rise, only to be unceremoniously knocked down once more. The brutality reached heights that transcended mere bullying, casting a shadow of horror over the faces of the onlookers, their expressions transforming into ghastly, pallid masks.

Somewhere along the tormenting ordeal, the once-grinning larger child lost his sadistic mirth, replaced by an exasperated countenance as his kicks grew heavier and more relentless. It was clear that the situation had escalated beyond a mere display of dominance. Broken bones and shattered ribs now joined the list of potential injuries.

While a pang of pity tugged at my conscience while watching this distressing scene, I maintained my distance, knowing it was not my place to intervene. My plan was to silently retreat, as if I had never witnessed this unfolding tragedy, and choose an alternative route home.

I harbored no curiosity about how the larger child's fists might feel against my own face. There was likely some other child, someone with a strong sense of justice, unlike me, who couldn't bear to witness such an appalling spectacle—a protagonist-like figure who might step in. But that certainly couldn't be me.

As I made my retreat down an alternate path, a sudden, thunderous thud pierced the air, jolting my curiosity. I momentarily swiveled around, my gaze locked onto the source of the noise. To my astonishment, it was the battered child who had executed a bold maneuver, tackling the larger boy and pinning him to the ground.

The battered child's face contorted with defiance as he roared, unleashing a barrage of punches upon the now-pinned larger child. However, his offensive was abruptly interrupted as he received a punishing kick to his stomach, catapulting him off his adversary.

The larger child, resembling a hungry, ferocious lion, swiftly rose to his feet and advanced toward where the battered boy had landed. Reaching him, he forcefully pinned the injured child down and commenced a relentless onslaught of punches, a cruel display of unbridled aggression.

"H-hey! Don't you think that's enough…" one of the onlookers stuttered, the shock evident in their voice. Another added, "Th-that's a bit too much," both of them, though previously enjoying the one-sided brawl, now wore troubled expressions. They attempted to persuade the larger child to cease his relentless assault, but fear held them back from intervening directly.

As I watched this disturbing spectacle unfold, a deep sense of foreboding settled over me like a heavy shroud. Panic surged within me as I realized the gravity of the situation. If this continued, it was bound to escalate into something truly ugly. The injured child wouldn't emerge from this ordeal with just broken bones.

In an instant, I understood that the current trajectory was leading towards a catastrophic outcome.

The larger child, fueled by a primal fury, ruthlessly pounced on the smaller boy. His eyes gleamed with a wild, insatiable hunger as he relentlessly delivered devastating blows upon his defenseless victim. It had evolved far beyond a mere squabble between children; it was a vicious mauling.

My clenched fist trembled as I watched this brutal spectacle unfold. An unsettling realization crept over me; I knew I would regret this decision. It was completely out of character for me, something that would undoubtedly come back to haunt me. My conscience waged a relentless war inside me.

Despite the inner turmoil, I couldn't resist the rising tide of empathy any longer. In the next moment, my body moved in ways it had never moved before. I couldn't stand idly by any longer. I had decided, just this once...

I'll be that kid.


VOTE!! VOTE!! VOTE!!! I just checked guys, and A Certain Magical Reincarnation has been vetted out for voting (finally)! You know what that means...the preliminary Goal of getting over 50 power stones at only the first twenty chapters of release can now be officially started!!

It's simple: Get over 50 power stones before Chapter 21 and have a mass release!! From there, other future stone goals will be fixed towards our first milestone: Getting A Certain Magical Reincarnation contracted!

I'll be very honest, the amount of collections for this book isn't all that encouraging. I understand I've only released 7 chapters and it's probably still too early to judge, but if I can at least see the amount of collections of my book rising, I'd at least know people actually like what I'm doing so far. And that would be really encouraging and urge me to do even better and keep it up. For six chapters, the views are nothing to complain of, i think. I'm still new at this, but I feel I've got the average amount of views for a novel (slightly above average, I'm just going to give myself some tiny credit)with it's first six initial chapters in less than a week. So thank you guys, and do remember to add to your collection.

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