
A Certain Magical Reincarnation

In a world of swords and magic, the Nameless Lord brought disaster four centuries ago. His dark legions invaded, and he wielded fearsome power. As the gods fell, they gifted the world a hero, blessed with divine favor and light. The hero repelled the darkness, but the Nameless Lord vanished suddenly. Records claim he was defeated, while legends whisper he retreated, awaiting his return." *** "Trevor, a mundane editor from Earth, died one fateful night. But as his life ended, a new one began. Reincarnated in a magic world as Reo Bellar, he found himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict. Reo longs for a peaceful life in the suburbs, surrounded by friends and family. Raised by gentle parents in a small village, he discovered unusual abilities in his new body. Now, seeks the secrets to his past and of his rebirth. 'I'll be straight with whoever brought me here,' he thinks, 'I'm not interested in being a hero or vanquishing demons. Just a quiet life, away from all the excitement...' But fate had other plans for our Prince of Woe.

DBM_Novelist_ · Kỳ huyễn
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145 Chs

Chapter 59: How I Met Your Mother

Cliff's origins trace back to his distinguished service as an 'imperial knight,' holding a high-ranking position within the Empire. His illustrious career was marked by numerous achievements and battlefield exploits, garnering widespread recognition.

His exceptional swordsmanship and tactical prowess earned him a plethora of titles, with one of the most prominent being the revered designation of "Blood Knight." This epithet, a testament to his unparalleled skills and mastery in combat, became synonymous with his formidable presence on the battlefield.

In a twist of irony, the title "Blood Knight" was not a bestowed honor but rather a label thrust upon Cliff by his adversaries. This epithet, however, carried a weight that reverberated through the battlefield, sending shudders down the spines of those who faced him.

Cliff's enemies, recognizing the threat he posed, sought to encapsulate the fearsome aura surrounding his swordsmanship with the moniker "Blood Knight." Little did they realize that in attempting to stigmatize him, they inadvertently elevated his legend. The mere utterance of this title became a harbinger of impending danger on the battlefield, a psychological weapon in itself.

Thus, Cliff's journey unfolded as not only a tale of imperial loyalty but also as a narrative of how his adversaries unwittingly contributed to the mythos surrounding the formidable Blood Knight. The clash between the title's origins and its impact on the battlefield added layers to Cliff's legacy, making him a figure both feared and respected in the tumultuous realm of imperial warfare.

Once upon a time, Cliff was practically nobility-in-waiting, basking in the glory of his grand achievements. Fast forward to today, and he's more like a blacksmith who fumbles with his hammer – a real MVP in the terrible-at-his-job category. His workshop, oh boy, it's not your average workplace; it's like a twisted experiment gone wrong, a brewing abomination that makes chaos look organized. It's the kind of place where even the tools have second thoughts about being there.

Layla, hailing from the esteemed house of Dé LàForte as the third daughter, was the real deal when it came to nobility. Destiny took a playful turn when circumstances led to her being assigned a guardian, none other than Cliff – the legendary Blood Knight.

As fate would have it, the dynamics between Layla and Cliff evolved from the traditional guard-ward relationship to a more intimate and fond connection. As the story goes, love blossomed, and the inevitable happened – they tied the knot. Yet, as with many tales of love, challenges emerged.

Layla's family, staunchly opposed to the union, posed hurdles in their path. Undeterred, Cliff and Layla took a bold step, shedding their titles in the pursuit of true love. Cliff willingly relinquished his status as the Blood Knight, and Layla bravely abandoned her noble title. Together, they embarked on a journey to a secluded village, choosing to lead a life stripped of titles and societal expectations, where they could simply be two ordinary souls in love, creating their own story away from the scrutiny of noble conventions.

"And that, Reo, was how I met your mother," Cliff narrated, wearing a self-gratified smile. His cloudy eyes gazed dreamily into Layla's as she nestled in his arms, reciprocating the enthusiasm.

For a moment, Reo felt like he internally vomited three times. "...I only asked if you've had any prior experience with the sword," Reo managed to cough out, his awkwardness palpable.

Following their son's revelation, the couple blinked out of their stupor, staring emptily for a brief moment. Cliff released his embrace around Layla and shifted on his spot. Raising a fist to his mouth, he stifled a mild but meaningful cough, then assumed a fake serious gaze at his son. 

"Yes, I did," he declared, clearing his throat to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

In the midst of the unfolding revelation, Layla maintained an unwavering poise. Her back remained straight, figure upright, and hands gracefully placed against her laps. A serenely refined smile adorned her lips, accompanied by an evenly composed gaze. However, there lingered a barely restrained hint of amusement playing in her eyes, adding an intriguing layer to her composed demeanor.

Reo observed his parents silently for a short while, suppressing the urge to sigh. Despite his initial intentions, he found himself genuinely impressed and surprised by this unexpected turn of events. While he anticipated an interesting story about Cliff, the revelations surpassed all expectations, leaving him to contemplate the implications of the narrative he had just been subjected to for what felt like an eternity.

As Reo shifted his gaze, a contemplative expression settled upon him. Layla, in her own right, added another layer of mystery to the unfolding tale. The secrets that lay beneath the surface of his parents' lives seemed to stretch further than he could have ever imagined.

Unable to restrain it any longer, Reo let out an inevitable sigh in the presence of his parents.

"You two... really were incredible," he muttered quietly. His words didn't escape Cliff's heightened senses, prompting a small pompous grin from his father.

"Aren't we?" Cliff raised his chin, almost puffing his chest with pride. However, his triumphant moment was short-lived as Layla delivered an elbow jab to his side, accompanied by a masquerading smile that bordered on being almost scary. The unexpected jab forced Cliff to recoil on the spot.

All the while, Reo silently observed this interplay of dynamics. Doubt crept into his mind as he pondered, '...They really were...right?' There was a hint of barely restrained skepticism lingering in his thoughts, casting a shadow over the seemingly incredible display of his parents' past.

Certainly, Reo had no reason to doubt his parents, Cliff and Layla, as they recounted their extraordinary tale. In fact, he found himself genuinely believing every word. As the whole story unfolded, certain aspects began to click into place, creating a newfound understanding.

Reo had always perceived his mother, Layla, as a paragon of calmness, grace, and gentleness. Her movements exuded a refined elegance, and her cultured presence carried a subtle yet undeniable air of sophistication. Her gaze remained consistently even and soft, reflecting a well-cultivated and graceful allure. Depending on the context, her smile demanded a certain level of awe or, perhaps, respect. In other cases, it had a magical quality that could seemingly melt anyone caught in its warmth.

Shifting his gaze to Cliff, Reo pondered. 

And Cliff... well.

"He's okay, I guess," Reo mumbled with a hint of mild uncertainty. It was clear that while Layla had an almost otherworldly presence, Cliff's charm might not have been as immediately apparent to his discerning son.

"Oi. That look... you just thought something mediocre of me, didn't you?" Cliff glanced at his son with furrowed brows, catching onto the subtle expression.

"It's just your imagination, father," Reo shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding any immediate response as he looked away.

Without waiting for a response, Reo began to recount the story he had just heard. In all honesty, there was no way for him to have any idea who his father was in the past. Layla's refined upbringing left subtle telltale signs, though Reo hadn't bothered to notice until now.

'But at the same time,' Reo continued, pausing for a moment, "the case can also be applied in reverse.'

Cliff, once revered as a national hero, sent shockwaves through the community when he unexpectedly announced his retirement. His departure left many questioning the circumstances that led to such a significant decision.

Both Cliff and Layla made the bold choice to leave behind their previous lives and embark on a new journey together. Cliff, despite a lack of apparent talent, tried his hand at blacksmithing, a profession that didn't quite align with his skills – a fact someone should have kindly pointed out. Meanwhile, Layla embraced the role of a full-time housewife, marking a departure from her previous noble status.

The formidable power Cliff displayed at the chapel could be traced back to his origins as a badass knight, providing a context for his seemingly supernatural abilities. On the other hand, Layla's transition from a noble background was an unexpected revelation, challenging preconceived notions about her character and adding complexity to their shared narrative.


[A/N]: Hey, guys, goes without saying the events in this chapter and the last took place between the period Reo was grounded. At that point he had many questions and doubts, some pertaining to his foster father, Cliff.

These chapters were used to spread 'some' light on a 'part' of the Bellar's family past —The Blood Knight and the Third Daughter of the De' LàForte Family. 

In actuality, this was supposed to come much earlier, immediately after the end of the chapel incident, even, but there was a lot that needed to be done, and still is.. It was going to be disclosed anyway, so I decided to steadily drop some subtle lore, this being one of them. And as from the next chapter, the events will resume to the current time. Back to getting stronger and becoming the best and all.

—Holy cow, we are only near halfway through the first volume...