
A Brighter World With You

Athena and Izuku came form different worlds with different views of those with Quirks. An incident caused the two to meet in Izuku's world and from their story begins. Athena a person prone to misfortune and difficult situations meets the one person who can save her, her true mate in a world where Sub gender or second genders are paramount to the continuation of society, where she soon realised that being the sub gender she is can comes at a cost to the person she loves. This is a re-written version of my other work called A Brighter world for us. I felt that my writing styled changed so much that I needed to re write the story. An Unusual Omegaverse that is rated mature. Undergoing editing at present also.

Frecklescat13 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 4.

Athena's pleasure from the large man that sat next to her was driving her crazy, the injection fuelling the lust in her body and she squirmed under his touch. He had been touching her the whole hour it took to get from the Authority building where she had been kept to the club that she was now a slave of. Enji's hand had been dancing along her leg, gently stroking her pale skin that rested under her skirt and moving up towards her panties in circular motions and back down again towards her knee, he never touched her delicate entrance that was wet from the pleasure she was feeling. She moaned at the heat he was giving her and he smirked at the way sweat was forming in her skin, he had plans for this girl and he had someone waiting to find out how she was and what she could do. He had paid a lot for this beauty and wanted to make a return on his investment.

The car pulled up to a tall warehouse that had been converted into a night club. It was painted black and stood alone in the vast open area around it. The Hero's Club was on the side of the building shinning from a yellow neon sign that brightly lit the area. The club was situated on the edge of the town and was well know across the providence for having some of the best 'shows' for all tastes and catered for all desires, they had never been shut down by the police or other officials as they paid them handsomely and offered them services that other could never obtain, services that degraded the people who were slaves to the club and only thought of in terms of products and not people. Athena took the building in that was now going to be the place she called home and felt a sharp burn in her abdomen, causing a small whimper to leave her lips, the drug they had given her was being burnt in her system and starting to wear off, the heat and sweat left her feeling dizzy, cold and clammy and before she could focus she was dragged out of the car by Enji. He dragged her limp, burning body across the gravel that lined the paths to the club entrance and unlocked the large double doors.

Inside the club was dimly lit and once through the entrance area you were brought into a vast open area, covered in stages with poles, booths covered in red leather, a bard lined the back wall and doors that lined the room. The doors were situated next to the booths and each one had a specific number or name, indicating what was happening inside. The name rooms were mainly used for viewing and recording but the rooms with number were used for far more explicit reasons. She was dragged to the third or fourth room that lined the right hand side of the club and when Enji opened the door, a large bed covered in black silk sheets was before her, a camera pointing towards it and a man who had his back at them attending to the equipment. He wore blue lose fitting jeans, a brown belt and a black tank top to show off his muscles in his upper body. Blond, spiky hair stood on top of the man's head and as he turned, piercing crimson eyes looked directly into hers. He looked no older then she was but could easily see he had been here at the club a while by the way he was treated. He turned away from her and as he did his brand became visible on his neck, a grenade burnt into his tanned flesh for all to see. He had a quirk like she did and she wanted to know more about the teen in front of her. She had never meet another like herself in the person, well apart from one time she tried to talk to someone through her cell but that ended up badly for them both.

A large hand was still wrapped around her wrists from where he had been dragging her. Enji lifted her and threw her onto the bed with ease, she hit the bed face first and bounced a few times before coming to a settle on top of the silky sheets. She turned herself over so she could breath and laid on the bed, trying to settle the dizziness she was reeling from. The bright room was spinning and she had to hold onto the bed to try and ground herself, she felt sick as the last of the drug was being used and burnt in her system.

"All good to go boss!" the blond teen had said in a husky and blunt tone. He peered over to the girl lying on the bed and knew what was coming, he had pity in his eyes, he had done this before but never with someone so close to his age.

"Good job Katsuki" Enji boomed out into the room.

"The usual, but be careful it cost us a lot of money" Toshinori said as the both left the room and moved into the observation area that each of the named rooms had.

Katsuki walked towards a silver tray that was just out of the view of the camera and reached for a needle with the green liquid in once again. He picked it up, walking over to the camera and turning it on, all the camera's in the room began to blink a red light to indicate they were now recoding their every move and from many different angles. He walked over to the bed before climbing on top of her, legs either side of her body and he gently placed his weight on her waist, he lent forwards and moved her brown hair away from her neck before placing the needle against the pale skin of her neck, leaning his mouth towards her ear.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as the sharp prick of the needled entered her skin and the coolness of the drug flowed once again into her system. The heat rose again in her abdomen, the tingling across her skin and the wetness formed quickly in her entrance as the drug ripped though her body and took over making her hypersensitive. He looked to make sure the drug was working before shifting his wait and throwing the used needle at the wall that had a small cork board on, the needled hit it's mark with a thud and Katsuki turned back his attention to the teen underneath him. He reached and brushed his hands across her face and the coolness of his skin made a shudder course through her. His hands reached and pulled the small blue ribbons' end to start undoing it, slowly it undone and his hands worked on undoing the buttons to her shirt. Each touch was gentle but sent chills and shivers over her body, causing her to moan and squirm underneath him. He had gotten her shirt undone and slowly slid his hands under her body so her could life her up. He needed to remove her blazer and shirt and pulling her close to him gave him the access he needed. He tugged and pulled the clothes off her skin, leaving her torso in only her bra, her pale skin covered in scars and bruises shone under the bright lights in the room and Katsuki eyes widened at seeing the amount that littered her chest, his hands reached out a touched a scar above her breast and she flinched from the sudden touch. He lent forward, placing his hands on either side of her head and moved his face closer to hers, she could smell him, she could taste him from how close he was and he soon placed his lips on hers, forcing entry into her wet cavern and searched her mouth with his tongue. Panted breathes could be heard from them both and during the kiss his right hand had moved to the side of her neck and was tracing down her collar bone and down her shoulder, he stopped as he felt the bumps and ridged lines of her brand, stoking his fingers over it many times, enticing moans and whimpers from her. His body was flush to hers, he worked his way down her body, kissing and licking each mark and scar he could find, reaching her bra he pulled it down, forcibly to get at the plump breasts underneath, licking, biting and sucking them before removing her bra completely. He lifted his body off and away from hers before removing his black tank top and throwing it to the floor, his mind had moved on to exposing her fully and he quickly picked her up and flung her so she was more central in the large bed. His hands reached down under her skirt and he laid down by her side and as they touched her thighs she bite her lip to suppress the moan that was about to leave, his hand slid down her thigh to her knee high socks and he slipped a finger underneath it's band before slowly pushing it down her leg and off. Running his hands back up her leg her worked on the next sock, kissing her stomach once they had both been removed, her body had heated up so much that each of his touched left a coolness she craved and she wanted his hands and lips on her more. Her pants and moans were turning on the blond more than the others ever had and he just wanted her, she wanted to be in her, feel her around him. He pulled at her skirt, now desperate to get it off and to the wet entrance that lay underneath, he ripped and pulled until the skirt was flung off leaving just her panties in his way. He slipped two of his fingers in his mouth and slavered them in his saliva before reaching down and moving her panties aside, fingers circling her entrance, his breath hitched and stuck in his chest when he felt the warmth as his first finger entreated her. A loud moan was heard in the room and Katsuki was struggling to contain his pulsing, painful erection in his jeans. He pushed in another finger and heard her breathing become more and more sporadic. A deep pulsing was being felt throughout her body and she jerked when it spread over, causing her to tighten around his fingers that were still burning a pleasurable pain inside her. He moved so his body was between her legs, freeing his throbbing erection. He lined himself up to her entrance that was beckoning him in and pulled her panties to the side, the tip started to slowly enter her but before he could get any further a voice boomed over him.

"Stop Katsuki. She is worth more untainted" Enji said whilst grabbing the blond by the shoulder. He was so close to entering her that a quick flick of his hips was all it would take to make her his, to take her first time away but he couldn't, he knew what punishment would await him if he did, with frustration he pulled away from her and moved to the side of the bed to deal with his erection on his own. It wasn't long before his hand was covered in his white liquid. Cleaning his self up he reached for his tank top and was ordered to tie her to the bed. He did as he was told and left her in the room to ride out the rest of the drug in her system, the camera's still rolling as the drug left her and exhaustion washed over her body.

Izuku didn't know that the girl he had been dreaming about had nearly lost of her first time to his childhood friends doppelganger in the other world, nor did he know what she was facing or going through. He was facing his own dilemma's, his training with All Might was exhausting, he had his entrance exams to his dream high school approaching and he had to deal with being an Alpha, something he was not prepared for. His mind was a mental, exhausted mess and nothing he did seemed to ease the tension he was feeling. He tired to train it away thinking that it maybe that he wasn't progressing fast enough for the pro hero but this only back fired when he collapsed during a session with the pro and was nearly crushed under the weight of what he was trying to move. The pro had to step in and soon realised he had been training on top of the strict plan he had given the teen. To say that Izuku felt like a fool was an understatement and he was beginning to doubt that he had what it would take to be a hero. He had no one he could talk to about this other than the pro, and as he was mad at the teen for going against him and training in secret he was sure he never wanted to see him again, but this was his mind playing tricks on him, the pro did want to see him and he did have time to talk to the teen but he had shut it all in on himself that it become obvious that he was troubled. His mood changed, he became more snappy and receded into himself. His mother was worried about her son and knew he had been spending more time with his old childhood friend. Thinking about how they used to spend all the time they could together, she called her friend Mitsuki to talk to her about her worries for her son and they agreed that they boys needed some fun, a camping trip was called for and it was going to be this weekend.

The camping trip came as a surprise to both teens as the mothers were waiting at Izuku's apartment, fully kitted out and ready to leave when he arrived with Katsuki in tow. They smiled with a hint of a smirk and both teens knew what it meant, they had seen that smile before and the last time it had caused problems, embarrassing problems for them both. The mothers were known to cause their son's trouble with their kind intentions, they never asked the boys if they wanted to go, instead just shoved them towards Izuku's room before the teens could say anything. The two teens looked at each other and just shrugged before starting to change in front of one another, they had seen each other naked and done things that their mothers would consider to be between people who were dating.

Katsuki was the first to start and as he removed his black blazer and undid the rest of his shirt before taking it off, he noticed the pile of clothes his mother had obviously left for him, his mother had taken an interest in what her son liked to wear and had left him a plain black t-shirt, dark green cargo trousers and a large beige jumper. He turned to the other teen in the room and looked to see what he would be wearing for his camping trip but his mouth fell open, lost for words as he saw the other teens torso, it was covered in bruises, new and old, the muscles moved and twitched as he reached for his shirt and Katsuki was amazed and shocked at how much he had changed in such little time. The teen walked over in silence, hand reached out and touched the smaller teens arm causing him to flinch, turn and a low growl rumbled throughout the room. Emerald green eyes stared in to the crimson eyes of his friend that was eyeing him up or what Izuku thought was him sizing him up.

"What that fuck Deku?" he said at the greenette whilst anger rose within him.

"I cannot tell you Kacchan, I'm sorry but I can't" Izuku said.

"What the actual fuck!" Katsuki said with more anger in his voice then before.

Before he could ask anything more Mitsuki barged into the room and hurried the boys along. Pink painted Izuku's checks at the sudden intrusion of his friends mother and scrabbled to put on his red tartan shirt. She noticed the muscles of the teen but said nothing and said they only had five minutes to finish changing or they would be the ones to do everything when they reached the camp site. The teens knew what that meant and hurried to get changed but not before Katsuki shooed his mother out of the room and started daggers at where she had been.

"You better fucking talk Deku!" he said as he zipped up his trouser and grabbed his jumper from the pile.

"I can't. It's not your concern Kacchan" he said as he finished doing up his belt to his blue cargo trousers.

"I will find out you know shit nerd!"

"I know you will Kacchan, just not now!". This was something he could not tell anyone, if they knew that the power of All Might could be passed on then everyone would be after the pro and him to obtain it. He didn't want to put himself or anyone in danger because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. A huge sigh left his lips as they walked out of his room and towards the front door. Sitting down so he could do his hiking boots up he felt the watchful crimson eyes on him and knew that he wasn't going to let this go, he was going to get it out of him but he had made a promise and he intended to keep it.

As they were driving down the country roads in Mitsuki's black 4x4, through the thick forest Izuku messaged the pro to let him know that they wouldn't be able to train this weekend and luckily they had a month break from their Alpha classes. The mothers in the front of the car were chatting about everything and anything, the occasional laughed roared through the car and singing erupted when a tune came on. Both teens cringed at their mothers singing and tried to escape to their own places but it was hard when you were trapped in a car. Izuku began to think of the training he would be missing on this trip and if there was any way he could get some done without being spotted, but a grunt from the seat next to him reminded him that he was now going to be watched by the crimson eyes of his friend. The car finally stopped after what felt like a torturous few hours of their mothers singing and they hopped out to start unloading their backpacks and equipment they would need. The teens pulled on their back packs and waited for the mothers to get out of the car but when they didn't Katsuki walked around to the front.

"Come on old hag, were losing fucking light" he said to his mother who promptly got out of the driver's seat and smacked him across the top of the head.

"Don't call my old hag you little shit" she said to him as she walked over tot the back of the car and shut the boot.

"What the fuck?" Katsuki said as he watched his mother get back into the car and locking the doors, stopping the boys from getting back in.

"We are going to a hot springs, you are camping. Enjoy you little shit and keep an eye on Izuku. We will be back tomorrow evening around 7. Be here or were leave you" she said as she started to drive away from the two shocked teens.

"WHAT THE FUCK OLD HAG!" he screamed as the lights of his mother car drove off down the road.


"What is it Deku?"

"What do we do now?"

"We find a fucking camping spot before it gets dark"

"Lead the way Kacchan, your better at this then me"

"I'm fucking awesome at everything nerd!" Katsuki said with a smirk on his face.

The teens started to walk up through the thick forest, taking each step and enjoying their surroundings, the clean air and rustling of the trees calmed them, there was nothing but them and nature. The only scents in the air was from each other and the forest, it was like they were being cleansed by the smell and they both felt relaxed as they looked for the perfect spot to camp. It took a few hours of walking, hiking and trekking through different terrain before Katsuki found the perfect spot near a river. It was a beautiful place, the ground was flat and free of stones, the river was close but far enough away to not attract predators who wanted to drink or fish, the forest at the rear and the red hues if the sun setting sky above them. Placing down their backpacks they got to work on setting up the tent, which caused some problems for the greenette. He wasn't very good at camping, the tent poles smacked him in the face more than once, the green canvas blew away in the breeze and all the while Katsuki watched his friend struggled, laughing at the teen in front of him.

"Give it here nerd!" as he grabbed the canvas out from Izuku's hands and pulled it with ease into place, pegging it to the ground before looking back with a smug face. All that was left was to get some fire wood, set up inside and catch some fish for dinner. The teens were starving from the walk and setting up, they hadn't eaten since lunchtime. Katsuki decided he would be in charge of the fire wood and catching dinner, he loved to cook and loved camping so he was in his element. Izuku plodded off inside the tent to place their backpacks and set up their roll mats for their sleeping bags, whilst unpacking their backpacks he was caught by the cinnamon scent of his friend and images for his first rut came flooding back, they way they had touched and kissed each other flooded his mind, flushed he turned around to find the fire burning bright and the blond sitting by the river fishing. He had time to take care of the throbbing erection he had in his trousers, he took out his member and the cool breeze cooled the pre cum that had formed. He rubbed his thumb over his slit before slowly wrapping his hand over the rest of his member, using the pre cum he had as a lubricant. His hand stoked up and down in a slow rhythm and as more of Katsuki scent hit him he rubbed faster, moans began to leave his mouth, his breath become pants and his pheromones leaked out of him. He closed his eyes so he could feel the sensation building inside him better and the memories of him and his friend disappeared, the girl with purple hair popped into his mind, dancing and teasing him. He didn't know her but he wanted her, she was beautiful and seductive. His abdomen pooled with the familiar heat and tension as he got closer to his climax, kneeling on the ground, he place his other hand in front of himself to steady the jolts that ran through him, moans became cursing words as he rubbed his member faster as the heat began to creep up his member before his seed spurted out, painting his hand a creamy white. He was glad that Katsuki was fishing, he didn't want him to see him please himself when not in rut, it was weird how his scent had turned him on but then that girl, the girl he had been seeing in his dreams pushed him over the edge quicker than he had been before. He wanted to know who she was but as his breathing started to steady he opened his eyes and sat back on his haunches to the pissed face of his friend.

"Put you're dick away and come eat" was all he got from the blond, he looked down and blushed a dark red before slipping is member away and rushing to the river to wash away the seed that covered his hand. He let out a sigh before walking back and sitting down to eat his dinner.

The food was amazing, the stars above them shone bright and the woods rustles gentle behind them and before long both were tucked up in their sleeping bags fast asleep. The purple hair girl danced in Izuku's dreams once more but she was trying to say something, he couldn't hear it, he couldn't make out what she was trying to say to him and this was how the dream of her progressed, each night would be the same, no sound just her saying something to him that he couldn't hear. He would know what she was saying but not for years to come.