

Mara's pov

"Mom" , Mara calls out, stomping her feet on the ground as she walks angrily towards the queen.

"What is the matter Mara? Why does your face carry so much anger?" she asked concerningly.

"How could you let that happen, Mom? How could you let Fenrir be taken away by Alpha Zeev? You and I know how much I've been trying to form an ally with him. Fenrir can't have him, only I have the right to be his Luna, and wife." She said fuming with anger.

" Mara!How dare you talk to your mother like that," the king thundered, obviously angered at the turn of events.

" I've every right to be angry, I have every reason to talk to her like that! why? why did you both let that happen, Alpha Zeev was mine to begin with, how could that spineless bitch that cannot shift, be his Luna?. I, Mara, is the only one who will be by his side." Mara shouted back at the king

" Calm down Mara, her life with Alpha Zeev is going to be worse than even being here don't you see," the queen said, trying to take control of the situation.

" No it won't Mom, her life is going to be just fine, Everyone knows Alpha Zeev is not as the rumour pertain him to be and were you blind to the way he treated her before your very own eyes." A profound moment of silence fell after the angry Mara spoke.

" I promise you both, if this situation is not corrected and Alpha Zeev doesn't throw out Fenrir from the crystal moon pack, I can't say what I will do yet." She said and walked away fuming with anger.

The king and queen both took a look at each other, unsure of what to do, they heaved a sigh.

" Bring me a guard," his voice resounded from inside the throne room.

" Good day Alpha Boron," the guard greeted, bowing curtly.

" Get me a man from the council, tell him to bring with him writing material for he'll be helping write out and deliver a message, and that it requires urgent attention." Alpha Boron's uneasy voice could be heard.

" As you wish, Alpha Boron," the guard bowed and walked out of the room.

The king came down from the throne and walk into the grand sitting room followed by his queen.

Moments later, a man walked into the grand sitting room of the kingdom.

" Welcome Joe, sit, I've an important and urgent issue you need to tend to." Alpha Boron said readjusting himself on the seat.

" What is the matter Alpha Boron?, I'll be sure to do it without fail, " he said confidently.

" Write a letter to Alpha Zeev, tell him that I demand that he bring back Fenrir to the kingdom, and in exchange for that he'll take my daughter Mara to be his Luna." Alpha Boron said.

" Alpha Boron, when you say Fenrir, you mean the first princess," he said, lowering his voice to hide the address given to Fenrir.

The vicious glares of the queen fell on him, following his words.

" Fenrir yes, I want my daughter Mara to be his Luna in her stead," he said again calming the angry queen down with the statement.

" But why, Alpha Boron? Their match wasn't made by mere choices, they are mate because the moon goddess brought them together, Alpha Boron and we all know how Alpha Zeev is, he probably won't let her go." The shaky voice of the man filled the room.

" Shut up! you this nameless bastard, Who are you to tell me what and what not to do, I order you to bring Fenrir back to this place, dead or alive and for Mara to be taken in her replacement." The angry voice of Luna Kia filled the room.

" Calm down Kia, he's going to do it without fail, won't you Joe?." Alpha Boron, asked threateningly.

" I will Alpha Boron, I surely will, " he said , staggering out of the room.

Luna Kia walked out as well, while Alpha Boron sat down unsettlingly.

" Gosh, I almost felt my heart rip out of my chest from the fierce gaze of that witch, I hope Alpha Zeev never gives into their stupid request." Joe said, holding onto his chest tightly.

" Have his head cut off, if he fails to bring back that bitch with him to Asteria," Mara spoke from behind.

" My Lady", he uttered. Turning back to meet the vicious glares of Mara who stood behind him.

" You dare to talk evil about me behind my back, isn't it, It is treason enough that you slandered the king and queen to talk more of wishing bad things to them," Mara said walking towards him.

" I'm sorry my Lady, I just happened to be flustered for some moments, I never meant that," he said again in defence of his actions.

" Whether or not you mean it, If you don't bring Fenrir back with you to Asteria today, consider yourself a dead man, I'll have your eyes plucked off alive and have your head cut off to feed the vultures." She walked closer again pushing the man back.

"I'll do so my lady, I promise to bring her with me back to Asteria." he said staggering, almost falling to the floor.

The wicked smirk on Mara's face grew wider amused by the actions of the man in front of her.

" Go, you're free to go now, heed my words lest I wouldn't mind using you as a scapegoat to teach those indignant bastards," she yelled.

The shaky legs of the man wobbled away weakly as he wobbled away from the Castle, at a loss.

It was never an easy task to get to the crystal moon pack, more worse taking their Luna with him, dead or alive. " I'd prefer to be killed by Alpha Zeev than be made to go through an excruciating process of pain from this bitch, " he said again, covering his mouth almost immediately.

Heaving a sigh when he found no one around, he walked away dejectedly.

" Arrange a chariot for me, I'll head away from Asteria to the crystal moon pack by dawn and either return alive or dead, " he said to the guard by the entrance of the castle