
A boy with the weakest Blessing attends the school of magic.


Shienanana · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Ranking System

To unlock your power you must first go to the elders, he will do the ritual for you to unlock the Blessing. (Elders are said to be guardians of the former houses of god here in the land, they are often found in old places like forests etc.)

-Power/Blessing ranking-

1.Elemental - elemental power that is able to create and control based on their acquired elements,it is a good offense especially from afar and is sometimes used as a defense.

Element - Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Light, and Darknenss.

2.Weaponmaster - Weaponmaster the power that empowers weapons and its user, it is more powerful if only one weapon is used and studied by the user.

3.Power of nature - able to control plants, it is also used for healing.

4.Natural/Ability - it strengthens the user's body as if as or faster and even stronger than animals.

5.Space - able to teleport to a place they have been to or have seen, it can open a portal that serves as a way for others.(sometimes a user is able to create their own bag using it)

6.Shifter - Said to be the most trivial, just good on defense and sometimes seen with rookie squads, the power that can turn a person's body into stone, iron, or any hard object but can slow down their movement due to the weight and hardness of their body.

-Knight / Hero ranking-

The rank of Knight/Hero is not only based on a person's strength, it is based on the number of achievements they have achieved.

1. Champion - points achieved (30,000pts)

2. SS class - points achieved (20,000pts)

3. S class - points achieved (15,000pts)

4. A class -points achieved (10,000pts)

5. B class - points achieved (7,000pts)

6. C class - points achieved (4,000pts)

7. D class - points achieved (1,500pts)

8. E class - points achieved (500pts)

9. F - class - Trainees/Student

Points are gained not only by killing monsters, they are also earned by completing quests from the capital.

-Monster ranking and Points-

1.God class (70,000pts) - The monster that can destroy a country in an instant. ( no one has seen it yet and it is said to be gone and it only lived at a time when the gods were still living in the land.)

2.Dragon class (7000pts) - It will take five or more number of champions to beat just one.

3.Baby Dragon class (3,000) - Weaker in the demon class and can be defeated by the champion even alone, but it uses all its life force when they know they will die and when the opponents are stronger than them.

4.Chimera class (700pts) - a threat to a A class Knight.

5.Sirens class (450pts) - a water type monster that can defeat A class knight, only if they are on the water.

6.Ogre class (150pts) - It can be defeated by a party of a D class knight.

7.Golem class (35pts) - A monster that can regenerate but is less threatening because of its slow movement.

8.Wolf class (20pts) - Even a farmer with a weapon can defeat one of them, but they are often seen together.

9.Slime class (1pts) - a cute looking monster, and it can also be kept as a pet.

(A person is born with the number 0 on the wrist and it rises every time you kill a monster or achieve a quest, this is where the ranking system is based.)