
A boy with the weakest Blessing attends the school of magic.


Shienanana · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


"Lets clap our hand to our new team lead! Ken what can you say to your co -workers?" His manager said while celebrating his promotion.

Ken tears flowed with great joy as his dreams gradually came true. "Thank you to everyone who supported and trusted me, hopefully our partnership will be successful from now and again thank you all!"

They were drinking happily and unaware that it was midnight, his co-workers came home one by one and he's the last to left to fix their things first.

As he was walking to the train station, he heard a woman shouting in the alley, He was curious so he looked at what was happening. "Hihi ... let's see what's going on here."

Ken peeked into the alley and was suddenly horrified when he saw the woman on her knees with a gun pointed at her head. "Why didn't you spread that information, didn't you say you would keep quiet?" As the man said furiously to the woman.

He was trembling with extreme fear and could not think correctly what to do. He tried to call the police but couldn't dial the numbers on his phone because of extreme fear.

While the man was talking, his phone suddenly rang with max volume so Ken was startled that's why he bumped into the trash cans. The man with the gun was also startled by the sound of the trash can so he accidentally shot it in the head of the woman.

The man didn't really mean to shoot the woman so he fled the accident, Ken didn't know what to do so he also fled the scene.

"aahhhh-hhaaa...(yawn) That was a bad dream of mine. I hope that doesn't happen in real life, my head still hurts!" said Ken as he got up from his bed.

Ken started cookin breakfast, when his breakfast was cooked, he sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news. "A woman was killed by an unidentified man, now they are looking for who could possibly have kill-."

"No! ... no!... it's all just a dream, but why is it in the news? Right, this is also a dream I'm sure." he said as he calmed himself.

Eventually he realizes everything is true, Ken can't sleep for three days while thinking that he is the cause of the crime.

He decide not to mind all of that so he came to a public pool to calm himself down. While Ken was resting he saw a girl drowning in a pool ten feet deep, he remembered the woman he had not helped so he decided to help the drowning girl.

He quickly jumped to save the kid from drowning, while in the middle of the pool he remembered that he did not know how to swim.

"I'm such a loser, when my decision to help is complete, then this will be the reason how I will die, is this for real?" Ken thought, as he continued to sink himself to the bottom.

"Ha? I thought I died, haha ​​it looks like my missions in the world aren't over yet." And that's what he thought.

He couldn't stand like he used to, no matter how hard he tried to stand, it was still no better than that, so he tried to speak up for help.

Spoke and was confused when he heard a baby like voice coming from his mouth. "What does this mean, why does my voice sound like a baby?"

"blah.. bleuh... bahh... bluhhhh.." As he continued his speech a woman appeared in front of him as if he was being put to sleep.

"Is this what they called reincarnated? Hey miss what are you doing to me? he..he.. I will make sure I do everything so that I don't become a burden here in my second life~~." He continued to faint as he gradually became drowsy.

As he slept he heard his parents voice, deciding what to name him. "Luis, what shall we name him?"

"How about Alab?"

Uhm... Alab, that's sound great!"

"From now on your name is Alab." Said his parent.

In this world his father was Luis a well-known good hunter in their village and his mother Hina was a simple and beautiful woman.

Four years had passed, and at first he was surprised to see some of the villagers using magic, like people turning their bodies to stone, controlling water and fire and other magic.

After he saw all that he knew he was reincarnated not on his old planet but in the world of magic. Alab try to mimic the spell and chant they used but nothing works.

"The miracle of the God of fire, give me the power to burn what is in front of me!" Also does not work.

"Am I also useless here? Damn it!"

He was so bored that he was wandering and rolling around their house when he noticed something wrong on the floor of his room, there seemed to be a secret door under their carpet, opening the door, he saw a nasty book full of webs in the bookshelf. "Types and descriptions of magic, let's see if we can find anything useful."

In the book, it explain all of the description of magic and some kind of monster. After he read the Book he understood and knew what magic was. "I practiced and practice eh, I still didn't know how to use magic until I was ten years old, of course that's why I don't see anyone using magic my age."

When he was about to return the Book, one of the books on the shelf caught his attention. "This book looks interesting, Floor 101 Almost all the monsters live here by Lufer Simor."

After he read that book it became his favorite, he also reads it almost every day, consequently he had an interest in learning to hunt animals and other monsters.

So instead of wasting six years of idleness, he began to practice under his father's instruction how to hunt some wild animals and monsters. "Through this I can improve my body and be ready to learn magic at my tenth year of age."

6 year have passed

"Finally, this is what I've been waiting for, to find out what power I have!" Alab said while getting excited.

Unable to wait, he climbed a steep mountain where an elder lived. "Elder where are you? ~~Show me what my power is?~~where are you Elder? ~~." Happily singing his own song about the elder.

After five hours of searching for the Elder he finally found it as well.

"Are you here to know what your power is?" The elder asked Alab.

"Yes I am here to know what my power is ~~."

"Okay, come over here, im busy so I'm gonna make this quick."


"Can you be quiet for a while, I can't focus on your noise."

"Sorry sorry. power power power (laughing gently)"

The elder had finished the ritual and he had already said what Alab's power was. "Slime"

"What? Slime what? What's up with the slime?" He asked while confused.

"Like I said slime your power is slime, oh it's time? see you." The old man suddenly disappeared without explaining what Alab's power really was.

"What slime is that old man saying? but it doesn't matter that I've already unlocked my power, I'll just know what it really is."

Alab repeatedly tried to figure out what his power was but he still didn't know what it really was.

"As far as I know, what the book says is that chant is not important, I just need to imagine and it will activate as I focus more."

it was going to be night so he just thought of going home, as he went down he suddenly tripped and hit his head on the sharp rock. "oh man here we go again, it looks like even here I'm still a worthless piece of crap."

"Ahhh ... it looks like I got reincarnated again." he said as he opened his eyes inside the place of the elder.

"But wait this place looks familiar, it looks like I came from here yesterday!"

"Stupid, what reincarnate are you talking about?"

"But didn't my head hit the rock when I was tripped!?"

"Of course you won't die, didn't I say slime is your blessing."

"So does that mean I'm a shifter!? Slime a shifter don't fool me old man maybe you just healed me or something."

Alab still didn't believe, so the Old Man took a knife and cut off his hand.

"ahhhhhh! What did you do to my hand!? Are you out of your mind!?"

The old man pointed to his hand that seemed to be dissolving and picked it up to fix. And at that moment Alab did nothing but accept his blessing.