
A Boxer in Avatar

Cuckolding a mafia boss is not something you can do without expecting revenge. I, Lorenzo Bonaventura, after messing with the fiancée of a mobster from my own homeland, was killed and reincarnated in this strange world where there is something similar to magic or superpowers called bending. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clarification! The story will take place in Korra's time and the MC knows nothing about the story, nor about Aang or Korra. Everyday chapters except Sundays!

Parstro · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


The fervor of the crowd pierced our ears, the dazzling light of the arena forced us to squint, and the fresh scent of the sea completed the experience prior to entering the imposing pro-bending arena, which stood apart from Republic City.

"Why... so bright?"

We walked along the wide walkway connecting the pro-bending arena to the mainland. Liu, hunched to my left, grumbled under his breath as he covered his eyes with one hand.

"Yes... Bright, bright as the sun. I feel like I'll go blind if I don't look away. Awesome."

Chieko, to my right, walked concentrating on ignoring the intense light emanating from the arena, in her hands she carried a small basket with snacks that I asked her to bring.

"But you, Lorenzo, hehe, you don't seem afraid of going blind, why is that?"

I felt Chieko's gaze on me, but my eyes remained unwavering.

"Because I can't go blind until I see more of you."

The compliment came from my lips with my characteristic confident tone, without hesitation, as if I were saying good morning or evening.

What I had learned from making out with so many women was that they liked a little sass now and then. From the most virginal to the most experienced, uninhibited confidence was always welcome.

Of course, if you were someone who blushed just by looking at a girl or if it showed you were trying too hard, you'd just be seen as a weirdo. However, that wasn't the case for me at all.

Chieko looked surprised, remaining silent as if she was processing my words.

"S-see more of me? What else do you want to see?"

However, a few meters away from us, Nobuo, who until that moment was chatting excitedly with his friends, turned and waved a fist in the air.

"Hey, hurry up, we're going to run out of the best places!"


Hui was his name, a short boy with glasses.

"Come on, hurry up!"

Then there was Saburo, a freckled boy wearing a scarf. The group of boys were gesturing for us to hurry up.

"They're right, we need to get good seats."

So, I hurried the pace.

Sitting in the bleachers meant for ordinary spectators was not strange to me at all; in fact, it was comforting, like being at home.

Despite being a fighter and champion, I was a regular spectator at the various bouts taking place in the Ba Sing Se arena. It was not uncommon to see me standing next to the fans, watching attentively each confrontation.

I had my reasons, and they were the following: first, for pure amusement; it was fascinating to see two people throwing stones at each other as if it were an everyday occurrence. Second, for preparation; I would analyze potential opponents in detail from head to toe.

I learned this practice when I became a professional. My trainer would have me attend live fights and then review recordings of previous fights to get a detailed idea of my future opponents.

Mickey, my trainer and the first person who trusted me, was one of the reasons I reached such a high level. Despite losing three times the chance to become world boxing champion, he never stopped supporting me.

So I smiled, remembering the old days.

However, I was snapped out of my thoughts when a voice echoed from all sides. The lights went out, and a man emerged from the hexagonal ring where the fight was to take place. The light shone on him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here are the Golden Temple Tigerdillos!"

The man with the microphone pointed to one side, illuminating a group of three boys dressed in garments the color of the lions' fur.

"And on the other side, the Fire Ferrets!"

He pointed again, and again the light illuminated a group of three boys dressed in russet-toned clothing.


The crowd cheered, though it obviously compared in no way to the cheers I was receiving throughout the Earth Kingdom.

Besides, the outfits of the teams didn't please me at all. If I was going to fight, I preferred to show off my pecs and dispense with footwear.

"Hey, Nobuo, who did you bet on?"

In every respectable sport, bets were common. Although I was not a bettor in my past life, in my current life and with the need to make a large profit, I had placed several bets based on my analysis.

I thought about repeating the strategy I had observed in several games, but with Nobuo and Hui insisting that it could be a great vintage, I said, "Sure, why not?"

I understood that in life patience was vital, but I also knew that sometimes it was necessary to follow what the heart dictated.

"We're betting on the Fire Ferrets, obviously."

I stroked my chin and my eyes fell on the aforementioned team, who were readying themselves in position. With the baggy robes and large helmets, I couldn't notice much detail.


It was Hui who answered, pupils dilated and voice exuding excitement, like a child reading a superhero comic.

"Because Mako is the fucking best!"

"Yeah, Mako will fuck them up!"

"Exactly, exactly!"

"Guys, watch your language!"

What did they say?

"What do you mean? Answer me."

However, my question was drowned out by the onset of combat.

Three elements clashed with each other, the benders exchanging attacks and dodging the ones they couldn't counter.

I forgot about the question, my attention stolen by the way everyone was attacking in the ring.

I didn't know much about waterbenders, but I knew a lot about earthbenders and firebenders, as I had faced them on many occasions. The way they executed bending was more similar to my usual style than the classic style commonly seen.

As I reflected on that, the fight soon turned from even exchanges and elemental clashes to Tigerdillos domination of the Fire Ferrets.

Their waterbender was slowed and pulled off the platform, and within seconds, the earthbender was thrown towards the last line.


"Mako, hold on, come on!"

"What the fuck is wrong with Hasook!"

However, no matter how much they pulled their hair, banged their seats, or bit their lips; Mako soon crossed the last line of the platform as he was pushed by a coin made of dirt.

Soon, a noise announced the victory of the round in favor of the Tigerdillos, and at the same time, the three guys who would be working for me turned and looked at me with embarrassment on their faces.

"It's not over yet."

I knew better than anyone that victory should not be claimed before its time. I remembered my first loss to Muhammad Ali for thinking I had him reeling and thinking it was all settled; within a few rounds, he knocked me out.

"We know... But this is our first time seeing this in person and maybe we're cursed!"

I crossed my arms and pointed my chin towards the ring.

"Like I said, it's not over yet. Besides, look, he's pulling on that Hasook guy's ear."

The three guys followed my signal and watched as Mako didn't look at all happy as he seemed to say something to Hasook.

Then, the next round started.

Clashing elements and some dodging pirouettes happened again, but this time, the Fire Ferrets didn't foolishly lose ground within a few minutes. In fact, while Hasook kept one entertained, Mako and the earthbender combined attacks and managed to take one out.

That set the pace for the second round, with combined attacks between Mako and the earthbender as Hasook tried to break the opponents' concentration.

Again the bell rang, this time announcing victory for the Fire Ferrets.

"You were right, Lorenzo!"

"The bet is all ours!"

"Mako, Mako!"

The boys waved their fists in the air as they cheered. I, however, frowned.

"Hey, what did I tell you? Don't sing victory yet."

The three of them lowered the volume of their shouts and slightly lowered their heads.


In addition, I heard the laughter of an extra person. I turned my head and saw Chieko laughing at the scene.

"Having fun, huh?"

Chieko nodded vigorously.

"It's been a long time since I've laughed like that, and also, it's been a long time since I've seen my brother so animated. He's usually such a sourpuss. Thanks."

She was sitting next to me, so I could hear the honesty in her words perfectly.

"You're welcome."

Then, the last round began.

It started as usual, but instead of repeating the actions of the second round, Hasook lost his concentration and got in the earthbender's way, falling on top of each other. Both were thrown out of the ring by an earth coin from the opposing team.

All eyes were on Mako, who wasn't having a good time either, as he was on the second to last line of his area.

Attacks rained down from three fronts: torrents of water, earth coins and fists of fire traveled mercilessly towards him. Contrary to expectations, Mako dodged each of these attacks the way I probably would have: with tilts, quick footwork and even leaps.

All three of the opposing team ended up tiring, and Mako, who seemed to have done more than anyone else, did not. Taking advantage of that advantage, he lashed out with a combo of fire fists and fireballs that sent his opponents off the field one by one.

The arena erupted in cheers and even I myself was impressed; so much so that I had unconsciously raised a fist to cheer.

So I knew which team to do business with.

Well, it seems that in order to appear in the "explore" section the fanfic must not only be 15,000 words but must also have reviews, how many? I don't know, but it must have them. So I ask you to please write one, it doesn't have to be detailed if it doesn't please you, there just has to be.

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