
A Boxer in Avatar

Cuckolding a mafia boss is not something you can do without expecting revenge. I, Lorenzo Bonaventura, after messing with the fiancée of a mobster from my own homeland, was killed and reincarnated in this strange world where there is something similar to magic or superpowers called bending. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clarification! The story will take place in Korra's time and the MC knows nothing about the story, nor about Aang or Korra. Everyday chapters except Sundays!

Parstro · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Looking for Employees

After getting off the trolley, Liu and I walked into the Dragon Flats borough.

We were walking along the sidewalk of a main street, I led the way with my alert gaze focused on a single point, while Liu walked a few steps behind me, his eyes darting from side to side without stopping on anything in particular.

It was noon, the sun was at its highest point, illuminating the sky dotted with a few clouds.

"No, don't go that way, seriously, dude. It's dangerous."

"It's the den of all kinds of criminals; only those who know someone or live there can enter."

"You won't see a single policeman guarding the streets."

Those were the comments I got when I asked a guy we were riding with on the trolley. Heh, I remember Liu stifled a squeal upon hearing that.

Despite the not-so-nice comments, the place looked surprisingly quiet and orderly.

The houses were no higher than three stories, and their facades were more discreet compared to our previous destinations, but quality didn't seem to be in short supply around here.

I've lived in less attractive places in my earlier days in New York, but this residential neighborhood, at first glance, seemed more decent than those places.

Hey, the streets were clean!

I turned a corner and walked into a narrow street.

"W-wait, don't leave me behind, Lorenzo!"

I laughed and didn't slow down.

"If you don't want to be left behind, Liu, walk to the side."

"It's just that you're so fast, besides, I walk behind for protection."

This time I chuckled and continued without slowing down, my eyes searching for something as Liu's footsteps quickened.

"Protection? You're taller than me, buddy. Height imposes quite a bit, you know, be proud."

With his height, Liu could quietly be a basketball player.

"Well, you might be right, but, uh.... but you've got the muscles! Plus, since they burned your suit, you're not wearing it and they're more noticeable."

Those words reminded me of the night before, when I had packed my suit in my suitcase, refusing to wear something that had been burned.

As compensation, I took all the money those gangsters had in their car and pockets.

As I looked at my suitcase, I noticed a detail I had overlooked and seemed to have generated misunderstandings: my clothes, of muted colors and designs common among non-benders. What can I say, I only liked to wear bold colors, such as green, in combat.

"You may not come close to surpassing my enviable physique, but if you keep using my routines you might come close."

Liu didn't seem to be able to stand my words and finally moved to the side of me.

"Well... you're right and I've been following the basics, but how do you expect me to lift and destroy rocks if I'm a non-bender!"

"Excuses, Oh, that's what I was looking for!"

Then, I gestured to a restaurant with Asian lettering on its sign. Up to that point, we had been eating things from street stalls, as the rations I brought to survive the trip to Republic City had already run out.

"So, we just came here to eat?"

Liu looked surprised and even puzzled by the seemingly simple reason for our trip here. I, on the other hand, hurried through the already open door.


The best food always came from neighborhoods like these! As someone who went from miser to millionaire, I knew that well. Besides...

"Hey, miss, please bring us the menu."

As we sat at a small wooden table, I called out to the girl who served the other customers. The place was small and the customers weren't many, so one waitress was enough.

"Here I come!"

I noticed the stares of the other customers directed at us.

We had occupied the table in the lower right corner of the restaurant, which made it obvious from the quick glances the dressed guys in front of us threw at us, analysis in their gazes.

They first looked at our faces and then at our clothes; soon, they turned their attention back to the waitress, letting out a derisive snort before doing so.

Apparently they were benders, more precisely, members of the multiple triads that took refuge in this district.

It seemed that if you were a bender, somehow, you had to advertise it, for example, through your clothes. And since I preferred more discreet clothing and Liu was not a bender, we were ignored.

"Sorry for the wait, here it is, oh."

Perhaps overshadowed by my natural beauty or not recognizing me or Liu, she stood still for a second. I'm inclined to the former, as I put on my best smile for this girl who had a different charm than the Avatar or the rich girl.

The charm of the waitress who, if you saw her somewhere else, might not catch your attention, but in the midst of her work she shone like the sun.

I would make her mine!

So, I took the menu from her hands.

"I am Lorenzo and this here is my good friend Liu."

I placed a palm on my chest and then pointed to Liu, who waved shyly with one hand.

"As you can see, we are newcomers. So, it would be great if you could help us a little, who better than you for the task, right?"

Soon, she regained consciousness and nodded.

"Yes, sure, I'm Chieko and I'll gladly help you guys. But first, could you please tell me if you prefer something with meat or more vegetables?"

The black hair rebelling from her bun and falling down her forehead only enhanced her charm.

"I'm quite the carnivore, after all, gotta keep this body well, don't you think?"

I extended my left arm, bent at the elbow, and my hard, swollen bicep received a couple of slaps from my free hand. She, in response, chuckled after giving it a good look.

"Well, Lorenzo, I'm not going to deny it. What about you... Liu, right?"

Liu, who seemed to be looking at the gangsters just in case, immediately turned around when he heard his name.

"Ah... Yes, it's Liu. I guess meat is fine for me too."

Then, she picked up the menu I had left on the table, glanced at it quickly and then turned it towards us, her finger was pointing at something, but my eyes were focused on something else, her dull amber eyes.

"I'll bring you this one, okay?"

She seemed to notice my intense look in her eyes and averted her head slightly.

"Okay. Thanks, Chieko, we'll be waiting for you."

I responded with a smile for both of us and she nodded one last time before walking off towards the counter.

"Psst, Lorenzo..."

I had been staring at Chieko, who seemed to have given our order to the cook. She noticed my glances and, from time to time, would fleetingly answer me by crossing her eyes with mine.


"Mmm, Liu?"

I turned my head to the side and there was Liu, his body leaning forward and slightly leaning on the table, looking at the apparent gangsters.

"Yes, listen to me."

"What's wrong?"

"D-don't you think coming here is like entering the wolf cave?"

"Huh? You mean because of those guys?"


I looked at them closely and frowned almost instantly.

"Look at those bodies, Liu, they're like a bunch of toothpicks. Don't be afraid of that."

"D-don't talk so loud..."

There were grunts, snorts, and even some laughter, but they remained in their places, moving only to take a spoonful from their plates or a swig of their beer.

They didn't seem to see us as more than just rather noisy flies.

"See, don't worry, they're home and they won't want to mess it up."

Liu nodded weakly and without taking his eyes off them.

Then, 20 minutes passed without my noticing, as I soon saw Chieko grab some plates from the counter and come towards us.

The plentiful plates of shredded meat spread over rice arrived at our table.

"It smells really good, Chieko."

"I know, right? It's bulgogi, I hope you enjoy it."

She smiled at us and was about to walk away to let us eat, however, I stopped her.

"Chieko, do you know of any place where young people gather?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, may I know why?"

"Of course, I'm looking for young people to work with me in my business, you could call it a restaurant."

Then, Chieko's face lit up and she soon grabbed my hands with hers, pulling them together. I took the opportunity to feel the softness of the touch of her hands.

"My brother would seriously be very interested in working with you, Lorenzo."

"Well, if that boy doesn't mind getting out of Dragon Flats borough, taking the trolley and walking a couple of blocks, he'd be welcome."

She would nod repeatedly.

"Yes, no problem, it's totally normal here. A lot of parents and young people live here but work in factories somewhat far away. Only he, well..."

Her gaze dropped and her eyes lost some light.

"Don't worry, I'll see what I do. Just tell me where I should go after I eat, of course."

Chieko proceeded to direct me to the place where the boys of this place commonly gathered at this time of day.


After re-entering a main street, we finally arrived at the place where she had indicated we could find her younger brother.

The small square was crowded with young people and children doing their respective activities. This place, in Chieko's words, was where some students used to gather after school, and her brother was one of them.

"I guessed that we didn't come to this place solely to eat, then I was right..."

Liu said as he walked alongside me.

"You have guessed right, my dear friend Liu. We need employees and the task will be quite simple; making pizzas is something even the most retarded person could do."

It was the ideal part-time job for a teenager! I, a guy who hadn't finished school, could make pizza no problem!

Chieko described her younger brother as stocky, and I asked her in what sense. She replied that he was big, and I asked again in what sense. Basically, he was a fat boy, and that was what my eyes were looking for. Soon, after a general glance, I easily hit on the boy.

"Hey, you, the fat boy, you're Nobuo, aren't you?"

The group of students who were talking suddenly stopped and stared at me.

"You're Nobuo, aren't you? Your sister said you'd be happy to work with me."

"Who the hell are you, my sister fucking with that again...? No, I don't want to work with you, get out."

"Yeah, who are you? This is the first time I've seen you around here."

"Get the fuck out and don't fuck around."

He and his friends looked pissed off. However, as Nobuo was about to turn around, I put a hand on his shoulder.

"How about I take you to see a game of pro-bending?"

The kids in this town love this particular sport.

"What did you say?"

His eyebrows quivered, and even his friends seemed to have regained their interest in me.

"What you heard, would you work for me if I took you to see a pro-bending match today?"

Despite repeating it to him, he still looked incredulous.

"Are you serious, really, really, really?"

"I'm totally serious, and the offer also goes to you, Nobuo's friends."

As Nobuo continued to process my words, I looked at his friends and offered them the same deal, they looked at each other for a few seconds and then seemed to come to a verdict.

"My sister might be annoying but I know my sister wouldn't make a guy from one of the triads offer me a job... so what would we have to do?"

Then, I smiled.

Well, it seems that in order to appear in the "explore" section the fanfic must not only be 15,000 words but must also have reviews, how many? I don't know, but it must have them. So I ask you to please write one, it doesn't have to be detailed if it doesn't please you, there just has to be.

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