
A Boxer in Avatar

Cuckolding a mafia boss is not something you can do without expecting revenge. I, Lorenzo Bonaventura, after messing with the fiancée of a mobster from my own homeland, was killed and reincarnated in this strange world where there is something similar to magic or superpowers called bending. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clarification! The story will take place in Korra's time and the MC knows nothing about the story, nor about Aang or Korra. Everyday chapters except Sundays!

Parstro · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

A Fortunate Accident

On the pamphlet, there was a hooded man wearing a white mask with a red dot on his forehead. I furrowed my brow in thought.

Is this guy some kind of clown or something? Somehow, he reminds me of a mask that might be found in Chinatown. In fact, this whole city looked as if Chinatown had taken total domination of New York.

I looked up at the roofs and tips of nearby houses and skyscrapers. In fact, the vast majority of the buildings ended with some sort of spikes on the sides.

"Well, I'm not going to deny that it looks good," I carelessly tucked the sheet the taxi driver had given me into one of my pockets. "Anyway, on to the road."

Then, as I set foot off the sidewalk and whistled a tune, I heard a shout.

"Watch out, watch out!"

Before I realized it and could even turn my head to look where that scream was coming from, something rammed into me.


Something hit me and pushed me to the side, making me fall.

"Hey, a-are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't see you!"

I found myself on the ground, sitting on the pavement. Then, I realized that I had been crashed.

"It's okay, don't worry, I've withstood worse punches."

As I said that, the figure of Muhammad Ali crossed my mind. I remembered the unexpected uppercut that knocked me down after fourteen intense rounds in our first confrontation. I also remembered my first fights with bending; yes, I had been hit hard before.

"Well, you definitely seem to be able to take heavy blows. Let me help you."

As the person approached and her scent became more obvious, I realized it was a girl. My thoughts of past bouts had distracted me from what was important!

She reached over and lifted me by one arm as she apologized.

"Wow, you've got strength, huh? Not just anyone can lift this heavy body."

She let out a chuckle after I finally straightened up.

"I'm not just anyone, big boy. I'm Asami Sato."

The girl introduced herself as she took off her helmet, letting her long black hair wave in the air.

"Asami Sato, did you say? Your last name rings a bell from somewhere."

I remembered the taxi driver mentioning a certain Hiroshi Sato and comparing him to me. I didn't know who he was at the time, I thanked him out of politeness, but it struck me that the guy had a last name, something I learned was rare.

"I'm the daughter of Hiroshi Sato, founder of Future Industries. What about you, big boy?".

Ah, so she was his daughter; how small this capital turned out to be. Well, Hiroshi, as a full-fledged man, I must tell you that your daughter is very pretty!

"Then am I in the presence of a girl of the upper class? Excuse my bad manners, Lady Asami."

I pulled my hat towards my torso and made a slight bow, however, she put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

"Hahaha, don't pretend, big boy! I can see you don't care much about my position, I don't really either, but others would have already overreacted at the mention of my last name."

I accompanied her laughter with my own as I put my hat back on.

"As you, Lady Asami, are not just anyone, I'm not like others either."

I put on my best smile and she smiled back.

"You still haven't told me your name, big boy. Is your tactic with girls to play mysterious or what?"

She put her hands on her hips, lifted her chin and looked at me with judging eyes.

"Lady Asami, you know the saying: a good magician never reveals his secrets? Well, that's my answer to your question. Besides, I am none other than Lorenzo Bonaventura. A pleasure."

"Lorenzo Bonaventura..."

Asami's face was tinged with surprise as she remained thoughtful.

"My full name always provokes that kind of reaction, don't worry, you are not the first and much less will you be the last."

Asami came out of her stupor thanks to my words and frowned slightly.

"Why do I feel that your words have another connotation, Lorenzo?"

I only replied with a foxy smile, she stared at me for a few seconds and then continued.

"I'll forget about it for now. Anyway, I'm surprised to meet another person with a last name. I mean, not counting my father, you're the first person in the flesh I've met who has one. Besides, both your first and last names are pretty unique."

I nodded at her words; she was right, I was very special.

"Lady Asami, it so happens that I, Lorenzo Bonaventura, am unique per se".

Anyone would think I was just another arrogant person, however, the facts were that I was not like others. My God, I had died to end up in a world where people can control the elements!

"Despite how arrogant you sound.... I won't deny that I feel there is some truth in your words. Plus, now I remember where I've heard your name before."

My face became tinged with genuine curiosity.

"I'm curious that a girl like you, of the highest class, knows me from somewhere. Tell me from where."

I asked in a playful tone and she laughed at that.

"I told you to stop that, my family may be rich but I'm just like everyone else. But well, let's get back to the point. I remember hearing some workers of ours talking very excitedly about someone with that name, is that you?"

"Do you know the origin of those workers?"

She raised an eyebrow at my strange question.

"Uh, yes, from the Earth Kingdom."

Ah, that explains it.

"Well, there's your answer. Not to brag, actually I do, but I have some notoriety in the Earth Kingdom. I hold the title of champion of Ba Sing Se, and I have faced the champions of all the cities in my kingdom, beating them all."

I quite enjoyed seeing the expression of disbelief on Asami Sato's face, she even went so far as to open her mouth!

"Huh... Are you serious? You're not lying to me, are you? Well... I don't think you are; I mean, your physique and confidence really look like a fighter's, but really?"

Seeing me nod without hesitation, she quickly removed the leather gloves she wore and held out her hand to me; gladly, I accepted the handshake.

"Then, the pleasure is mine, Lorenzo. Wow, even your hands denote that you are a fighter."

At that moment, Asami let go of the handshake and began to explore my hands, feeling the calluses on my knuckles and palms, watching me closely. After a few seconds, she regained consciousness.

"Ah, excuse my boldness! You see... I'm passionate about sports and well... I may not have seen you fight, but if our company's employees were so excited for you, there must be a reason, don't you think?"

She looked flushed, avoiding my gaze. My heart was pounding. Yes, show me more expressions of that smooth face!

"I see, it's nothing, I'm used to that kind of reaction. Besides, it would be a lie to say I didn't enjoy feeling your soft hands."

She pulled away quickly, blushing even more obviously.

"I... Well, I..."

Tilting my head slightly, I noticed on her left side the vehicle she had hit me with: a scooter!

"Hey, are you listening?"

I snapped her out of her bewilderment.


I pointed toward what was behind her, the scooter.

"That's the first time I've seen a model like that, where did you get it?"

It was my first time seeing something like that in this life.

"Huh?" She followed the direction to which I pointed. "Ah, that! It's a new motorcycle model from our company. It hasn't gone on sale yet; I was taking it out to test ride it."

As she spoke, I approached the vehicle, one hand on my chin, watching it closely.

"Is this model economical?"

I circled around the scooter as I carefully analyzed it.

"Yes, it is intended for the middle and lower income population of Republic City."

She quickly pulled herself together from embarrassment and answered confidently.

"What type of gasoline is best for this model?"

An idea was scheming in my head.

"Gasoline plus, that is, intermediate."

I nodded and straightened up to look her in the eye again; my mind was made up.

"Your father and you have thought of everything, huh?"

She nodded and added.

"We couldn't let Cabbage Corp get all that part of the market. That's why I suggested the idea to my father, and here we are."

I recognized that company; it was the one I had been using in the Earth Kingdom, their vehicles were inexpensive, yet sometimes they just stopped running.

"I want to buy three of these from you in advance, Lady Asami, is that possible?".

I held up three fingers of my hand, and in response, Asami raised an eyebrow at my words.

"In advance...?"

She waited for confirmation from me.

"That's right."

I confirmed matter-of-factly.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time we've made such a deal. After all, people of important ranks or with enough money always want to be first. However, that's for luxury models and not with something like this... What exactly do you want them for, Lorenzo?"

I smiled at the question; I liked being asked.

"For my own business, it will be an empire, you'll see. Anyway, do you have a contact number to close this up properly? This untimely but fortunate accident is delaying me from getting back to my partner and friend."

Asami was silent for a while until she finally nodded her head. Then, she took out a piece of paper and a pen from her pocket, where she wrote something after leaning the paper against a wall.

"This is my number; you can call me there."

I quickly took the paper and looked at both sides of the street before crossing to go to the bank.

"See ya, rich girl!"

I heard a shout from behind me, but I had already entered the bank. A good day so far.