
A Bored God Reincarnated me into Naruto

A bored God decides to entertain himself by messing with a human boy named Ryan by killing him and reincarnation him into the world of Naruto.

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2 Chs


Character description.


Height - 5 feet 8 inches

Age - 15

From - Santa Rosa, California

head - blue eyes, dirty blonde hair

build - a little on the lean side

Ryan perspective

"Finally, I can leave school" I mutter to myself.

I just got out of school for the day, after having to stay there for an extra hour because we are forced to join a club and attend a club meeting once a month or we will get in trouble. And I hate this rule because I am more on the introverted side and only like talking to my good friends or close family members and I get pretty nervous and shy around others and sadly my friend isn't in the same club as me because he had to go to a different school this year.

So I start walking home and look at my phone and see that's it already 4:27 pm and I remember that my mom wanted help cleaning the house so I start running home and mutter to myself " Crap, moms gonna kill me if I don't get home soon".

Divine realm

There is a man sitting on a couch in front of a Tv in an all-white room. He has white hair, gold eyes, and looked to be around 18.

Suddenly he yells to himself "Uhhhhhhh, I am bored out of my mind". "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a god, all I do is sit here all day every day".

He gets up and starts walking around and thinks of a way to entertain himself.

"Hmmm, I know what I can do!".

He walks over to his Tv and turned it on. "let's see which human should I mess with" After turning it on the spots a teenage boy with blonde hair who is running.

"He should do". The god mutters to himself. And then the god hits a button on a controller that says lighting. And a cloud appears above the blonde boy.

Ryan Perspective

I am running home and suddenly a storm cloud starts appearing above me. I think to myself "Crap is it seriously going to start raining I better get home soon".

I am 4 minutes from home and suddenly I hear some noise coming from the cloud and before I can look up something hits me and I collapse on the ground. And I think to myself "what was that!! Uh, I can't move am I going to die." And I fade into darkness.

As soon as I faded into darkness it started getting brighter and then I opened my eyes and realized that I was in a white room with a man standing two feet in front of me.

I look around confused and think to myself " Am I dead?". I then look back to the man in front of me. And I say "Hello sir, where am I?". I am pretty sure I am dead but I just want to confirm it.

The man in front of me says "Yes, sadly you died a tragic and random death and now I am here to offer you a chance at reincarnation and you get three wishes and as a plus, you get to reincarnate into the world of naruto."

I stand in front of him and I start to get sad because I realized that my suspicions were true and that I was in fact dead." I wonder what my mom will think when I never end up returning".

The man in front of me starts talking and says" Your mom will probably be devastated and so will your siblings."

I look at him and realize what he said earlier about the wishes. I say to him "So can I wish for anything." The man nods and I then say "Well um, if I am going to the world of naruto then I want the Rinnegon, A lot of Chakra and I want to be a jinchuriki."

The man then looks at me and says "Ok when you arrive in your new body you will have all of that."

I then ask what his name is and he says Loki

He then waves his hand and snaps his find and I fade back into darkness.

And when I am fading away I think "Wait isn't Loki the Norse god of Mischief and tricks.

Loki Perspective

After the kid came here and asked for his wishes all I can think of is "Yea right I am gonna give you these wishes stupid child, I killed you to entertain me not so you can become OP."

I then snap my fingers and watch him fade away.

Ryan Perspective

After fading away again I come back again but this time I am in a small space that is really warm. I try to move but I can't and I end up guessing I am in my new mother's womb. I then fade back into darkness.

When I come back, I feel myself getting pushed somewhere and it really hurts and eventually, it gets really bright and cold and I am having a hard time breathing and in the panic of whatever is happening I try to yell but I end up crying and someone wraps me up in something and hands me to someone and I just end up crying for a little while longer until I fall asleep.