
A Book About Poems And Pictures

Everyday I'll upload a poem and a photo.. the photo will be on my Instagram: book.about.poems.and.pictures I hope you enjoy my poems and I also hope you can relate to them since I pour my heart into what I write

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7 Chs

My Sunshine

The sunshine casts a shadow over all

Except one

She shines so bright that there is no such

thing as a shadow near her

She blinds me with her beauty

Oh how I love my little sunshine

She is brighter than the sun

More beautiful than the sky

And more pure than good

She is perfect in everyone's eyes not just mine

She is a goddess in disguise

Oh how I love my little sunshine

(I cant upload the photo here but you can check my Instagram..! my username is book.about.poems.and.pictures.. please leave a like and follow♡)