

"What?" She asked.

"I know you heard and I am not fan of repeating my self". I wrapped both my arms her waist.

" I have to get back to work". She suddenly said.

"I own this place so I don't think I can fire you when you have no reason to be ". I said carelessly.

"Can we talk about this later". She pleaded. "I promise, anytime but not now".

"Hmm…ten, I'll come pick you up ". I said and she immediately nodded. I moved away for her to walk away and with the little amount I had provided, she narrowly escaped without touching me.

Mother came in as I sat down.

"I saw the girl, she looked scared".

"Scared?" I acted dumb.

"Yes, to persuade her you have to be nice". She said and I just nodded.


She went back home after her shift. Andrea and Sean came as they ate, drank and spoke Merrily. Hailey came later on.

"Let's play a game". Tia suggested.

"I vote charade" Hailey said immediately because she was the best at it.

"Chinese whispers". Sean said.

"I go with Hailey". Tara said.

"I go with Sean". Andrea said.

"Well I vote team…Charade!" Tia said.

"Nooo!!" Andrea screamed.

Hailey and Andrea where making preparations for the game when Tara got a text. She checked it and it was from…

' I am outside your house'. ~Raymond Jailin.

How did he get her number? She had almost forgotten about their morning conversation. She needed an excuse to leave.

"Um guys so sorry I don't think I'll be playing". Tara said.

"Why?" Hailey sounded sad.

"I got a bad belly ache and now I need to go rest it hurts badly". She said.

"Oh, That's disappointing, well do you need anything I can give you some drugs to help". Tia said.

"No I'm good". Tara said as she walked up the stairs carefully. "See you guys tomorrow ".

"Sure". Sean said.

As soon as Tara got up to her room, she picked up her bag and then followed the other staircase before going through the back door.

She came out as she spotted a black Maybach across the street. She walked gently towards the car and opened it as soon as she stood beside it. She got in gently. She was trying to put on her seat belt but she noticed he just kept staring at her. She finally buckled it.

"Um…is there something on my face?" She asked gently.

"You put on make up". He stated.

"Oh yeah, wait it wasn't for you, it's actually just a little and it was for….the party ". She noticed she was talking too much so she just kept quiet and sat comfortably.

"I prefer you when you are talking". He smiled before starting the car.

They drove in silence. After a while they finally stopped in front of an apartment building. She came down as she looked at the tall building. She had never been here before.

"Let's go". He said.

"Where are we?" She still stood on her spot.

"We are going to my apartment". He said and she slowly nodded. They walked along side each other as she just followed him everywhere he went.

They entered the elevator and this was giving her a deja Vu of Three nights ago when they where in the elevator like this going to have sex but no this was just talk. She convinced herself, she didn't think rape was his thing because if it was then, he had so many opportunities to do that but he didn't. They arrived on the top floor as the elevator opened they stepped inside. Tara looked at the incredible apartment.

"It's beautiful". She commented. Raymond just stared at her.

He walked to the wine cellar as he got out a bottle of Bacardi and two glasses. He placed it on the table.

She walked towards him in silence as he took the corkscrew and began to open the bottle top.

She stood there with her arms placed behind her back.

"Won't you sit?" He asked.

She immediately sat down opposite him.

"Do you live here alone?" She asked.

"Yes". He simply said as he poured the wine into the glass cups.

"I have to get home before midnight". She said.

"You still have a curfew at your age?" He asked.

"I lied to follow you here so that's why". She said honestly.

"Hmm…so what is your daily life like?" He asked as he took a sip from his cup.

"um.. school, work then home but on weekends, drama classes, work then anything the day has in stored for me". She replied.

"So you act". He said.

"Um…just like trying out new things". She said.

"Then why won't you try it out with me?" He said.

"Acting?" She asked and he just chuckled.

"Sex". He said.

"Oh that". She immediately looked at the wine and picked it up.


I watched her stare at the glass of wine.

"Don't worry I didn't add any sedatives inside". I said and she just nodded timidly and then the next thing, she gulped everything. Interesting.

"Sigh…can I have more?" She looked at me.

"Wait a bit, if you get too tipsy we might not achieve anything today". I said.

"I get where your coming from but I still can't believe how I get you…when no one else can ". She stuttered.

"Let's try right?" I stood up.

"What?". She looked perplexed and flushed.

I walked towards her as I sat next to her. She just looked forward without looking at me.

"Just testing, nothing to the extreme ". I came closer to her.

I placed my palm on the other side of her waist as I came closer to her. I kept my head on her shoulder and buried my nose on her neck.

"Tara" I called.

"Mmm…" She replied.

"Relax ". I said and she did. " Good girl".

My nose went up and down the length of her neck. I gave her little kisses there and there as she sighed.

"Sorry". She immediately said and I stared at her.

"For?" I asked even though I knew.

"I made…that noise ". She stuttered.

"I want you to make that noise". I said with my fingers tracing down her throat to the neck line of her dress.

"See what you've caused". I said and she looked at me. "Look down".

She looked at me for a while before looking down and when she did, it didn't take her up to four seconds before she moved away from me. "Relax, you've seen it before". I laughed at her reaction. I had a bulge down there, she really did magic on me.