

"Nothing happened?" She asked.

"Yes". He nodded.

"Then why did you say something happened?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"What's so bad if you have sex with me is it like I am dirt that you don't like?" He asked.

"You're not dirty it's just weird ". She murmured.

"Weird?" He asked.

"Yes, having sex on it isn't my thing". She said.

"How do you know it isn't your thing when you haven't tried". He looked at her.

"I just know it, I always know what I want". She argued.

"You are trying to surpress what you want because your scared you'll be judged". He said and somewhere deep down, Tara knew it was the truth.

"No…" She couldn't continue.

"Your definitely not my spec, loose hair, careless dressing and stammers before she can even say sex but I am attracted to you for some reason". He said.

"Wow am I meant to feel special?" She said sarcastically.

"If we were going to agree to this I want you to know that I'll never stop you from doing whatever you like you can hang out with your weird friends, you can continue acting and working if you really like doing it. I really won't mind what you do with your time it's just that we'll have our agreement on days when we have sex and where will meet. We don't have to make it public it's just a private agreement between both of us which isn't meant to leave this room". He said seriously.

"First of all, my friends aren't weird, you don't even know them and second of all what will I get out of this argument of ours?"

"Anything, mention it money, house insurance and I will give it to you". He said.

"You sound desperate". She stated.

"Because I am". He said as he leaned on his seat.

"Why didn't you have sex with me when you had the opportunity to, last night?" She asked carefully.

"Necrophilia isn't my thing and because I will like to have your consent before I do that". He said carelessly.

"You will seriously give me anything I want?" She asked in assurance.

"Yeah, anything". He stared at her.

"Can I keep that for later?" She asked.

"Yeah? It's not a want time thing, as long as we are doing this, you can ask for anything". He stared at her hopefully.

"Sure, let's do it". She said quickly.

"Seriously?" He asked with a grin.

"Um…yeah". She nodded.

"Good". He's smirked as he walked to his working table and picked up a file before he returned to sit next to her. "This is the contract you can go through it so I expect by Wednesday you'll be done?" He said.

"Um okay ". She stared at him cautiously.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing". She said before looking down at the file

"Hmm…" He stood up.

"I'll be going now". She immediately stood up with the file in her hand.

"My driver will drop you off". He simply said.

She realized that she wasn't with her bag.

"Your bag is already in the car you just need to go". He said.

"Oh okay". She came out of the room. Now which road leads to the elevator, Tara thought.

"You seem to be lost Miss". A lady immediately said which shocked Tara a bit.

"Oh yeah, I was actually looking for the way out of the house?" She said.

"Let me take you there". She offered a polite smile as she led Tara to the elevator, which led her downstairs and once she got down, she saw the car waiting for her. She knew it was his car because the driver was the same as one of the other night.

Before she could open to herself a bodyguard already did that.

"Thank you". She smiled before she got in. "Good morning".

"Oh good morning Miss". The driver greeted back with a soft smile on his lips.

He drove her back home in silence. She thought about how Tia was going to react about her trick. Luckily for her, by the time she got home Tia had already left for work.

She heaved a sigh as soon as she laid on her bed. She took a shower then took her breakfast before deciding to check on the file which Raymond had given to her.

She laid on her bed with her belly on the surface and her knees up as she swinged it. She opened the file I'm begun to read…

'This is a confidential agreement between the two parties, Raymond Jailin and Jakob Ostara. This contract is states that the two parties will own a relationship of nothing but a sexual relationship. No emotion of love is to be shared. The two parties are to agree on three days of the week that is suitable to their schedule. The two parties should always solve every argument with a dialogue. The two parties should sit down and discuss about what they are willing to give and what they aren't willing to give during sexual intercourse. Miss Tara isn't allowed to tell anyone about this agreement or anything that concerns both parties even after the contract has been broken. If contract broken, Miss Tara is eligible to ask for one thing. The two parties are not allowed to date another person outside the agreement'. She read on carefully and realized that the pros and cons weren't something she couldn't handle.


I got dressed ready to leave for the council when I got a text message from Tara saying, she had read through the file and she has accepted the clauses in it. I couldn't help but pull a smile on my lips.

'Good, have you signed it?' I texted.

'I have some questions first'. She texted back.

'I will pick you up tomorrow evening after your work at my restaurant ". I texted as I ate my breakfast.

'Okay'. She replied.

When I was done with breakfast, I left for the council and it looks quite hectic this morning it seems the council head just give up the ghost.

"Raymond thank goodness your here, I was just about to call you, we have a load of situations on our hands". Betty said as she walked beside me .

"Has any clue been discovered on how he died?" I asked.

"No not yet but it looked like he struggled before he died". Betty said.

"Struggled?" I asked.

"Yes like the murderer tried to murder him and he tried to survive". She explained.

"Hmm". We walked inside the corpse room.

"Raymond". Dr Jordan greeted.

"Jordan". I nodded.

"I would like to see the dead body". I said as betty trailed behind me. Jordan nodded as he unlocked the locker room and brought out Colonel Michael.