
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Khoa huyễn
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289 Chs

The King's First Move

In the deserts of Nevada somewhere around 6 PM in the evening, Finn, Nikolai, Robert and McQueen in default car form had finally arrived at the city of Las Vegas. McQueen morphed the window glass so that nobody could see inside. 

"Welcome to the City of Las Vegas, boys!" Robert yelled to the rest in an exciting tone.

"It looks gorgeous. So many people, lights and beautiful scenery. It feels so lively." Nickolai said as he stared at the beautiful view of the city, especially its atmosphere during the night, making it more beautiful than ever.


"You know, I've been here before actually in my world." McQueen remarked, remembering his time in this city in his world.

"Must've been great times." Finn said.

"Yeah, because I raced against a street racer in my world named Richard. It was a tough race but I did win, and might have attracted unwanted media attention since it was a street race and not a grand prix."

"Well you won and showed him what your made of comrade." The Russian Stand said.

"Thanks Nikolai."

Meanwhile, Robert on the backseat with Nickolai began using the laptop since he now had a good Wi-Fi signal. He tried to look for any leads through the internet regarding any strange sightings of the Scp foundation crew moving in and out of areas in the world. But nothing. 

"Well I got nothing from the internet."

"Well it was worth a shot at least. McQueen, find an alleyway where we can lay for a while." 

Following Finn's words, McQueen did a right turn down the road and spotted an alleyway on the left and entered it. Once he turns off his headlights, Finn turns to face the others.

"Alright lads. I remember something from the Scp articles that an incident occurred in this city with an Scp here."

"Yes I've read about that Scp, but the incident was solved by a man named Director House who works for the Foundation." Nickolai stated.

"And he had to deal with a man named Pluto in order to solve this incident." Robert added.

"I know. So my plan is to meet this man named House and ask for his help."

"I'm not sure about this comrade Finn." Nickolai said with an uneasy feeling.

"Look, I know some of the people in the foundation... might not be of the trustworthy type but reading the articles, we should know their characters by now, and-"

"Uhhhh guys, look ahead." 

Hearing McQueen's call, the three looked forward where Mc Queen pointed and soon they saw three people a few meters away from them, and what made them seem odd and strange is that they were wearing red robes, as if they were some members of a cult. But not only that, they had a logo on the back of it. 


As the three robe figures moved, they stopped in front of the wall, one of them did something which opened a manhole cover and they entered a some sort of secret tunnel.

"I have a bad feeling about this." McQueen said as he and the rest felt an uneasy feeling.

"Looks like fate has something in store for us." Finn muttered. He looked at his team and ordered, "McQueen, Robert stay here. Me and Nikolai will follow them."

"Alright." The two nodded.

Once Finn and Nikolai get out of the car, they run and enter the tunnels, which turned out to be a sewer tunnel. 


With the three robed figures, as they were walking through the tunnels in the sewers,  they spotted a red glyph on the right. 

"This must be it."

One of the robed men brings out a red crystal and brings it close to the glyph. The glyph glows and a stone door reveals itself, once it opens, it shows them a flight of stairs that goes down to an endless abyss.

The three robed figures descended down the stairs. As they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a cavern and a few meters away from them on the rocky wall they saw a massive double door 10 meters in height with red glowing lines embedded on it and there in the distance, was a dark gray stone cylindrical shaped pedestal in the middle of the cavern. 

The three robed figures approached the pedestal and saw there was a hollow space on top of it.

"Let us begin."

The robed man in the middle places the red crystal in the hollow space. The crystal started crackling with electricity in red color and the three figures backed away. In a flash, a forcefield in crimson light surrounded the pedestal, and the gate started to open very slowly. 

"Stop right there criminal scums!"

The three robed men immediately turned around to see Finn and Nikolai. 

"Who are you? And what is this?" Nickolai asked in confusion, same as Finn as they didn't remember there was anything in the Scp article mentioning this.

Looking at the two in silence, instead of reacting surprise and confusion when seeing two strange humanoid beings, they only stare at them coldly for a brief moment, until one of them speaks.

"The King's first move."

Throwing something in the air. It was a flashbang. The flashbang explodes and Finn and Nikolai get blinded by it. When they're vision came back in the next couple of seconds, they saw the three robed figures were already gone. 

"Cowards! Using a flashbang and escaping us." Nickolai yelled angrily.

"Forget that! Rip that force field apart!" 

The two rushed towards the red force field, Finn did a right hook and Nikolai swung down his right hand to scrape the force field from existence but when they got too close, they immediately got electrocuted by the energy that surrounded the force field and sent them flying across the room. 

As they crashed the wall, they both got up in pain. In anger, Finn fired dozens of bubbles at the force field but no damage was made. 

"Well now what?" Nickolai asked.

Finn was about to respond until the two noticed the doors were now fully opened, revealing a large wormhole that lightened the room in crimson light.

There, something menacing came out of the portal, a creature came from a world that could bring hell upon worlds. 

It was a humanoid creature taller than most humans, it had three fingers on each of its hands and orange eyes that glowed intensely. This was...































An Archvile. 


"Uhhhh comrade?" Nickolai looked at his friend with a concerned look.

"This might be a problem. Nikolai, if this thing's here then that means..."

All of a sudden, the two heard more roars coming from the portal. In a state of panic, Finn looked at his Russian friend and shouted.

"Nikolai, we're moving to the top side! We got to warn the city and if fate favors us maybe, just maybe the Foundation might just send back up!"

Nikolai nods and both hurriedly run for the stairs and head for the topside to warn the others of the upcoming cataclysm.

Meanwhile, the Archvile watches them leave and slowly but surely, it has finally stepped into the mortal world and starts following them menacingly. 


Back on the top side, Robert and McQueen were still hiding in the alleyway. They were doing their own thing in silence until they soon saw Finn and Nikolai running towards them in a panic. 

Noticing their expression, Robert gets out of the car and asks, "What's wrong?"

"McQueen! Turn back to your bipedal form! We're gonna make our presence known!" Finn shouted at the two, as if their lives depended on it.

"What are you talking about?" McQueen asked cluelessly.

"We're gonna be invaded!" Nickolai quickly answered.


"It's the only way to get everybody's attention and get the Foundation to notice." Finn said as he turned back and urged his team to follow him.

Turning into his bipedal form, McQueen watches as Finn runs out of the alleyway and into the streets with the other three following him. 


In the middle of the city, a couple were inside a car and driving down the crowded road in the beautiful streets of the city. It was their 20th date of their four years of being together, he looks at his fiance, a gorgeous woman looking at him with her beautiful smile.

The man plans on marrying her which is why he brought a wedding ring and propose her in the most beautiful places in the city.

As he was thinking of his plan, the man immediately pulled on the brakes and saw three humanoids and a massive robot in the middle of the road who were actually Finn, Nikolai, Robert and McQueen. 

At the next moment, many people in the streets were taking pictures or videos with their phones on them or kept their distance, curious on what these things are.

"What do you mean you saw an Archvile?!" 

"It's true comrade!" Nickolai explained to Robert about the demon they saw, he looked at Finn and shouted, "The plan comrade!"

Spotting a security camera on one of the lamp posts. Finn said to McQueen, pointed out to it, nodding his head, McQueen walked towards the lamppost and lifted Finn and brought him close to it. 

Staring into the camera, Finn began to speak, "Listen to me SCP Foundation. I'm Finn McLean, the one who has become the Stand known as Soft & Wet. If you're watching us through the security cameras then I need you to send your best MTF teams here because three people opened a portal to the Hell Dimension and an invasion is about to start on this world! Me and my friends will slow them down for now, but for how long we are not sure. So send everything you have! See you later."

Once he finished his message, the ground started to shake slightly for just a moment until it stopped.

As McQueen puts Finn back on the ground, the four soon spotted a police car arriving at the scene, two police officers came out and one of them approached them. 

"You better explain to yourself who are you and what the hell are you doing? Also what's that robot? A special effect?" The Police Officer asked, looking at McQueen in his humanoid form weirdly.

"Listen! We need all of you to evacuate the city. Something big is going to happen and we need all of you to be far away when this happens. RIGHT NOW!"

"Uh huh." The Police Officer nodded with an incredulous look, obviously that he did not believe Finn's words, "Alright, you three are coming with me."

As he took a step forward to take Finn and the rest to the police station, the earth started to once again shake, but more violently, causing a bit of a panic to the people who were watching the scene until it stopped in the next moment. 

"Why is there a violent earthquake in Vegas?" The police officer asked himself, Nevada isn't close to the western coast of the Pacific where the earthquake won't be reaching here.

But then, his radio started to crackle to life. The officer speaks through the radio for a moment before he hears screams and gunshots on the other side.

In confusion, he asked loudly, "Hey! What's going on?"


"Hello! What the hell is going on?!"

Looking down the road, Finn noticed that ground in the distance broke open, creating an enormous hole on the ground in the very center of the city.

Then, something massive emerged from the hole. It was at least 540 or 560 feet tall and had massive horns, golden eyes and some chains attached to its body. Everybody who saw the massive monster had their jaws dropped and they looked at it in fear and horror. 

This was a Hell Barge. 



In an instant, everybody in the streets started to go into a state of panic, they screamed and ran away from the area. 

Looking at the horrified Police Officer, Finn snapped him out of his daze, "Get everybody out of the city! We'll help in fighting these things and help everybody get out as well!"

The officer nods, he immediately starts calling more nearby police officers in the area and begins helping the citizens out.

"That's a big boy." McQueen murmured, gazing into the titanic demon in the distance.

"A very big one." Nickolai added.

All of a sudden, Robert soon saw something coming out of the massive hole, from there, an entire horde of Arachnotrons, Hell Knights, Hell Soldiers, Mecha Zombies and pretty much every demon from Doom 2016 & Doom Eternal began to wreak havoc in the city and some even charging towards them with bloodthirsty looks.

"This is gonna be a long night."


In Scotland, the boss and the rest of his subordinates were watching the news going haywire showing the situation happening in Las Vegas. The news showed on TV footage taken from a helicopter on the Hell Barge walking through the city. 

To the Boss' subordinates, they were in absolute shock and horrified at what they were seeing. 

"What the hell is that thing?" Nicolas asked with a shocking look.

"A titan known as the Hell Barge." The Boss began to explain, "They cannot be killed by normal weaponry except for argent energy weapons and a sword known as the Crucible. Which none of us in this world have."

"W-W-What do we do?" Katey asked her boss, to their disappointment, he shook his head.

"Nothing, there is nothing we can do unless a miracle happens."


On Site-17, the gang or should I say Queen's Requiem were looking at the news on the TV, and just like the Boss and his subordinates, they watched in shock and horror. 

"Oh my god." Evan murmured in his seat.

"Them?! Here?! But it can't be possible!" Miguel yelled out in confusion.

The door of their room soon opens, which Green came in and announced to the others.

"Everyone, we got orders straight from the O5 to head for the city and try to neutralize the threat."

Everyone looks at Rodeo who looks at them in confusion, but then he realized he was the leader after all.

"Oh right. Queen's Requiem... SUIT UP!"


In the lab, Rodeo and his team started wearing the high tech armor, although Spy was getting his armor plates reattached to his body and getting his gear as well. 

Wearing the dark gray helmet that was shaped similar to his head, he puts it on and LED eye visors of the helmet turn on and glow dark pink. The rest also wore the helmets as well and LED eye visors for their helmets turned on as well. Everyone was now ready, armed with assault rifles, shotguns, revolvers and grenades in their arsenal, while Jacob had a chainsaw for some reason.

Looking at Jacob, Rodeo asked, "Why do you have a... you know I don't want to ask as well." Facing his team, Rodeo announced to them, "Alright team, let's make hell tremble before our might!"


As Rodeo and Green were about to leave, they saw Amelia and her Stand Locked Away approaching them.

"Stay safe you two."


"We will." Both said to her.

Cerberus appears beside Green, he and Locked Away hugs him each other for a moment until they break away. After witnessing the  two Stands' little interaction, Rodeo and Green leave the lab. 


On the rooftop of the facility, a V-22 Osprey was laying there as all members of Queen's Requiem entered the aircraft. The V-22 pulls its ramp up and flies towards Las Vegas. 

"Ok, got some info on the team. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 codenamed "Hammer Down" and Mobile Task Force Eta-5 codenamed "Jäeger Bombers" are gonna get involved in neutralizing the large threat. Our objective is to enter the city, find the source of where the enemy came from and if possible find a way to close said source."

Everyone nods and Rodeo notices Michelle holding her assault rifle shaking a bit. Rodeo took a seat next to her and spoke out to her.


"Huh? Yeah, Rodeo?" 

"It's gonna be fine. As long as we do this right and have each other's backs nothings gonna happen to us. You don't need to be scared."

"Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Thanks."

"You're welcome." Rodeo lay in his seat, for a bit of thinking, he added, "I think some powerful entity is making this big move rather than a Stand faction."

"But we played the Doom Eternal DLC and read the lore. They shouldn't be able to cross dimensions after Davoths defeat by the Slayer." 

"Unless in this reality, Davoth had an old ally. A powerful one to help him, but we won't get any answers by theorizing like this. We need to find the answers in the city."

"Yeah. Looks like it's gonna be one 'hell' of a day in Vegas."

Rodeo chuckled, "Ok now that was a good pun."


In the city of Rome, a robotic humanoid was walking on the rooftops of Italy, holding a cane and wearing a hat and suit. 

The Wonder of U. 


A phone in his pocket suddenly starts vibrating, he pulls it out from his pocket and answers it. 

"Hello?" Wonder of U said in an American accent.

[Hey boss. Check the latest news feed. That's all. Bye.] The one on the other side already ends the call.

"Hm, I don't sense the intent to pursue him. He'll be fine." Wonder of U mumbled as he began to check through his phone the latest news feed what his subordinate said. As he searched, he saw the news was going crazy with the Vegas incident and the monstrosities that were unleashing destruction. 

'Hmm... so calamity is about to strike this world and surprisingly it's not me doing it. But it might affect my business so I might need to talk to my business partners about this. But the question is who would gain the most from this?' 


In an unknown world, an entity of deadly power that could threaten the entire multiverse was sealed and waiting. Until soon, he felt something, a familiar sensation on one of the infinite numbers of different Earths, once he identified what it was, he smiled evilly.

"So my allies have found it and opened the portal." The entity chuckled with a dark and ominous tone, "Davoth, my old friend you might be gone and your army's access to other dimensions has been halted. But I made a special door on one of the many earth's eons back to allow your forces to invade. That's the problem. This SCP Universe is the only place your forces can invade due to the specialty of the gate and not others. But once they find Cory's body and my other children who are alive and set me free then I will wreak destruction across the multiverse with your army and let the Hell dimension absorb them. They will all kneel before.....!"














"The Scarlet King!"


"Who would be stupid enough to face me and the Forces of the Hell Dimension?"

Little did he know that a group of bizarre individuals were going to stop his plans. One way or another. 

To be Continued ➡


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Consider following me and vote for my stories(POWER STONES!!!!!) and keep yourself notified for more chapters. Thank you. 














In an apartment somewhere around Canada, a humanoid wearing a sort of executioner type clothing was holding a disc in his right hand as he watched the live news on the TV.

"Humanity thinks they can believe in fate. Well it's not worth trusting fate. If fate was there then I wouldn't have to go through hell that I suffered in my world. That is why when I find the bone and achieve that form...."














"I'm gonna make the world fear their own fates and destiny and that's when I will be happy."