
A Billion Stars of Humanity

"Humanity's late discovery of FTL travel secured its rightful place as the leaders of the galaxy. How the simple method of FTL was oversight for so long...I can only give it to God's plan for humanity." FTL is looked upon as the epitome of technology. To break the boundaries of physics and go far beyond what was meant to be. A race which harnesses this power must surely have technology far beyond anything we can imagine...right...? What if FTL was simple...so simple that a mere child could accidentally put it together in any point in time? How would things change? What if the galaxy had more intelligent creatures than humans. This is the story of humanity discovering FTL...in the year of 2070 after a rather unexpected first contact.

Randomuser855 · Khoa huyễn
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Discovery and Revelations

AN: This one-shot was influenced by 'The Road Not Taken' written by Harry Turtledove in 1985.

AN: Minor points in this story were influenced by Halo, Mass Effect, and Warhammer 40k. Small inspirations for naming, technology origins, and elements of FTL.

AN: Although I don't want to say this, the cancel culture of today still scares me. In this story, there will be many mention of 'Humanity' and 'Man'. I want to make it clear here that 'Man', in all cases within this story, is referring to 'a human being of any gender' or 'All humans' regardless of classification.


"It is attributed to humanity's history of constant conflict and wars that serves as their great leaps in technology beyond any other species discovered thus far…and luck. Luck as well"

-Commander R'briea, Aehuan Hegemony

"It we could have possibly known what humanity was…we would have never touched the nest of devils. Now get this out of my face."

-Admiral Gre'vran Egu, Rateran Empire

"Humanity's late discovery of FTL travel secured its rightful place as the leaders of the galaxy. How the simple method of FTL was oversight for so long…I can only give it to God's plan for humanity."

-Ambassador Jack, Cerberus Party, The Theocracy of Mankind

For the entire course of our history, humanity looked to the stars for miracles. In the beginning, Man has served the sun and moon as gods, praying for miracles and the will of the divine. Man later learned of their natures and purpose as nothing more than gravity and dust. Learning of their truth, Man was disappointed of its greatness but enlightened in its development and wisdom. Man looked to the stars for aliens and other sentient life…that we might not be alone in this vast universe.

Many of us thought that we were alone. Alone in a universe of emptiness and barren worlds. Stars burning bright for us alone.

Others thought that there were others out there. Some so different they are out of our understanding while others just like us. If there was one thing in common…it was the belief, fear, and awe of a space-faring Alien species.

Perhaps it was a blessing it never came to be; not of the belief of being alone in the universe, but rather the belief, fear, and awe of a space faring species.

Humanity fought and struggled to survive against the threats from both aliens and within. Humanity rose and prevailed against those who sought to destroy it.

In the eons since humanity's rise to the stars, mankind has become more than what a single species should be capable of.

A species of unimaginable scale, in command of endless armies, governing over technology eons beyond any other species in the galaxy.

For humanity is with the blessings of God…Rising from the light of Holy Gaia, stands boldly, the great work of Humanity…The Theocracy of Mankind

… …

"It was a time when hope seemed lost. The natural resources were all but drained…and for the first time since the Bubonic Plague, the population began dropping. People lost their trust in great powers, both government and divine, as they questioned their purpose in this world."

-Harper Laundry, former citizen of the Systems Alliance.

Chapter 1: First Contact

Year. 2070

Humanity stood on the precipice of destruction. Not by wars, aliens, or any outward threats but by itself. Squandering the limited resources mother Earth had to provide, humanity stood at the edge of falling into extinction.

Extinction seemed inevitable with the planet's continuous acceleration into making the planet inhabitable. Natural resources were drained by the day as colonization attempts on the Moon, Mars, and Titan seemed mediocre at best. Even if they succeeded…it was common knowledge if that Earth fell…then all the colonies would fall with it.

Nations blessed with natural sustainable energy continued to thrive as their power was provided by the heat of the earth itself. Geothermal heating continued to provide its residents the means to indulge in the pleasures and joys thought possible only thirty years ago.

Other nations were not so blessed as the energy source they had relied on were depleted and were forced to search for alternatives. Nuclear energy rose a major source of power until uranium, as well, had become a rare resource. The toxic waste it excreted was leaked more times than once could count…further accelerating humanity on its path to its end.

Riots soon burned over to insurrections as new nations rose and fell. Failed governments were replaced with those even more inept and yet the cycle continued.

However there were those nations who had rose to prominence with the lack of natural resources to begin with. Nations without a drop of oil and yet had managed to climb its way into greatness. These countries stretched their hands to those in need as together, they dove into the field of technology…searching for a path of survival.

Mercury and Venus, the two planets closest to the sun, inhabitable for life due to its scorching heat, were turned into massive power generators for humanity. The power stored in its system systematically harvested once a week to supply humanity with the energy it needs.

Mars was built to create a second world while the moons of various planetary bodies were harvested for any resources. Even still…humanity was burning through the resources too fast.

It was not all peaceful during these times as full scale war threatened to break out multiple times between the two Superpowers of mother Earth.

The Democratic Republic of the United States of America. (DRUSA)

The Socialistic Federation of the People's Republic of China. (SFPRC)

Each nation having struggled with their own insurrections and having prevailed in keeping their respective massive powers unified. One unified through their idealistic views and hopes of a better future…the other unified through unparalleled centralized authority and realistic views on the grim future of humanity, and thus willing to sacrifice anything for it's ensured survival.

The first world war was revolutionary as 'War' was redefined as conflict on a new scale was introduced to humanity.

The second world war revolutionized the value of 'life' as worthless as life from both sides were tossed away like scraps. Weapons of mass destruction making life nothing but a number.

The Cold Wars reignited the flames of 'life' as for the first time, humanity realized the implications of self induced extinction.

The conflict between the DRUSA and SFPRC grew humanity to a new level of technology and fear as the minor skirmishes took place in space and orbit. As the arguments and disagreements between the two civilizations ignited, a new arms race was triggered.

Drones capable of functioning in high orbit. Spaceships armed to the teeth with new weaponry including energy projectiles and reliable kinetic explosives. The newest forms of AI taught with revolutionary cyber warfare tactics. It seemed imminent that a war could spill over…and in a form, it did.

Unmanned weapons of war out in the vacuum of space as destruction on a new scale left entire moons devastated and hopeless to ever host life. The scars the new weapons left had created scars which redefined the maps while the radiation had caused entire moons to change color.

Horrified and distraught at the possibility of such power being turned on against fellow man…the two superpowers entered an uneasy alliance under the same goal. The goal of preserving humanity.

This was the birth and goal of the 'Systems Alliance'. A predecessor of its later form.

So it was ironic…so ironic… that hope found humanity in the form of a genocidal, warmongering and space faring alien Empire.

… …

Titan (Moon) Colony, Saturn's OrbitalSystem, Systems Alliance of Earth

One of the furthest and outermost colonies of colonies of humanity, the small colony on the Moon of 'Titan' was a source of pride and hope for the people of humanity as a whole. It represented the tenacity of man to continue, the wisdom and the knowledge to engineer such a feat, and the bold face of mankind to spit into the face of extinction.

While it was a mere 1,000 Colonists and an additional 2,000 personnel from the direct Systems Alliance (government), more was sure to come.

Titan had undergone great change and minor terraforming as far as human technology could reach. The atmosphere was made breathable, the temperature warm, and the celestial body itself cleaned of any harmful or toxic parts which could harm a human body. For now, the scale of the colony was nothing more than a city…but soon it would expand.

As expected of a small, yet well funded, colony the place was peaceful. Each colonist chosen and selected for their skills and hospitable (and adaptable) personality, any form of conflict were few and between. Easily settled with words, debates, and in worse case a small interference or warning.

Even among the great minds of earth, nobody had considered that as a colony on Saturn's moon, Titan was essentially the frontline of Humanity. Nobody had prepared themselves for war once 'they' had arrived.

POV Robert Smith, Head Scientist of the Titan Colony Systems Alliance.

He expected aliens to appear from above. Far above in the darkness of space where beings of immense technological feats would bring down wonder to mankind…primitives compared to the aliens.

He had expected wormholes to open and dimensions to realign themselves as technological advancements had found ways to tear and travel through the eleven dimensions themselves. Navigating perfectly through the unknown and appearing right where they needed.

He had expected warships the size of entire cities. As a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, and even Halo, he had expected the aliens to be…different from what he saw. It was tragic that despite the difference, it made no difference.

Titan colony was a trial colony, a scientific and research based colony. To prevent any inner conflict, any and all colonists were prevented from bringing any forms of firearms or un-licensed explosives. The spaceships above had barely any fighting capabilities whatsoever as it was meant to serve as a 'carrier' and a 'colony ship' rather than a vessel of war.

It was that mistake which brought the downfall of Titan Colony. It was that overlook that led to defeat when victory was possible.

The aliens did not come from the darkness of the void. The aliens did not arrive in warships the size of entire cities or towns. The aliens' technology were not as wondrous and eye-widening as they had thought to be. The aliens were disappointing…though the confusion was soon changed into horror and despair.

The lights appeared above the sky on the small colony on Titan. Blinking bright blue and yellow lights…one moment they weren't there, the next moment…they were here.

A moment of confusion swept across the colonists as their minds tried to process what sorts of crazy scientist brought a horde old biplanes onto Titan of all places. The local peacekeeping force (armed with rubber bullets) was thrown into panic at the sudden arrival of something that was, most certainly, not supposed to be there.

Children, in their excitement and misunderstandings, began to cheer as the old flying mechanisms flew across the colony.

The confusions nor the joy did not last long…as on the second time around the planes swooped low…

*ratatatatatatatatatataat* *ratatatatatatatatatataat* *ratatatatatatatatatataat* *ratatatatatatatatatataat* *ratatatatatatatatatataat* *ratatatatatatatatatataat*

Screams filled the air as the colonists, in their desperation, scattered like rats. Many fled for their designated houses while others ran into the artificially created forests. As the people fled the square, it became clear to see the dark amber liquid flowing slowly like syrup through the crack in the streets.

Unmoving bodies of the colonists. Colonists who were there at the wrong time. Children who strayed to far, mothers who died protecting their children, and others in which fate did not smile for them.


All this, Robert saw from the control tower as the colony of Titan was sent into full emergency.

Those people were his responsibility. They were his people. The Alliance had trusted him to lead them and keep them safe until large scale colonization efforts could be made. Among those people were his wife and children…innocent people who should never have to deal with that was happening now.

"This is Robert Smith of Titan Colony! We have had hostile contact with unknowns! They have suddenly appeared directly above our airspace and have opened fire! Authentication Code: Beacon of Man! We need immediate support! I repeat, we need immediate support!"

The message was hastily sent off just as the building shook from an unknown impact. Shoutings in an unknown language sounded outside as gunshots continued to be fired upon the innocents.

The scene outside the window was nothing short of carnage as the colonists were treated as worse than animals by…rats?

In his eyes, the aliens he saw resembled what a humanoid rat would look like. Standing much shorter compared to an average human by the looks of it, barely reaching their stomach in height.

Still, all that was no use against their muskets as the bullets tore through them…killing them like animals. He saw children being dragged off while the woman and men were killed on spot. He didn't know what these savages had in plan for their young…but he could not be hopeful.

From behind him, the loud banging on his door signaled that they had arrived. He looked around for something to use as a weapon. Finally landing on a golf-club he had brought as a joke…now it was his lifeline.


The door broke down with a thunderous sound of gunfire as at least a dozen of the animals rushed in. Their muskets all aimed towards him as they yelled at him in an unknown language.

Perhaps it would have been wiser for him to surrender. Perhaps he should have lowered his make-shift club but the nightmarish scenes of the massacre which happened outside would not leave his mind.

In the back of his head, he realized that his love of his life…his wife and children…were most likely among the dead or worse. He already knew that the Colony was done for…he could only pray that the message reaches Earth in time.

He knew not what these aliens were playing at…but if he saw them right, then Humanity had a fighting chance.

"Die you bastards!!" With a mighty swing, he managed to crush the soft head of a rat who got too close before the thundering sound of the firing of bullets filled the air.

He was dead before he hit the floor.

… …

Earth. Home-world of Mankind. Beacon of Humanity.

Switzerland, Geneva. Systems Alliance, 2070

Emergency Meeting

Topic: Regarding the Titan First Contact

"Delegations from across our Earth and colonies off world representing humanity. Please be seated so we can begin this discussion at once." The Director of the Systems Alliance stated as he took his podium at the center. Jin-Tao, born in China and raised in the States, he joined the System Alliance early on and managed to rise to prominence for his military excellence, excelling capabilities, and popularity.

"We meet here today not to argue about the rationing of resources nor the breakthroughs in technology to delay to fall of humanity but rather…a more pressing issue. You have all been notified of what has happened 16 hours ago on the Colony of Titan."

A hologram rose in the center of the large senate seats as a video recording played what has happened. Delegates who had already seen the footage winced at the brutal scenes while others, those who saw it for the first time, were shell shocked from the brutality and the savage actions of what could be assumed as a 'sentient species'.

The short recording ended and afterwards it was changed into a 3D model of the basic 'Alien' that the recordings have captured.

A bipedal rat, grey visible skin, a long tail, round stomach, and a nearly identical head to that of Earth's rats. It was clothed in dull khaki military uniforms with no special features to talk about. No extra pockets, no special medals, nor any functions. Merely 'cloth'.

The 3D model began to move as the 'rat alien' began hobbling forward slowly. Walking on its two short legs while carrying a weapon eerily similar to that of a 'musket'.

"So far, we have only encountered or had visual evidence of one alien species which leads to two major possibilities." The Jin Tao said. "A more hopeful approach would be that this is an isolated species, just like us; however, seeing their actions and lack of surprise or caution when engaging in a…massacre against our people, we have deduced that this is not their first time meeting another alien species."

He took a sip of water before continuing to deliver that hard news.

"We do not know why this species had decided to attack our colony on Titan. We do not know exactly how much of a threat they serve either. All we know is the fact that these aliens have initiated first contact with blood and violence!"

A recording played. The last message they had received from the colony.

"This is Robert Smith of Titan Colony! We have had hostile contact with unknowns! They have suddenly appeared directly above our airspace and have opened fire! Authentication Code: Beacon of Man! We need immediate support! I repeat, we need immediate support!"

Silence reigned throughout the hall as members quieted down, hearing the grave news.

"It is most unfortunate that it is quite impossible to send support. We had send the Colony ship towards Saturn, and its moon Titan, by utilizing the planet cycles and making it in a record time of 2 years. Sending any forces now would have to wait for 3 years…at least." Jin Tao stated grimly.

"Still there is hope. Hope which comes from the illogical sense of what we have and can see thus far" Jin Tao continued on. "For additional security and ease of communications, we have coded the all public footage be sent directly to earth, although with a 2 hour delay."

A new hologram appeared on screen showing the new aliens cleaning up the streets from its act of violence, moving around in seemingly motorized vehicles, etc.

What was strange was that…nothing seemed marvelous. Footage showing their planes looked like models from their WWI era. Biplanes with a crudely designed gun attached to the front. Biplanes with stiff metal frames and glass around the pilot's seat attached to industrial looking tanks; assumably airtight.

Soldiers (assumed to be soldiers) patrolled the empty streets with what looked like a 'Flint-Lock' based Musket. Recordings showed that the 'muskets', did indeed, function exactly like one.

"Their behaviors and their equipment is…unexpected. The brutality of these savages and their low firepower. In addition to the fact that they have not even attempted cyber warfare or are aware that the cameras are still functioning." Jin Tao addressed the council. He turned to the head scientist who was standing quietly behind him.

The head scientist of the System Alliance, Jennifer Jenkins (J.J), was called to the podium to explain her 'theory' and assumptions on the Alien technology and capabilities. One such…was their FTL capability and their knowledge on 'Earth'.

"If the Aliens truly did show all that they are capable of and if the recordings we have access to are neither forged nor a staged appearance by them…then I can theorize that we are missing something crucial in our previous assumptions of aliens." Dr. Jenkins stated.

"Please show the delegates of the footage showing their arrival." She said as the holographic screen changed.

The crimson sky was still for a moment…then bright lights began blinking, lighting up the red sky brighter than ever before, as the enemy vessels dropped out of, what is assumed to be, a method of Faster-Than-Light Travel.

"In all honesty, I do not know how these old biplanes are capable of such a feat. Nor am I aware of where they came from or if their directions even align with the place they came from. To be frank…all I can say is that they might have developed an entirely different field and method of FTL than we had expected." Dr. Jenkins stated.

She gave the podium back to the Director, Jin Tao, as he continued where he had left off.

"We know little, we have little, and we can do little." He stated grimly. "Earth and Humanity are in a perilous state…possibly on the edge of destruction. We are facing off against an Alien Species which have shown hostility with technology…unknown. Their intentions of killing our people…unknown."

The senate mumbled quietly as they realized the dangers that this posed for mankind as a whole.

"For millennia, the division of Humanity has encouraged competition and growth. From the development of agriculture and to setting our world ablaze with war…humanity has endured, learned, and emerged stronger and better than before. All this we have done to endure the test of time. Now…humanity can no longer afford to stand divided. This 'Alliance' has been created as a temporary method to keep peace between the two states and thus the home of Humanity." Jin Tao stated.

"Against foes like these aliens…Humanity must stand together. We must stand together as one species if we are to endure, learn, and emerge stronger once more. Forty years ago we began the crusade against racism…and through hard lessons and trials we emerged as equals. With the climate of our very Earth giving us the test once more, we have split into idealists and realists."

He looked around the large hall and saw the division…even in the very chambers. Member states of the Democratic Republic of the United States of America and their allies to one side while the Socialistic Federation of the People's Republic of China to the other.

In these chambers the two sides, under the pretense of an alliance, had battled out the game of politics to take control of the Alliance to better their own agendas…their own goals. To strengthen one side while weaken the other. To try and force Civil War on the other while reinforce their own ideals…

Now was not the time for this. Now was the time for Unity for all people on Earth. For all Men, Women, Children, and those who choose to be different. Now was the time for the people who call themselves 'Human' to be united under the banner of 'Man'.

"Yet even in this perilous state." Jin Tao stated each word carefully "We overlook the hope that this opportunity brings."

The hologram once again showed the footage of the enemy ships arriving with the parade of lights into the Titan atmosphere for locations unknown. Possibly countless lightyears years away.

"New technology."

The aliens began to harvest resources, melt steel, and take control of their facilities.

"New resources."

A footage showed a curious looking alien trying out a human bed. Much too large for its size.

"New homes."

The aliens celebrated their victory over the dead colonists. A new moon, capable of sustaining life, under their domain.

"A New Chance for Humanity." Jin Tao stated as the murmuring the crowd began to grow louder. "One of the greatest scientists in our history, Albert Einstein, has once theorized Faster Than Light travel to be impossible."

"He was wrong!"

"Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest mind humanity has ever had, has once theorized the extinction of the Human Race in the next one hundred years."

(A/N: It is actually more of a 'colonize a different planet in the next 100 years or face extinction' not 'humans will die in the next 100 years. )

… … The hall quieted…the hundred years had not yet passed.

"We will prove him wrong!"

The hall erupted into cheers as the emotions and the pent up stress exploded, not into hysteria or fear, but rather one of hope…of a future for humankind.

"With the threat these aliens bring…they bring with them the instruments to secure humanity's place in the stars!"

The cheering grew louder.

"Now come together. People of all ages and backgrounds. All those who call themselves humanity. As one…We can endure the test of time Forever."

… …

Chapter 2

Illusions are Broken

For 6 months there was nothing but silence from Titan. As the computers and the coded systems continued to work and the footage was continuously streamed towards Earth, none of the Aliens have either tampered nor try to stop this. Either because all the footage was false (as in staged or manipulated)…or they truly were not aware.

Titan has become a feasting ground for the Alien species as more and more bi-planes and Zeppelins arrived in a blinking bright light on the surface of Titan as aliens in the thousands unloaded and made homes for themselves.

The atmosphere was celebratory…completely unaware of the developments and rapid changes undergoing on a planet so close.


During the 6 months since the Massacre of Titan, the governments of Earth had changed. The 'Systems Alliance' disassembled as it formed the 'Human Federation'. Powers of the DRUSA and SFPRC were finally assimilated into one as humanity united for the first time in history.

Armies were disassembled before reforming into greater forces. Barriers were dissolved under the pretense of a United Human front as efforts were put into place to discourage any violence against 'Man'.

Great power was imbued to the 'Chief Director' as the government chose 'centralization' over delay and loss of efficiency. The people and citizens lost their right to choose but retained their right to veto government decisions.

Thus, a superstate was born… a nation encompassing the entire world…ready for war against the unknown.

… …

POV Admiral Mous'etrap, Rateran Empire

For the glory of his Majesty we have traveled further than we have ever done before and have conquered yet another primitive race. This race was not even capable of the most basics of flight.

He put away the thought of how little their numbers were, barely over 3,000. Did they perhaps just come out of a bloody war? Did they have starve to death?

Yet as the reports came in of this primitive species on the moon, he began to see more and more anomalies.

It seemed as if these 'primitives' were the only species on this planet. Aside from their 'farms' where they grew small amounts of strange mammal creatures and insects…there was not a sign of life on the planet.

Greenery grew around them yet all he saw no signs of wildlife at all. He had sent their best inspection force, Zeppelins, and yet they returned that there was no sign of civilization beyond this little town.

No ruins. No creatures. Only these primitives.

"How strange…" He muttered as he pondered how this could be. Still, he put this out of his head as he thought about the glory he would receive when he returned.

He would be one of the few Raterans to successfully find a Garden World for their growing population. Already there were 58 billion Raterans for only 95 planets. Of which only 21 had been 'found' while others had been fought for and beaten back.

Of course, no primitive race in this galaxy could challenge the might of the Raterans. Compared to some of the other races, they were latecomers to the galactic stage…but they were easily the most dominant.

Following their Great Civil War where the first Emperor took power of the New Rateran Empire, the Raterans took to space and found that there were worlds for their taking. Of course, it seemed humiliating that they had missed that for so long…when in reality, the process of uplifting was so so simple.

Their first expansion was met with failure as they had to constantly return to their world after failing to find suitable worlds. Many worlds lacked water, others lacked oxygen. Some worlds were simply too toxic, too cold or hot, while others were flooded entirely. Limited by their choices, they developed their navigation strategy further and further.

With their grand device, they managed to track traces of life throughout the galaxy. It was a simple logic…but a sound one. Where there is life…there is a suitable world.

And so…the Rateran expansion began. With thousands of Long Range Bombers and nearly a hundred thousand Fighter Planes at their disposal, the conquest of the galaxy progressed smoothly.

Most races they had encountered were space-faring. Having already mastered the art of that to reach their nearest moons or sister planets on their wooden ships. There were few which hadn't but those races could barely be called sentient at all…as they had yet to come out of their caves and discover that there was logic to life.

In the end, it was all the same. Serve or Die. No matter how sharp the blades of the Aehuan were, they were no match for metal bullets. No matter how hard the armor of the Mingor are, a handheld grenade did the job.

Should any race try to overwhelm them with numbers, the Raterans used their 'Planes' to dominate airspace completely. No race, other than them, had ever understood how flight in atmosphere worked without that. Certainly, a proof of their superiority and a nod to their species' intelligence.

Some species were more stubborn than others…naturally such filth trying to reject their rightful rulers should be removed. After centuries of trying to find the correct way, an innovation came which shook the entire Empire.

The Gatling gun

Attached to their planes in the sky and carried on carts on land, it proved to be their ultimate card. Filth fell like cheese scraps in front of this monstrosity. Shields were pierced through no aliens could outrun a godlike speed of 300 rounds a minute.

Against those who charged their forces, they set up sharp wires and dug down into burrows and made trenches to shoot from. It proved victorious in all but the most unique of circumstances.

While there were the dumb aliens who rebelled and resisted their rule, there were some which were smart and accepted their gracious offer of servitude. In return for their protection, these species would be allowed to keep half of their worlds while providing the Empire with workers, minerals, food, other resources, and whatever the Empire needs from them.

Sometimes they would revolt on nonsense regarding taxes or discrimination. *bah!* Nonsense…they should be grateful they got to live under the merciful rule of our Empire.

He was distracted from his thoughts when a young officer, his whiskers were still shiny white and short, entered his new office.

"Sir! We have found a Cheese-Class Garden World in this system!"

His nostrils widened as he was suddenly in attention. Two garden worlds in the same Solar System? This was unheard of…and a Cheese Class Garden World at that. The only Cheese-Class worlds under their rule were their homeworld and their neighboring one which they had taken through force.

"Begin the calculations for the planet immediately! I don't want to miss this opportunity because some young recruit messed up a decimal point!" He ordered.

"Yes sir!"

Ahhh…two garden worlds. The fame and fortune he would be awarded with by the Emperor when he returned. He could not wait…but such was the fate of Faster Than Light travel.

It was better than the days when they had begun their exploration of space with paper and pen. With young rats with bright minds on calculating the time, direction, and amount of that they would need to arrive precisely on location.

There were too many accidents of missing the location completely or not making it at all due to the lack of it. It was due to the nature of math that truly minor errors were inevitable, thus it were why they had airtight planes and Zeppelins so they could enter atmosphere from the deadliness of space. Still, such a thing must never happen more than necessary.

The longer they gave the Navigators the time to correctly plot their paths, the less accidents they would have and the more accurate they would arrive on location. Of course, some places did not need any calculations at all as they were pre-plotted like their home-world or their starting points.

"Give them 4 months soldier. I do not want any mistakes on this."

"Yes sir!"

Unknowing to both the soldier and general Mous'etrap, the systems within the office building they had made their own were still active. Listening in and recording, streaming, their conversation was an AI created by the primitive race they had slaughtered.

A race which had been listening in on countless Rateran conversations and had been using their ground-breaking technology and AIs to break the barrier between their languages…and this conversation had just been red flagged by the AI which streamed it.

… …

"Satellites have concluded that their forces had begun preparing for a scouting investigation on Earth." Human AI model Terran, named Churchill, informed the Human Federation. Located in the former hall of the Systems Alliance, the hall was redesigned and fitted to allow more people and members.

As the threat of the aliens arose, emergency powers were took from the senate and into the military…and thus the hall was filled with military officers and related members.

Sitting in the front row, closest to the AI (who also looked strikingly similar to the original Churchill with his cigar) was Alexander Magnus, the new 'Warlord'. A title they had bestowed to the highest ranking Military official with the exception to the Chief Director himself.

"Tell me Churchill. Is it possible to intercept their forces on Mars?" Magnus asked.

"Unfortunately, the chances are little to none." Churchill replied. "Assuming the Raterans' method of Faster Than Light travel works linearly, the planet Mars is not currently aligned with Homeworld Earth."

Churchill called up a diagram of the two planets and the moon. How the planet of Mars did not lie in the linear line of Earth and Titan.

"In addition to this, I believe that their FTL capabilities will be beyond our ability to intercept or stop. Enemy forces are excepted to appear in Earth orbit or high atmosphere." Churchill informed the Warlord.

"I see…so our best chance is to use the orbital defense system from above and the 'Steel Dome' from underneath to sandwich them into certain death."

"Exactly Warlord Magnus. Although in the low chance they possess hard shielding capabilities, phasing, or theoretical kinetic and energy shields…then there is a 89.7% chance that the plan will end in failure."

Churchill stopped for a moment as he made more calculations and ran simulations on the data he had received from Titan. "Should the Raterans be capable of extensive atmospheric FTL, electric field disorientation, and have arsenal to make defense system useless…chance of failure is 52% without shielding. 98% including.

"And should they possess neither?" Pressed Magnus on.

"Human victory stands at 99.9%"

… …

Humanity came together as the planet prepared for war. Lunar Base, on Earth's one and only moon, was militarized with defense missiles and long range precise lasers should Earth ever require extra support.

Thousands of Terminal High Altitude Air Defense systems of all kinds across the world were wired together to share data and intelligence as they came together. Nearly every defense AI had been converging together non-stop as thousands of contingencies and plans were shared each second.

With the help of propaganda and the threat of imminent alien attack from the 'Rateran Empire', the stock prices for government owned military supply chain corporations skyrocketed. All the benefits from which were barreled right back into the efforts for defense.

The young of humanity, of all backgrounds, were drafted into the 'Earth Federation Army' as they were trained and prepared for the coming battle. Those who had specific talents or had conditions or circumstances which prevented them from doing so were offered roles in which would be more beneficial than sending them to war.

Among the countless drafted for war there were those who had special talents or skills. Doctors and medical specialists were the first to be selected with pilots, engineers, and weapons specialists second. Then came those who were needed but not in great numbers…language specialists, psychiatrists, xeno-biologists (AN: This is an actual major), and surprisingly…a very small number of sci-fi gamers and developers.

Beyond the people themselves, the industry of war was in full throttle as humanity pumped out warship after warship. Humanity's first Dreadnought was launched into High Orbit next to the historic 'International Space Station' (which now functions as a museum).

The 2.5km long Warship was the one and only of its design. Armed and run with the best humanity had to offer…it was named 'Heracles'. Named after the greatest Hero of humanity and greek myth. The Hero of the 12 impossible Labors and later of the Gatekeeper of Olympus itself…it was a fitting name.

The month following had Earth pumping out 3 more vessels of mass destruction. While smaller in scale and power, it was still the greatest war machine humanity had ever seen prior to Heracles.

Standing at 1.5km long, 500 meters wide and 300 meters tall…the three new dreadnoughts of humanity.

Named after the Greek goddesses of the Three Fates, they were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Stationed constantly around the three point defense with the 'assumed' arrival point from 'Titan' being in the center.

"Tell me Winston…are we ready?" The Warlord, Magnus, asked one of the greatest AIs ever built by humanity.

"I'm not sure Alexander." Churchill replied. The two had spent enough time together to go off by first names to each other. "And it disturbs me as an AI to not know something. But here is what I do know."

The AI bearing the face and motion of the Prime Minister of the old United Kingdom during

World War 2 said to him.

"I know that humanity is more united than ever before. I know that the spirit in humanity will not be dosed out by a mere alien Empire. I know that men are going to continue battling, women resisting, children cheering, and that humanity will fight; fight, fight, fight no matter what the odds are."

The AI's words blurred as his form turned black and white. Static lines began to appear as a recording of the old original Prime Minster began to replace the AI little by little.

"We shall defend our world, what ever the cost may be." Little by little, the original's voice began to take over the speech. "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills."

Then the voice of both of whom who called themselves Churchill rang through the speakers installed in every room of the headquarters of the building.


… …

TITAN COLONY, Renamed 'Colony Mous-etrap'

Admiral Mous'etrap had high hopes in the blue planet in the far distance. They had come to this 'yellow sun' in hopes of finding a habitable world…and they did. It was a gamble but it had paid off in finding this place called 'Titan'.

But right in front of their eyes…was a true treasure worth taking. A planet that was promising like no other.

A blue planet with bright green patches. A planet which fit perfectly in their 'zone' to have water in all its forms. A green planet which promised a wide variety of life…even possibly intelligent sentient life forms; primitive compared to them no doubt…but still intelligent life.

A planet which would be able to house their people in the hundreds of millions…he would become one of the greatest heroes to ever grace the Empire. Perhaps he wouldn't even need to inherit his father's noble title…perhaps the Emperor, bless his holy name, would grant him a title himself.

"Admiral Mous'etrap sir! The navigators have completed their calculations." A Private interrupted his thoughts. At least it was good news.

"Send the scouts immediately. They will scout out and mark the planet with the 'magnet'. Send commander Ratbone's division ahead…I trust he will do well."

"Sir yes sir!" The private responded before he began relaying the orders to the forces outside.

As he slowly walked to the glass windows the primitives had installed on this building, he saw a grand view of thousands and thousands of forces preparing for another conquest.

How these primitives had the capabilities to put these clear, see-through, glass everywhere…I will never understand. But it does serve as a nice base and view without being tainted by the commoner air outside.

Within minutes, bright lights and messy sounds began to fill the air as the engines of war were ignited. The smell of oil filled every inch of the base they had set up as it was set into motion.

Their prided technology beyond any other species in this galaxy…the Element as hundreds of ships gently floated into the air as it went higher and higher before disappearing from view as it entered Faster-Than-Light.

He looked off into the distance…and perhaps it was luck that this moon happened to be facing the place perfectly.

With his binoculars, a marvel of modern technology, he looked at the dark sky where he spotted the tiniest of blue dots in the darkness…their next destination.

"Bring home honor, bring home the glory…proud soldiers of the Empire."

… …

"A punch in the face puts a bitch in their place."

-Some human genius…probably

POV Steven Conner, Colonel of the 'Home Fleet' of Earth and the Armed Forces of the Earth Federation.

Ever since the knowledge of hostile alien takeover in the lost colony of Titan, Earth and all her colonies had ramped up their defense preparations to eleven.

Satellites orbited planets and moons constantly scanning their perimeters with absolutely no blindspots. Old satellites were decommissioned before being replaced with newer models with better capabilities and also an 'explosive' function…should any alien fleet take hostile action and things came from push to shove.

Defense platforms, costing trillions of credits (1 Credit = 0.92 DRUSA Dollars), were built on the largest of colonies and most importantly…Earth.

Breakthroughs on missile and laser technology seemed to be happening daily as weapons and arms company stocks shot through the roof and poked through the clouds heaven. If anything, the government encouraged such behavior as such actions was keeping the general people rich and satisfied even in stressful times.

These 'war-dogs', although often illegal, were turned a blind eye to as civilians found ways to make money and benefit both the people and the government. The Federation marked their identities for later. Should this conflict ever end in their favor due to these 'war dogs', then perhaps they were willing to let it go without chasing after them when it is all over.

Unemployment numbers dropped to close to 0% as there was work for everyone. Perhaps not the most pleasant of work…but mobilization took work. Fighting a war came with great preparation…and men often said that war was won through burning supplies and cash.

Whatever the case…the people of Earth stood ready. Ready for the day when it finally happened…and it happened.

They were warned far before the xeon-scum (as many people had begun to call nowadays) even took off on their spaceships. The visual and audio feed from the colony warned the higher ups and was rapidly spread throughout the planet.

Stock prices were frozen for the time being as the people were reminded of their safety-protocols and going into the bunkers for safety.

Soldiers from all across the Solar System were warned and prepared for imminent attack as all defense systems were online and ready at a moment's ready. Among the many officers to hold their shift at this time was Steven Conner.

Steven had grown up as a citizen of the DRUSA until he reached adulthood where he joined the army. He later joined the Military academy where he was put into officer track and into the Systems Alliance Army.

He had little knowledge at that time that he would be the one, 30 years later, to be the commanding officer of the 'Chief Petty Officer' who was just informing him with the following words.

"Colonel Stevens. We have two hundred unknowns suddenly appearing above Earth space. Above the city city of Shanghai." Chief Petty Officer Rupert Tanner informed him, cool as a cucumber. "With the speed and direction they are approaching atmosphere, AI Cyrus estimates a total of 2 hours 32 minutes and landing above the city of Xi'An."

"Colonel Stevens, should we initiate First Contact protocols seeing as they have not yet opened fire?" The Chief Petty Officer asked.

"No Chief Petty Officer. They already have opened fire upon our people months ago. Tell the defense to hold their fire for now…I assume high command knows of this?"

"Yes sir. All data is transmitted to high command by our AI."

"Good. Send my words to all frequencies in Rateran.…and all Earth languages"

"Transmitting request to our AI sir."

"AI Model Terran, Cyrus, at your service Colonel Steven." An AI popped up from the holographic display. His form was of a Persian wearing an old decorated helmet with a well trimmed (but rather long) beard. "Your decision to try communications with the Raterans was authorized by high command. You are representing humanity Colonel…make it count."

"Good. Now send this out." The Colonel said.

"People of Earth…people of humanity. This is Colonel Steven Conners of the Earth Federation Home Defense Fleet. Perhaps the Director is more fit for a speech at this time…but perhaps not. As one who is facing an uncertain war on the frontlines, perhaps it is right for me to give my words…so listen, and listen well people of humanity. For over two thousand years…we have quarreled with one another, fought with one another. For centuries we have developed weapons to maim and kill one another. For our entire history, we had believed that this was simply the way and truth of civilization. We had found no unity in our beliefs and no belief for our unity."

The Colonel paused as he looked at the incoming alien vessels in the radar. Still far away. In the background, he heard orders of the warships and the 4 dreadnoughts being rearranged and transported to their 'ideal location' for their arrival.

"Yet when the world was threatened from the Axis powers, the Allies were formed. When the Cold War threatened to wipe life from earth multiple times…from either the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Soviet soldier who refused to comply with the 'Mutually Assured Destruction' protocol…we came to realize that despite our hatred for one another…we love this world and its people."

'Admiral Burner, the fleet is in position to 'welcome' these fools to Earth. The 'force' is hidden under the guise of night. If we are to believe they rely on 'sight' and 'heat', then the fleet is invisible to them.'

"Time and time again, we failed to kill ourselves. Humanity, armed with atomic power, failed to push the button which would finally put mankind under the grave once and for all."

'Olympus Fleet is in position. Standing by for arrival of hostiles.'

"Decades passed and humanity faced another threat of extinction…humanity in all its forms. Our exposure to our world has caused famines, droughts, and storms of ice as we pushed the climate to its limit. Humanity, in its squander, had drained the Earth of its resources to sustain our people."

'Army Region Yan-Luo is in position. 2 Million men are at the ready in Xi'An with more dropping in.'

"Instead of pointing the gun at one another, humanity united under the threat of extinction. Our predecessor…the United Nations…was changed into the Systems Alliance as the world pooled its remaining resources together to search for a new path for humanity and most importantly…hope."

'This is General Yi Shun Shin. My Army-Group of 500,000 men are arriving to Xi'An in thirty minutes. We are transporting Heavy equipment for anti-aircrafts.'

"Decades later, we are still looking, still searching. As humanity we have sent civilians to the moon. We have set up mining facilities in Mercury, colonized Mars, and many others throughout our Solar System."

'This is Command Center Beijing. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

'This is Command Center Tokyo. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

'This is Command Center Seoul. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

'This is Command Center Hanoi. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

'This is Command Center Ulaanbaatar. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

'This is Command Center New Delhi. We have sent our Air Force to aid in the battle.'

… … … …

… … … …

… … … …

"People of humanity…we have found hope."

'This is Moscow. Our long-range Lasers are aimed upwards in the direction of Xi'An. We are ready to intercept hostile weapons. Steel Dome is active'

"Our hope came with the sacrifice of 4,000 lives. Our hope comes from an alien Empire who has slaughtered our innocents. Colonists who represented humanity's very best."

'This is Taipei. Our long-range Lasers are aimed upwards in the direction of Xi'An. We are ready to intercept hostile weapons. Steel Dome is active'

"The same aliens are heading our way right now. To do the same to us as they had done to Titan. They offer subservience…or death."

'This is Jerusalem. The Steel Dome is active…as it always is. This was our idea to start with.'

"I believe I represent humanity when I say I plan to give these aliens the finger on one hand and a gun in the other. I do this because I truly believe that there is more for humanity than subservience or death."

'This is Olympus Fleet. Enemy ships are closing in rapidly.'

"I believe that greater powers, be it God or the belief of humanity itself, has destined mankind for greater heights! It is Man's right to make their own roads! It is our right to reject death and servitude!"

'This is Geneva. All fleets and Major weapons…begin charging sequence.'

"A Unified Humanity is destined for greatness! Not under the threat of starvation! Not under the threat of Civil War! Not under the threat of Alien Empires!"

'This is Olympus Fleet. Enemy fleet has entered optimal firing zone. Holding fire for operation 'Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich.'

"People of Humanity…! Hope has arrived! Hope in the form of an Alien Empire which plans to subjugate our people and planet! Hope in the form of war!"

'This is orbital platform 'Boulder'. Hostiles has passed over our location.'

"HUMANS! Show them our culture of war! Show them the art in which we have shared with one another for over two thousand years! Perfected for centuries! Show them what we had thought to be the way of Civilization!"

'This is Xi'An. Our ground radars are beginning to pick up Enemy fleet.'

"Hope is coming! Hope we had held onto on this dying world! Hope arrives as Humanity prepares its rise to greater heights and manifest destiny! We have proved that even as all is lost, Hope Dies Last! Now Hope arrives and humanity…as one…BEAR ARMS AS WE CLAIM HOPE FOR MAN."

'This is Geneva. Enemy ships are in the Goldilocks zone. Operation 'PBJS' is a go. Open Fire'

… ….

"The Theocracy of Mankind is easily the most powerful, dominant, and largest force in the galaxy by far. The Theocracy is united under the common belief that Humans are destined for greatness…at least more so than any other species in the galaxy. Justifying this by simply their own thoughts, higher powers, or simply superstition matters not to them. It is believed to have originated centuries ago in the famous speech of 'Hope For Man' by Colonel Steven Conner of the former Earth Federation moments before the first 'Human-Rateran War'. This sort of mentality is often why humans are associated most often by other races with the adjective of 'Racist Assholes'. But who are we to challenge the supremacy of human power in the Milky Way?"

-Doctor Eaus Huawry Kuduawe, Brreuntaerian Hegemony

POV Commander Ratbone, Rateran Empire

"Disgusting commoners…!" He whispered under his breath as he got into the Command vessel for the scouting mission. As the commanding officer of his division, he was authorized by the Admiral to take his personal ship with him.

His most prized belonging…the Glory Moon. It the newest model of the Zeppelins that is father had bought for him. As he was promoted into a 'Commander', he was allowed to bring his personal vessel into the military and have tuned and armed.

The Glory Moon was now one of the most heavily armed and durable ships in the entire Empire. Floating at 200 meters long…the balloon part was put up so that it was completely resistant to primitive arrows and fireproof. Even against the modern threat of 'Musket Fire' and gunpowder explosions, he was quite sure that the vessel would be able to take some punishment.

What was most impressive, however, was the amount of guns and cannons they had attached to the Glory Moon. A shocking 8 Machine Guns and 2 Old fashioned cannons were put onto this War Machine while sharp spikes and nails were nailed in on all corners of the outer edge to ram through any other rival Zeppelins.

In practice it was not as fast as the other models, namely the biplanes, without the Core activated but who needed such a thing when Primitives couldn't even come up to their altitude to begin with?

"Ugh. The smell." He spoke under his breath as he made his way through the hallway. Unfortunately, as his precious Glory Moon was considered a military vessel, that gave access to all soldiers who were assigned to it…not just the nobility.

Mirac Ratbone. That was who he was. The second son of the glorious Ratbone family. A family which had a long history in the expansion, conquest, and partaking in the rule of the great Rateran Empire.

Through many generations, the Ratbone family became large…but he wasn't just some side branch child; Mirac was the heir to the main family after his brother was killed by a vessel accident.

Unfortunately one of those commoner navigators had wrongly inputted the numbers for the jump to a new colony. Having jumped to a completely different location with not enough element to recharge for another jump…the entire vessel was declared lost to space and thus, dead.

It was part of the reason as to why he was so stingy and nosey when it came to choosing only the best of navigators for his group. Only those of noble-education and a great deal of experience were allowed onto the command bridge of the Glorious Moon.

Unfortunately that did not extend to the entire force of those onboard his Glorious Moon as evidenced by the sweaty smell of commoners in every hallway.

*sigh* He would have to let it be. Perhaps if he succeeds in this mission…no…excel and do far more than he was asked to…then not only would he be considered for a promotion but perhaps expand his influence in the greater circle of the Empire.

Should he conquer and humble this group of primitives before the main force even arrives…would the Emperor personally award him a title? Would he surpass his father and his ancestors? There were many of such stories, both true and fiction, among the sons of nobility. Stories of accomplishing feats of heroes and awarded a new title to start a noble line of their own…

He could only dream up until now…but now the chance has arrived.

No more scouting barren planets of sand or ice. No more scouting the planet only to return with news of disappointment. No…this was a chance to put his name in the books of the Empire's history.

The Capital of the Edge…They'll call it.

Already, he was daydreaming of the possible future when the navigators informed him that all was done and they were waiting for his order.

"Go on then Officer. Bring us high and into the dark." He said.

With his words, the huge vessel shifted as it began to float. With the (expensive) windows he saw the hundreds of other vessels begin to make their ascension as well. Together they climbed higher and higher, faster and faster, as the darkness of the void took them.

They were weightless. Quickly, all the small things were packed and pushed into stable drawers as the crew double locked themselves in their seatbelts and constraints.

The void.

The void was an exceptionally dangerous place. A place between places. An endless darkness void of air and perhaps a lack or too much pressure? He didn't know, those were the engineer's and the navigator's jobs. All he knew was that each voyage into the unknown had to first start in the void.

The same void which had taken countless lives from the Rateran Empire. Either by starving or suffocating the soldiers who had taken a single digit off their calculations and were forced to die painfully…slowly. Or others whose vessels had failed them and the entire ship exploded silently in the soundless void.

In their recorded history, there was one miraculous survivor who was dragged into one of the surviving vessels. She stated that her tongue felt like it was boiling from every part of her body felt as if it was concaving inwards as the pressure within her threatened to explode outwards.

Obviously…a very painful death awaited her should she have been left in the void for any longer in her damaged suit.

The Void.

Nobody fought in the void. All of their machinery remained sealed while traveling in the void for safety reasons. Not that they would ever need to fight in the void. No primitive species, even with their elements, had ever made it up this far up. Unable to defend themselves from the void itself with their primitive technology.

"Commander Ratbone. We are ready for the jump." The head navigator informed him.

"Good. Do it."


The unsettling sound of the core powering up with the element sounded through the entire ship as it began to shake. Outside his glass dome, he saw the other vessels around him also begin to shake as they too began to charge up.

"Making the jump in 3, 2, 1…Jump." The navigator counted down.

With the last word of the navigator, everything within the vessel suddenly experienced an incredible force on them before they were weightless once again.

The dark black void was replaced with a momentary vision of bright light before darkness took the void once more. It was merely a jump to a planet in the same star system…it was a very short jump.

"We have safety landed from the jump Commander. Our calculations were nearly perfect. Estimates calculate we have approximately 25 minutes until we arrive in this Planet's atmosphere." The head navigator concluded.

*Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!* *Czeeech!*

"Informing the Commander that all ships have safely made the the jump to location."

The crew began to unbuckle their secondary jump seatbelts and locks to relax themselves a little bit.

"Commander…this planet is beautiful!" One of the navigators, the rookie, said.

He was about to teach the rookie a lesson about professionalism when he saw the blue planet for himself…and found himself unable to do anything else but agree.

It truly was a beautiful planet.

A deep, dark, blue planet lazily turning and churning as its waves rolled throughout the entire world. Large green and brown landmasses of great size marked signs of primitive life as small specks of light, or were they volcanos, shined even from far above.

"Commander. It seems this planet harbors some…intelligent life." One of the navigators informed him.

"So What." He replied. "We go in there with guns blazing, scare the primitives into submission."

"With all due respect Commander, our orders were to survey and scout this planet by Admiral Mous'etrap himself."

"Don't speak back to me Navigator! Or do you with to be trialed for insubordination!"

"…No Sir."

"Then why don't you continue your little theory on this planet having intelligent life?"

The navigator's ears twitches as his whiskers bent slightly. A clear sign of suppressing anger and frustration. Still, the navigator managed to calm himself down for the talk. The Man was still his commanding officer and in no circumstance must he be trialed for insubordination.

As a military heavy nation…the hierarchy stood clear. Good Raterans followed orders after all.

"Sir. These lights are more heavily evident around the coastal areas of the landmasses, especially southern areas. This shows that this, or these, species are capable of understanding traveling and trading through water."

The navigator continued.

"The large rivers which are visible from here also show signs of great light. If these are anything to go by, I would say that this species have already entered the beginning of the 'Coal' age. Lighting up great areas of land with the biofuel their planet provides."

At his words, the atmosphere of the bridge turned to one of mild amusement. Very few races in the galaxy had made it to the 'coal' or rather 'biofuel' age. It was a time where the primitives, in their curiosity, would begin to set the world ablaze with the fossil fuel. When they find out that heat and steam could move great objects.

Their race, the Raterans, were far far beyond such an age. A thousand years ago right before they entered the stars they had entered what has been dubbed as the 'Industrial era'. A time when the world changed as all accomplishments of their species prior to it seemed like child's play.

What they had created during those time…it made the other species awe at both the shock and terror.

They had created machines to spin wool and cloth so fast and efficiently it was enough to clothe the entire species and their clients. On the ground, they utilized the great science and pushed giant iron cars with steam power.

They had created a way to capture light…and create something called a 'Photograph'. They had made writing easier and faster through the type-writer. While he personally still preferred the traditional 'Pen', he could not disagree that in a stressful setting, the typewriter was still superior in speed, organization, and efficiency.

During their expansion, more and more innovations for war were created. The undisputed 'Dynamite' which cowered the primitives as they thought that they had angered their gods or the previously mentioned 'Gatling gun' or the 'Machine Gun' as the fancy ones liked to call it.

"Commander, we are about to enter the planet's atmosphere. Prepare for turbulence." The head navigator informed him.

The Commander continued to look around the beautiful planet as they got closer and closer when he got the creeping feeling that something…something was not right. His tail swished from side to side trying to get rid of the nagging feeling but it would not go away.

As he looked out the side, he saw something coming towards their location from the dark end of the planet. It was like a wall of iron was moving towards them…but that was impossible.

Perhaps it was one of the rings or a small asteroid of the planet that they had failed to catch before due to the orbit of the things.

Or was it?

"Entering atmosphere."

*creak…* *creak…*

The vibrating sounds of the core was replaced with the stench of fuel (hydrogen and helium) as gravity returned. Beside them, they saw the biplanes begin to turn their rotors on as they took the atmosphere for their own.

"Lower altitude and find me the nearest settlement Navigator. We've got seven tonnes of explosives to drop!" He ordered.

His voice was met with cheers from the bridge from all except the head navigator.

The head navigator was beginning to show his age…40 years. As an old timer, a veteran of his part, he has had his share of stress…and it was showing.

White fur patches were beginning to show on his arms and legs while his head was rapidly approaching the same lack of color. His large ears, which once must have been smooth and pink, were darker and crinkly and drooped.

But now…at this very moment…it seemed as if he had aged 5 more years as he looked out and through his binoculars.

"Commander…" The head navigator whispered out. "I'm afraid that settlement is everywhere."

The Commander, unfortunately, did not realize the implications of his words.

"Wonderful Head Navigator! Prepare to drop the bombs!"

"Sir…what I meant was…" The navigator began as the Zeppelin and their forces continued to decrease in altitude. Now, they were beginning to see the clouds of this world.

Unfortunately, the Navigator never got to finish his sentence.


There was a moment of silence at the bridge as the biplane right next to the Zeppelin exploded in a fiery ball of hellfire as their own giant vessel lurched and shifted from the massive explosion.

It was impossible…how did this happen? It was utterly and completely incomprehensible for them to understand that it were the primitives…the same primitives who seemed to lack FTL capabilities…that had shot down one of their greatest engineering feats.

How long has it been since the Empire had lost a biplane? How long since the Empire had faced…a danger? How long, how long since…

"WHAT IN THE EMPEROR!" One of the navigators screamed but was cut short as anothe-


"Weapons Master! Where is this coming from!" The Commander all but screamed at the Weapons Master. The one in charge of leading their mighty vessel headfirst to engage the primitives.

"Sir…we can't see them!" The Weapons Master screamed. He too…was in a state of panic.

"They've got to be below, right?" Another chipped in.

The Commander unbuckled his single (for-atmosphere) buckle as he reached the very front of the bridge where all of his minions were…staring out into the blue sky filled with hundreds of their ships descending.

But the numbers were changing as the impossible continued to happen.

A streak of light…a trail of smoke…a ball of fire. Repeat.

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!" The weapons master screamed hysterically. "PRIMITIVES! THESE ARE PRIMITIVES!"

Primitives. There was a double meaning under the word for those who belonged to the Rateran Empire.

In one form, it simply (and in good will) meant the early stage and character of development and evolution. Often times denoting a simple, undeveloped, preliterate, nonindustrial culture… but all who belonged under the banner of the Raterans knew the meaning under.


Any and all creatures that were not Raterans were Primitives. They were primitives because they were different, weaker, less intelligent, and less developed. All other species that the Raterans have encountered thus far in the galaxy had matched the definition of a primitive species…and the slang stuck.

Sentient species and especially those who tried to resist the mighty rule of the Empire had fought against the use of the word…but primitives were powerless. They held no political power nor military. They had nothing to back their word or claim…so they were primitives.

But now…it seemed as if the word was breaking. As the second meaning of the word was challenged by a species who was incapable even of traveling out beyond their own star system.

A backwards, underdeveloped, species…but with what they were showing, were they primitives?

The blue sky which was clear mere moments ago were filled with the bright stars forming. Supernovas…in action. Streaks of light filled every inch of the air as their mighty ships were cut down like weed.

Lances from the heavens and death from below pierced countless of his men while they were still stuck in their vehicles of war…now merely a target.

Some had managed to eject themselves as they relied on their parachutes in hopes of getting to the ground safety, or better, to reach another vessel.

Alas, even the bodies were no exception to the wrath of this species…or did they anger gods. Thinner lights, harsh sounds of metal on metal…and the hundreds who had managed to free themselves and into the sky were dead rats hanging from their chutes. Other falling as their fabric were cut and tangled.


The sound of screaming was silenced as the winds howled and the explosions of unknown origin continued to blow out of lives of brave soldiers. Metal frames that had endured the arrows of Augeans, the Hammers of the Dwarves, the fangs of the Meorwws…failed and crippled against these weapons.

"FLY UP NAVIGATOR!!!" The Commander all but screeched. "GET US OUT OF HERE!"

The core shuddered as the little remaining element was once again activated. The downward momentum all but vanished as the massive Zeppelin began to pull itself upwards. For a moment, a massive gravitational force threatened to flatten everything inside the ship but t stabilized as everything within turned weightless. A malfunction of FTL.


"GET US OUT OF HERE DAMN IT!" The commander slammed his paw down on the table creating a small dent…and a bruise on his paw. "RELEASE THE EXPLOSIVES AND THE RETREAT CANISTERS!"

This is not how I thought this would go! Primitives should bend back in awe and snivel at out feet! Beg for us to uplift their primitive society and backwards thinking!


A great thud from above broke him out of his raging thoughts as the mighty war vessel lurched downwards once again.

"COMMANDER! A SHIP ABOVE HAVE FALLEN DIRECTLY ON US!" The navigator scrambled for the wheel. "Core is unstable! We cannot jump to FTL!"

"USELESS MAGGOTS!" The commander began to shiver as the situation began to dig in. "AT LEAST CLIMB OUT OF HERE THEN NAVIGATOR! INTO ORBIT!"

"RELEASING EXPLOSIVES AND CANISTERS!" The weapons master exclaimed as the commander exhaled in a small relief. "Ship above is falling off. We'll be able to rise!"

These primitives might have killed many…but they would be taking a few with them.


The commander knew that he would be trialed for insubordination, instigating a first contact war, and many more crimes should he make it out alive. He knew that even if he lead the remainder of his men out of here alive…that dishonor would stain his family for the decades to come.

In a way, it was death whether or not he made it out of here alive. He truly cared little for his men or this new species. He cared more about his beautiful ship than that…but not as much as his life.

Should he bring back news and information of this species' frightening capabilities…perhaps he would be able to beg for his life. Trade his life for information.


From below the massive vessel, red gas exploded and began to float upwards. Even in the mess of yellow death and explosions, the shocking bright color of neon red was impossible to miss as the few remaining vessels received the message.

All ships began dropping their explosives as they shuddered before beginning to climb higher and higher.

The Glorious moon tilted sideways as the biplane which was stuck above them was shaken off. As the vessel which was pushing down on them disappeared, the navigators nodded to each other as they began their ascension.

They only needed to reach the darkness before they could jump to safety…and away from this monstrous species who were somehow incapable of such a simple thing as FTL. They might not have enough to make it back home or even to their new colony on Titan…but they would be able to jump away for safety. As long as they had even a little left, time was all they would need.

"FUCKING PRIMITIVES!" The commander cursed as the his hope for tomorrow began to increase little by little. The sky was already getting slightly darker when the bombardment from below stopped…only for fate to turn even crueler.

Hundred of Iron Dragons of speed far greater than even their biplanes zoomed passed the lines in less than a blink of an eye delivering devastation and swift death in their wake. Faster explosive projectiles snuffed out more lives of his soldiers as they turned into dust from the rage these metal dragons showed.

It must have been a dragon since it didn't have 2 pairs of wings like all planes do. So it must be a live creature…it must be.

One such dragon didn't even bother to shoot or breathe their fierce fire as the commander saw, from his wide view, as it charged directly into a biplane before ramming through it.

Their great pride…their war machine…the biplane shattered into a million pieces from the impact as the metal dragon continued on its path of rage out, unharmed, through the other side as it continued.

"SHOOT IT DOWN YOU DAMN FOOLS!" The Commander yelled but the hope was already lost as the navigators simply watched with their long jaws dropping at the displays of the iron beast.

The few remaining vessels around them tried to open fire in the web way of death…fire their prized gatling guns at the iron dragons. But alas…even their greatest failed against the strength of the gods as their numbers…already few…dwindled to single digits.

Still they rose. Higher and higher as they avoided death with nothing but luck and their prayers as they rose higher than the iron dragons. Higher still…and when the freedom of darkness was in sight, it was then that they realized that hope had forsaken them.

The great wall of iron that he had seen a mere hour ago when he was entering atmosphere…was in fact no Planetary ring at all. It had no been a construct of natural means…no…it was a weapon.

A weapon which shadowed over them, encompassing the entire sky and covering them with the darkness in which they had been so foolish to believe.

Above them was the bulwark of a scale they had thought unimaginable…an iron sky…and it was trying to kill them.

Anything they have saw before was mere child-lay against this majestic beast of terror. All the weapons of destruction which had cut through their great legion like a hot knife through soft cheese was nothing against the iron sky.

The wrath of god rained down from above as the blue sky turned crimson. The only sound that remained were the ringing in his ears as an earsplitting sound reached his ears in time to see a red light decimating his prized ship.

… …


Something grabbing his arms and dragging him away.

Screams and yelling in languages that is obviously not Rateran…

Where am I…what happened.

… …

He knew he was chained, locked, and bound before he opened his eyes. The darkness even through his eyelids told him enough of the situation he was in.

How he managed to survive the destruction of his prized Glorious Moon against the primitives were beyond him…how the primitives managed to channel the power and wrath of the gods were beyond him as well.

The only truth was that he was going to be interrogated…by primitives no less. Lesser creatures with dwindling intelligence. Creatures who had no sense of honor most likely.

He dreaded to open his eyes but he knew that it had to pass in the end.

Think with hope Ratbone, he chided himself.

Perhaps this could be used for his advantage. Perhaps he could convince these primitives to let him go in exchange for being an ambassador between their two nations. Perhaps he could try for peace…or even better, their surrender.

If these primitives realized the scale of the Empire they were up against, they would submit…right?

"Sir, the heart rate of the subject has changed. He is most likely conscious and awake."

"Shock him. Wake him up."

He heard voices in languages he didn't understand. Could he perhaps stall this for a little longer? He made sure to not move a single muscle, to pretend to stay uncon—



His eyes burst open in shock and pain as static filled his every nerves. It was as if everything was locked in place as he was being burned…burned with cold fire. His teeth chattered as he tried to clench them shut. His arms and all of his limbs failed to help. There wa only an eternal moment of pain.

Little light was there…little light that he could only make out a silhouette of a figure…a figure that seemed to be behind a glass pane.

"Good. He's awake." The cold voice from the silhouette sounded. "Rat. Can you understand me?"

He's…speaking our tongue. He speaks Rateran.

The shock did not last long as the figure shifted and the cold metallic voice sounded in the room once more.

"You will tell me everything. Everything from your Empire to why you are here. Everything you know about your ships, your men, and yourself."

"I shall never betray the Empire! For the Emperor!" He tried to sound brave, patriotic…but the strength in his voice left him as soon as he saw a shadowy hand inching towards a button. An obvious button.

"I see." The voice responded. Uncaring…unbothered. "Then we shall continue."



The pain lasted longer…the frozen space of time seemed to drag. It was overloading his thoughts, his senses…he couldn—-

"Now we can't have you fainting on us, can we?" The dreaded voice sounded again. "You have things to tell us after all."

He thought he could hear the small chuckling sounds from his interrogator.

"We have all day, and the day after, and pretty much however much we need after all so no need to hurry." He gave a small chuckle which came out distorted through the metallic machines.

"Let's start with the basics shall we?" The voice got dangerously low and slow. Each word drawn out sadistically slow.

"Why did you massacre our people on Titan?"

… … …

With the Engineering Department.

"Any discoveries Head Engineer?" The senior advisor asked.

"Why yes actually." The Head Engineer was a black man in his mid fifties. Bald, slightly muscular, and a rather tall man with rimmed glasses. Dressed nicely in a white button down shirt and grey dress pants.

"This thing right here." He pointed at the suspected device responsible for future than light travel. "We could have made it two thousand years ago."


"What I mean, Advisor, is that." The engineer took a deep breath as if he too possibly couldn't believe he was about to say this. "A goddamn child could have put together this functioning FTL device at any possible time in history by pure accident."