
A Billion Dollar Exchange

COMPLETED!!!! "Mr Liu Wei.." Liling paused as she took In a deep breath. "I need one million yuan... " Liu Wei shifted his gaze to face her. His face bore a surprised expression. 'What was she using that much money for?' Liling who was anxious held the helm of her gown tightly. She swallowed hard and continued courageously. "I don't think I can pay back..., but I'll give you something else" Her voice drained of all vigour. It was really hard to give herself away, so easily but she had no choice. Taking in a deep breath, she lifted her eyes to look at him. "My body..." ... ‘’Jin Yue, please wait.’’ Jin Yue suddenly stopped in his tracks, he badly wanted to look back but at the end he decided against it. ‘’Speak, I’m in a hurry.’’ ‘’Jin Yue, throug the time we spent together, did you ever, even for a split second, love me?’’ Jin Yue froze when he heard her question. Did he love her? From the moment he set his eyes on her, he had loved her. She had stolen his heart away that even right now, he wanted to kneel and beg her to stay with him. But he wouldn’t tell her that. If he wanted her to stop feeling guilty, he would not tell her. She should hate him so she would be happy with the one she loved. ‘’No; not even for a split second, so Miss Xin Yong, stop being delusional and scrap every memory you have of me.’’ ... This is a story of two couples and the hurdles they meet in their journey of love and how fate tries to bring them back together. I hope you like it.

zhiruyi · Thành thị
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340 Chs


Liling arrived at school around fifteen minutes past eight. She scurried to her dorm room. Her roommates were already in,, most of them were sleeping except for Richen, she was calmly reading a book. She shot her a questioning glance and Liling immediately explained herself.

"No, there was quite a traffic jam on the road today" She replied as she walked to her corner, dropped her purse on the side table and made straight for the bathroom. "So how is your mom?" Richen asked after a while.

"She's okay now, she's been discharged " Liling replied and she entered the bathroom. She and Richen weren't that close of a buddy in comparison with the other two in the room. Richen didn't talk much, so she wasn't that much lively. Liling preferred to be with chatterbox Xin Yong, who would do all the talking, while she listens and laughs.

After a warm bath, Liling put on a night wear with a Mickey Mouse drawing on it. She looked towards Richen who was still in the same position, reading the same book.

Liling said a 'good night' and Richen replied with an 'Mmm' before Liling hopped onto her bed. She was not feeling sleepy so she decided to go through her phone. Stretching her hand, she reached for her purse, and searched for her phone. She brought out a lollipop candy first, and her thoughts immediately drifted to the stranger in the other car. He was quite handsome with pretty features. No, he wasn't just quite handsome, he was pretty to be exact. Such pretty face with flirtatious tongue must have a ton of girls around him. She thought as she lay back on her bed and went back to Weibo, after a while, she drifted off to sleep.

The next day was Saturday, somewhat busy for Liling. After doing her laundry, she cooked a ton of meals because it was her turn to prepare meals for the week. She loved cooking everything she had to cook for the week on saturday and store them in the big refrigerator in the dorm room, so she would have enough time for her books.

After cooking, she went to the library to read. Liling read for about two hours then took out her phone to play games when she was bored. After a while, she'll retire to her books again.

When it was five, Liling exited the library and headed for her dorm, she was quite hungry. On the way, she met Xin Yong who was coming out from god-knows-where, Xin Yong ran up to her and started chattering as usual.

"I can see Liling wants to read the whole library. Liling, it seems you are going to graduate with first class honors. You know what, you are going to write my exams. I'll pretend to be sick and then you write it, kay. You are so intelligent, such brains shouldn't be wasted on only one answer script?" Xin Yong joked as they walked toward their room. Liling smiled a little as she watched Xin Yong joke around while tugging at her arm. They walked through the lonely paths that led to their dorm. Under the large flower tree, a red Range Rover was parked and a man leaned on it. From afar, he looked like a model who was posing to take a picture. He was looking straight at them. Xin Yong looked at the man afar off and wondered who he came to see.

"Liling, do you see that man, wow, he's quite handsome, the girl he came for is especially lucky" Xin Yong commented and Liling immediately looked at the direction Xin Yong was looking at. She didn't want to believe what she saw. 'Chang Ming?, what is he doing here?' She wanted to ignore him, maybe he had a girlfriend here or a sibling, he couldn't have come for her. With that in mind, she nodded at Xin Yong and replied

''Yeah, he's quite a handsome man'' They approached the man and made to bypass him when suddenly he called out.


Who thought he was Liu Wei

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