
Chapter One

"I am asking for one day off, just one, is that hard to accept? Laura gets the days off without a fight and here I am LITERALLY begging you" frustration laced in every word of my sentence, It was bizarre that as someone who was still a young adult who had friends and a social life I had to beg my manager to let me have a day off for a graduation celebration for my friend.

"Laura has two kids and school errands, she can have time off because it gets put to use and not just a reason to get drunk, plus we are short-staffed," he said while sticking his chest out with his arms crossed like he all of a sudden remembered he was stronger then I was, that was one of Jack's many talents, and when I mean many, his only talent is being agisted and lowkey sexist sometimes.

I thought about it for a few moments, I am 23 years old, with my own house, my absolutely adorable baby of a dog at home, and I have parents that still ask me to move back in with them. But then there was, no freedom, no boys, and parties would stop.

"well be short-staffed because I quit, you can shove my notice up your ass and then suck on my big toe because Jack, your mum lowkey hates you, there is a reason your dad left you as a child and you're girlfriend is only with because she looks substantial more attractive standing next to you" I didn't need to say anything else, at that moment I had released only a quarter of some of the insults I've been holding back on, I know they aren't my best of insults but they were insults and that's all I cared about.

I went to walk off and all of a sudden remembered another not-so insult but something that had bugged me since the day I joined, I walked back and stuck my pointer finger out to him with a frown, "and for the love of Jesus you don't own this company, you're a barista!" I ripped my apron off and that was it, I was officially done with coffee shops treating me like garbage.

After that storm, once the cold autumn air hit my face I was then hit with reality, I was now unemployed with my own house to pay for, my dog and food shopping plus all those other bills that nobody can afford let alone without a job. Great!

"So you just up and left? like no other words?" Thor said in disbelief as he was mid-shift of his diner job where I would always come after my shift to complain the rest of the day away about Jack.

I looked at him with a guilty look as he rolled his eyes knowing exactly what that meant, "what did you say?" he asked, Thor had taken an early break so we were sitting in one of his famous make-out booths and I was now going to confess about the things I had said to my now ex-boss.

"I may have said he is the reason why his dad left him as a child and that his mum never loved him and that his girlfriend is using him for his ugliness" I ended my sentence with a smile and shrugged off the very factual and accurate insults that I had previously told someone who I didn't particularly like.

"Jesus Staf! you can't go around saying stuff like that to bosses let alone to people" he said as I did not react, I wasn't happy with his attitude and that is the reaction he got from rejecting my holiday request for a dumb reason, it wasn't like he hadn't done it before, one time my cat died and he wouldn't let me have the day off to grieve and to say goodbye to her, I should have left then but you know some people see it as just a cat so I let him off, but now he can eat a bag of flobby penises. big ones.

"I apologise if I offended you but he deserved what he got and I wouldn't take it back even if you walked me back up to the coffee shop, put a gun to my head and forced me to apologises, I'd rather you blow my brains out," I said as he rolled his eyes and sunk into his seat adjusting himself and crossing his arms, "you are a handful, but what is the big plan now?" he asked as I hadn't thought about it that far ahead, I mean I had only just quit it wasn't like I had a plan B or even a plan A, "I am officially going to wing it".

I waited for Thor to finish his shift and then we made our way to my place, which is actually our place but because the house is under my name and I am the landlord it's my place and Thor is a tenant, it was a pretty sweet and easy arrangement.

Thor and I had met on a roommate site, I was fresh out of a relationship that had gone bad and was looking to fill the space in my house asap, it's weird having your own place at 20 but it's a generation house whereby it's been gifted down for generations and generations so you get things pretty quickly, plus I was already full time working and where the place is was perfect.

Thor on the other hand was in an 8-year long relationship that I still roast him about to this day, he saw my ad and applied for it but the only thing he failed to mention to his girlfriend was that even though it was right next to her and she would be closer to him, he left out the part where he would be sharing the house with another girl, even though she had asked him to move in with her and her parents...not the smartest move huh?

You should have seen her face! she had one of Thor's boxes in her hands as I opened the door with a warm welcome, I would have liked that reciprocated instead I got a box dropped on my foot and watch an argument unfold in front of my eyes. Goodbye relationship.

We've now been living here for 3 years with nothing between us or nothing more than friends, I mean don't get me wrong he tried and seeing his track record that 8-year relationship was the most open relationship I had ever heard of...well on his part anyway, and then when they broke it off, boy! the girls and the things that I witnessed really confirmed that he hasn't got the faintest idea what he is looking for.