
A baby in the Apocalypse

Madison did not survive the zombie Apocalypse,infact she died 4years into the apocalypse,all her family died in the very beginning,her best friend pushed her straight into a herd of zombies when they were surrounded,she died having so much regrets and wishing she could make things better. Waking up after her death expecting to be dead,she is stunned to discover she has been transmigrated to a chinese novel she read a few weeks before her death,not only is she pregnant and married to a cold soldier but she has less than 2 years before the zombie apocalypse begins and she and her son didn't survive the apocalypse in the book. Madison stunned rubbed her stomach a bit and said "don't worry baby I'll make sure we and your father will survive"

Maureen_Adetula · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


It was Madison and her best friend Nikki turn to go with the crew to go on supply run with some other people from their group.

She could remember the last group that went about a week ago they got alot of supplies, Arthur one of the most handsome guys in the group had even got her an apocalypse novel, she really wished they atleast had things like abilities like in the novel she was currently reading it'll make things so much easier, sadly she lives in a real world where things like that don't happen.

Sighing Maddie finished dressing up and went downstairs to meet the people she'll be going on the supply run with,looking at herself in the mirror she felt bitter,before the apocalypse she could be considered a beauty, with her flawless skin and nice luscious curves infact she could have been mistaken as a model and with her career as a doctor she was one of the most sought out lady both in her area and at her work place

But eversince the apocalypse began 4years ago she could count how many times she took a bath not to talk of using bodycare products so now her body was coarse and her curves was non-existent due to the lack of proper food and diet and the continuous runs to escape zombies.

Getting downstairs she went to the armory and got weapons including a sword and a pistol going out of the armory she tried to look for her friend and saw that she was trying to get arthur's attention,again.

It was no secret in the base that Nikki loved Arthur but the guy didn't like her at all, infact he was infatuated with Maddie but Maddie always kept her distance from him and would even try to get Nikki and Arthur together

"Morning Nikki"Maddie said to her friend successfully grabbing both of their attention

"Hey Maddie"both Nikki and Arthur said together and after chatting with them for a bit both Maddie and Nikki made their way to the other people going on the run with them and when the group was complete they made their way out of the base.


After three days of wandering they finally came across a little mart going in the group of seven cleared out the zombies in the store and got some supplies from the store and continued on their way before dark they got close to a residential area and decided to clear the area and look for more resources and since the area was a little big they decided to split up and finish the work faster

Nikki convinced them to let her and Maddie go together and everyone agreed

While they were clearing their assigned house Maddie noticed that Nikki was extra silent but she convinced herself it was not to attract zombies as she couldn't think of any other reason that would make her usually jovial friend to become so silent all of a sudden

When they finished clearing the supplies from the house they went out to join the rest of the group, just as they were going they suddenly encountered a large herd of zombie coming from the community hospital they both knew that there was no way they could survive if they were surrounded by a herd that big so they decided to run,as they were running they realized the zombies were closing in they tried looking for other ways to escape but all their efforts proved futile as nothing they did was yielding positive results

Suddenly Nikki started to apologize and tell Maddie she was sorry, Maddie didn't understand what she meant and why she was apologizing as far as she remembered she (Nikki) didn't offend her, and even if she did, they could resolve it when they got back to the base and so she expressed her view to Nikki "This is not the time for this Nikki don't apologize for anything,we'll get out of this situation I promise you" Madison trying to be brave thinking her 'good friend' was giving up on her life

No sooner had she started speaking when she felt a piercing pain in both her legs, the pain radiated so fast within her body that she released a scream before she could stop herself she turned around in disbelief and saw her best friend putting down the gun with which she just shot her

"Nikki wh.. what is going on"she stuttered trying to endure the pain

"It's all your fault, you're the reason Arthur doesn't want to be with me,why,why won't he just like me, but no worries as soon as you're dead I'll make sure he loves me"

"Have you gone crazy Nikki, what's the meaning of this,you want to kill me, your long time friend because of a guy I have no affection for" As soon as I finished speaking Nikki ran away, looking around me I finally found the reason all the zombies around the area were coming right at me, they were probably attracted by the sound of the gun going off

Quickly raising my gun I try to put down as much Zombies as I could while thinking if I'm able to get out of this situation, I will definitely destroy that backstabbing moth*rf*cking w*ore

I tried to kill the zombies with my gun but I knew I couldn't kill them all, they were so many and I was surrounded not to talk of the fact my legs were pretty much useless, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight so I held my pistol and when I ran out of bullets, I brought out my very last hidden bullet put it into my gun brought the gun right up to my temple

..... and fired

I died full of resentment and thinking 'if I'm given another chance I'll get rid of every white lotus b*tch that comes my way