
As If I Care!

All I remember was the soft sound of metal clinking against my skin, the chattering voices that discussed by antibiotics and such. I had felt no pain, of course, as they had soon numbed me to sleep, to cope with the pain. Yes—that was all I had remembered before I turned into a full AI computer for the agency that now was planning to take over the Earth.

Before I rush into the story without saying much about anything, I must explain the world today, what it's like in the year 4022. If you're reading this, you're probably two-thousand years prior of me—however, I have no such idea how. You should be obviously dead by now. Well, never mind. If we want this story to be discussed any further, we must begin.

My name is Ava Notica, however, now as an AI, my name is A-22. I am simply just an AI, but not a normal one, I'll have you bet on that. I have a secret plan—to save the world from the rather disgusting agency that is currently planning to end the Earth—well, to put it in more accurately, end humans. They are trying their hardest to find every person they can and perform AI surgery on them to less the number of living people. Yeah—it's cruel, and that's exactly the reason I'm trying to stop them.

Well then, now that I've told you all the important things, why don't we get into what's happening with me—and how things got in my way of saving the world as an AI.

"I've told you over and over again—I don't need a control bot to help me," Dylan Maconrey, an assistant of the agency told me, annoyed. "Will you AI bots ever understand?" He muttered to himself and looked away from me.

I rolled my eyes. "The agency you work for turned me into this. Blame them, not me, for actually wanting to assist you!" I huffed and picked up a dead G-Screen off of the ground. (A screen that creates a invisible screen, yet you can tap it and scroll and such. They're rather useful) I turned my back to Dylan. "Did you throw this on the ground?"

Dylan groaned and turned his head towards me. His green eyes glared at me as if to intimidate me, but us AI's aren't affected by anything at all. "No. Now don't ask any more. A—22, right? Well, I order you to go outside and never come back! Chat with some other AI's—follow orders—get bossed around—just go away. Anything to get you to go away!" He pleaded, and I stayed put.

"It's my order to assist you—and for me, it's not so much of a pleasure. You're always so lazy—I have to do every bit of everything for you! All the time…all you do here is relax and work for the agency while snacking on…" I turned my head to the empty Z-Ritos and the half-eaten abandoned sandwich that lay on the desk that Dylan worked on nearly every day. "Snacking on those disgusting Z-Ritos and an outdated sandwich…get a life!"

"Just get out of here. You're different than the other AI's—and I hate it! You never bother to obey my orders!" Dylan muttered at the last few sentences, but I did decide to finally leave him alone and go outside of the tech-filled building I was now standing in. It was time to get a breath of air.

It took no longer than half a second to get out—there were teleporters in this time, of course. Much less lame then your lame cars you have… seriously, you all would be dumbfounded. And very happy! Your twenty-four hour trip to Disneyland would only take 24 seconds!

The air outside was clamped and very musty. Hundreds and thousands of AI bots like me chattered and walked to their destination, like slaves. They were independant and the agency depended on them for everything—which showed just how lazy the agency actually is.

"A-22?" A sweet voice chimed as I strutted more towards the calm side of the crowd. I turned my head around to spot my prior-best-friend Monika May, now titled D-97. Her bob had grown out longer than last time I had seen her, and her eyes were softer and kinder. Just recently, the agency had given her an adjustment on her left leg, but she seemed to be doing well despite this.

"What is it?" I replied flatly, not having any desire to speak with emotion. Monika fixed a small smile on her face as she replied nonchalantly.

"I just got a notification from nearby humans! I have tricked them once again! Now, to bring them to the agency…would you like to come with me? It would be wonderful, I'm sure you would agree!"

I bit my tongue hard, and looked away. I haven't mentioned to you that Monika isn't her well-rounded self anymore—she is a full AI bot, as I am—but more controlled. She was so soft and so kind that she couldn't refuse taking orders—even if they harmed her kind. Well, her used-to-be-kind. Humans…it was strange calling them that; it felt as if I was inhuman. I technically was, but I could never get used to it, even after being in this form for two years now.

"I have to pass, D-97. I've got many other things I have to worry about. My apologies. I wish to see you soon," I stated, and bowed my head down respectfully. Monika nodded sympathetically, or whatever seemed closest to looking like sympathy. AI's were programmed to show no emotion, feel no emotion, but sense emotion from humans. However, the people who programmed my AI systems must have forgotten some piece of tech for my systems to be completely normal. Actually, I was better off with emotion.

"I understand. Good luck on your assignments, D-22." With that, Monika treaded off, strutting in her AI uniform—an army green coat with trousers that reached the ankles. It was an uncomfortable uniform for us AI's—but I head to deal with it. Everyone else too.

With no obvious destination, I slowly walked around the growing crowd, waiting for another weird assignment from Dylan, not that he would give me one, anyways. Other AI's watched me as I treaded around pointlessly. Such was the life of an AI…

All of the sudden, an announcement blared through speakers as loud as an atomic explosion. The words were unclear, but I could still identify what it was saying, thanks to my AI abilities.

"A-22, come to the CEO's office. Right now, or you will be killed. Again, I repeat, A-22, come to the CEO's office, right now!"

The whole crowd turned to face me. The AI's eyes were intense and curious. A few glared at me—but what did that matter? The main problem was going to the CEO. She never was friendly, or so I have heard.

But even more weirder, why were they sending me up?

This took some time

I'm planning on updating daily.

Uh, yeah.

lobaFofiicreators' thoughts