
Chpt 3: {¶¶The Court of The God's Part1¶¶}

Far above the sky among millions of faint white specks scattered across the endless expanse of the celestial realm🌠, the young God and his new aid flew through Acacia when Lightbring£r speaks up once more: Young omnipotence, I need to enlighten you more about the court of the Gods.

"The Court of the Gods is the powerhouse of this realm. It is where all beings of power go to discuss godly matters. There you will gain a foothold with other gods and obtain additional power." but you must beware the wrath of the elder god's for now and avoid them at all cost because some of them in the council have a hand in the fall of your father the late God king. for it is known in the realm of how he opposed many in the council and stood for justice, Among the god's he was the favourite in the mortal realm.

The young God who could not help but feel eternal gratitude to this being still loyal to his father's legacy echoes to lightbring£r : why are you helping me?

lightbring£r did not waste time in replying: "I was sent to help you by someone, an elder God although not in the council but loyal to the late God king your father. I'm not quite sure who, but I think you will meet him one day," the mind of the young God grows weary from the sudden accumulation of so much information, but lightbring£r continues,: ""and with a being as powerful as you at my side, I will have no fear of the others in this realm""


After listening to this mysterious being for a while and accumulating so many information concerning his father the late God king and the celestial realm🌠, the young God finally speaks; I find it difficult to process everything that is happening, my celestial form is strong enough to accumulate divine information but I can't place some in the right frequencies.

Lifhtbring£r being experienced in the Divine knowledge and wisdom said unto the young God: "That is understandable, Master,"Just moments ago you were a lost spirit within the void of Acacia possessing little to no energy to your name. You will find that as your power grows, so too will your mind and body. You will find it easier to understand the complex systems of the universe and manipulate them to your will!"

That's sounds daunting, replied the young God. although I look forward to understanding the complex concepts and powers of the celestial realm.

The celestial guard after giving lengthy details of the realm of Acacia said to the young God: Master, but I have no doubt that you will become a great god!"

Just as before, Lightbring£r weaves you through the fabric of Acacia and a dim glow emerges in the distance. As you approach, the astral clouds start to become more orderly and less sporadic, debris becomes sparse, and an energy similar to that which the young God experienced by the late god King fills the space around his celestial form.

Suddenly, structures appear from nothing and an expansive wall materializes before them. Regardless of how high or low they fly it seems the wall reflects their elevation. As they approach, an ornate golden gate becomes visible and two colossal beings stand before it. Their massive size belittles the young God.



Halt!" one of the beings shouts. His voice shakes the Realm of Acacia and the young God can't help but be at least somewhat intimidated, knowing that with a swing of the beings astral power he could likely destroy him, "What business do you have in the Court of the Gods?"

Lightbring£r quickly speaks up, "I have here a being of power that must register before the gods."

With that short exchange of words and the facts that Lightbringer is a being recognized in Acacia as a celestial guard, the two hefty beings move aside, a trail of stars following behind them, and the gate opens.

As the young God float in awe, Lightbring£r pulls him in and reveals a flat ground upon which more structures seem to be built. Despite the young God efforts he can't fly far from this new surface,as he is forced to hover just above it.

"If there is one thing the Court loves, it is order in this chaotic realm. And this is their place of power, don't expect nearly the level of freedom in here as you would possess elsewhere," Lightbring£r comments, noticing the young God struggle.

I am not fond of being bound, replied the young God as the tries to balance his celestial energy while flying and dodging debris of scattered particles.

Lightbring£r cheerfully replied: Soon you will rule this realm, Master. I am sure of it!"

"The court is a group of gods that attempt to rule over the Acacia, They are supposedly some of the most powerful beings in the universe." the young God approach a long marble staircase that leads up to an equally impressive structure with tall, ornate columns and golden clouds surrounding all sides

This," Lightbring£r holds his astral arms out, "is the Courthouse of the Gods!!.

He leads the young God up the grandiose staircase and into an expansive room that appears even larger on the inside than the building itself. Massive thrones line the walls and in many of them sit giant beings arguing amongst one-another.

You are weak, Ofaldia" one of the great beings shouts, I see no reason why you should be seated here in the council with us.

"Nothastrus, please!" another of the entities cries from across the room

I will have order!" A third god shouts at the end of the room. His voice shakes the entire building and a flash of light blinds the young God for a moment. As his celestial vision quickly returns, the being continues speaking, "You argue amongst yourselves like worthless demon's demons👿…"

Suddenly the room stretches and distorts before them, rapidly becoming unrecognisable. In a flash, they are teleported into another room, a similar being, but much smaller and closer to the young God's size, stands before them and says:. "I'll beg you not to disturb the Masters." The creature stares at the young God for a short duration, "I assume a weak being such as yourself would have no purpose here other than seeking recognition."

The young God was confused, he looks around and Lightbring£r is nowhere to be found. what is the meaning of thìs, he said to himself.

{{The Story Continues}}




((Watch out for Chapter 3)) I really want to use this medium and say a big thank you to those who believe in me and in my work and to those who wishes me well in my endeavors I say a big thank you.

I am working on the next chapter I will need all the inspiration I can get, show some love in the comments section and tell me what you think about the book so far.