

The sun streaked across the training ground, its rays warmed the morning combined with that incredible pure blue sky. I was in front of the barracks with a cup of coffee in my hand, I thought it would be nice to wake up and feel the sun with a hot drink. The cool morning breeze gives me a relief but at the same time the sound of the wind helped me to travel in my thoughts and little by little the memories of last night start to manifest in my mind.

Last night:

The lights of the festival, the music and the sounds of the people brought me a nostalgic joy. Alex was leading me through that sea of people to the staircase where we met Yousuke, we were holding hands all the way, the warmth of his hands brought me incredible comfort in addition to a welcoming feeling and in my other hand I see the plush in the shape of a platypus. All of this combined brings a lightness to my body along with a feeling that I haven't felt in a while... happiness.

Finally, we reached the end of the stairs where we saw our group. Simon and Eliza were laughing and talking to Belial and Jax, who seemed more glued together than ever. When we get closer they notice our presence and let us into the conversation circle.

- Looks like you're having fun. - Alex says with a smile on his face and following the cheerful wave that the festival emanated.

- Yes, the drink is great. - Eliza pronounces happily, probably because she has been drunk for two days in a row. - You also seem to be enjoying yourself. - The young woman with red hair says with a smile and looking at our hands together.

Her look makes me blush, but at the same time I don't care anymore. I just let the conversation flow with a smile, as I tried to fix the fox mask on my head with my hand still holding the platypus.

- Yes, but we wanted to drink more. - Your drinking partner, Simon, is next to express his opinion, but a little tired... probably because the drink is over... wait a second...

- Wait a second, what do you mean? - I ask a little worried about the answer. - You can't have taken with all the alcohol of the festival

- It was not that we were banned. - Liz tries to defend but Belial suggests behind them and enters the conversation in the middle of the young woman's speech. - Belial, did not let us drink anything else for no reason !!

- Really? So what is that? - Belial says in a tone of anger and pointing back.

Alex and I moved our heads to get a better look and saw a very ... but very large mountain of bottles of sake. I am speechless at once and Alex speaks for me:

- You two... - He says in a tired voice, as if that hadn't been the first time.

- See we don't even drink so much. - Simon protests, where he didn't know if he was angry or sad about not being able to drink anymore... but how much is too much for you two?

- Is it true Bel? - Alex turns to the lieutenant, who takes a step forward.

- Yes sir. - He responds in his usual military tone.

- Thanks. - Alex deeply thanks the young lieutenant.

- What do you mean!? - The drunken pair synchronize their protest.

While the four of them were arguing, I just watch that scene and laugh very quietly, while squeezing my stuffed platypus with care and affection.

- They never grow, do they? - From behind me a female voice whispers in my ear and takes me by surprise.

I look back quickly and see a few strands of black hair floating in the colorful air of the festival. As soon as I realize who the lady was, relief takes over my body and I can breathe normally.

- Sakura-san, please don't scare me like that. - I say to the young woman with black hair and a mischievous smile.

- Don't be like that, I just wanted to talk to you without a certain person getting in the way. - She approaches me and speaks in a low voice, while subtly pointing her finger at Alex.

I wonder if I followed Sakura or run to Alex, but my curiosity overwhelms me and a small smile of interest in what she would say.

- Hey you stupid fox, what are you doing with Yuki! - Alex turns to us with a little anger and concern on his face.

The rest of the group seemed more surprised than anything, making them doubt what to do and so far they don't move and just watch. Before anyone can answer, Sakura hugs me tightly and turns her face to Alex, with a smile on her face.

- Don't worry Alex, I'm not going to devour him. - She gives a warning, not at all reliable. - Steps of Paradise.

In just the blink of an eye I feel a strange sensation and suddenly I find myself in a totally different place. It was a bright room with purple walls, a sofa upholstered in the same color as the wall and adorned in a brilliant gold. Even though it was beautiful, I was surprised because it was the only piece of furniture in the room, making me look elsewhere to find some other piece of furniture or decoration, but I only find a window that overlooks the beautiful starry night sky. I take a few steps there and witness an incredible view, compared to the darkness of the night I see the festival lights a little below, showing me that we were in a very tall structure.

- Want to sit down? - Listen to my hostess, in a soft voice that sat on the only furniture in the room in a sexy position.

- Why not? -I shrug and sit next to her, getting ready for whatever came.

- Join me for a drink. - She says looking at me with a certain intensity, not letting any movement go unnoticed.

I don't say anything, I just succumbed to the pressure that Sakura emanated on me. Then she snaps her fingers quickly and gently. From the floor in front of us, a big purple magic circle appears and from it emerges a small circular black wooden table with two shiny glasses and a bottle of wine. I look at it without showing any apparent expression, I was kind of trying to get used to magic. She takes the bottle and fills the two pieces of glass with the crimson alcohol, up to half of each. She rests the bottle on the table, which appeared magically, takes one of the glasses with one hand and hands it to me, then takes the other glass and interlaces it with her delicate fingers.

- Finally we can have a chat just between us. - Sakura says, moving the glass to her lips and starts to drink the wine.

I was a little apprehensive, but I don't back down. I follow as she says, grab another glass of wine and drink some of the alcohol. Sakura said nothing, just watched me with some intrigue in looking at her and analyzing me from head to toe with care and precision. Gradually feel the drink down my throat, it was different from sake I drank with the others, but at the same time was enjoyable.

- Aren't you nervous? - She asks subtly in her voice, as she settles delicately on the couch we were on.

- With what? The fact that I was kidnapped or the fact that Alex would never let me out of the mansion after that? - I give both options unconcerned and taking the rest of my wine... I am surprised when I feel my body warming up little by little, I still haven't got used to alcohol.

- Hehehe... I can see Alex doing this. - She laughs heartily, looking satisfied with my comment. - Finally someone with humor.

Sakura takes the rest of the contents of her glass and turns her face smiling friendly. I feel more relaxed when I see that her intentions were not bad, which gave me the chance to ask:

- So Sakura-san, what...? - I try to ask, but she interrupts me quickly.

- Just Sakura, please. - She says that quietly and resting the glass on the table again.

- If you say ... Sakura, what would you like to talk to me about? I ask calmly, while I also rested the beautiful piece of shiny glass on the black wooden furniture in front of us.

- Well... you like to get to the point, I like that. - She smiles even more interested. - Let me get this out first.

She sits in a more comfortable position, raises her spine and takes a few black locks from her hair and tosses them in the air. I watch your delicate actions as if every movement of your body is rehearsed. I just admire her beautiful face as well as her beautiful strands of black hair as the night that danced behind her, she would be a perfect model for a painting ... she would certainly help to produce the most beautiful of portraits.

When I thought she couldn't be prettier, her strands changed color before my eyes and the previously black strands started to turn a deep white, starting at its tips and ending at its root and little by little the white dominates all the strands and expels the dark color completely. starting at its tips and ending at its root and little by little the white dominates all the strands and expels the dark color completely. From the middle of that beautiful mountain of threads like snow that was now her hair, two small ears come out little by little as if they were waking up from an afternoon nap.

- So that's what you mean by disguise? - I ask with a little irony and at the same time I tried to hide my surprise at Sakura's change.

When my question reaches her ears, she turns her face slightly towards me and looks at me with those eyes that looked like a pair of beautiful and polished amethysts. Beautiful but at the same time intimidating.

- Yes, I don't like to use it but... - She complains, returning to position herself comfortably on the sofa and taking another sip of her wine. - I also hate going out on the street and being surrounded by people...

- Life of a genius? - I say in order to complete her sentence, then I turn my face forward and also put more wine in my glass.

- Life of a genius. - She agrees with conviction and confidence. Sakura accompanies me and puts more drink in the container she is holding.

We turn our faces, making eye contact again, and almost immediately smile, which evolves into a good spontaneous laugh. When I realized that we were talking about the most diverse subjects, exchanging questions and answers between us, I think it was the feeling of having a chat with your best friend.

I look at the bottle and see that we finished it completely, Sakura follows my gaze and when she sees the empty bottle she realizes that it was time to go back.

- Do you want to go? If you want you can stay. - She says, but she implied that she wanted to stay talking and drinking for longer.

Her proposal makes me smile, but I know I had spent a lot of time here... and there was a certain idiot waiting for me outside.

- I appreciate the invitation Sakura, but I better go. - I say with a singing smile, a little sad but decided.

Sakura has her ears down in a sign of discouragement, but they are back to normal almost a second later.

- It's ok. - She accepts and gets up gently and walks to the giant window of the room.

- That idiot must be looking for me. - I mean getting up from the couch and approaching Sakura.

- Don't worry, this room has temporal magic inside all its walls, some hours here are seconds outside. - She explains while looking at the breathtaking view of the festival, I look in the same direction as her and realize that it is as Sakura had said, everything down there seemed to move in slow motion.

"Wow... seriously mom, dad... why didn't you show me magic before?"

- Incredible, but not. - Even though it is tempting, I still gently decline.

Ah... you really love him, don't you? - She asks a question that makes me blush a little, but I don't hesitate to answer.

- Who knows, maybe... hehehe. - I say with a wink in the direction of Sakura, who seemed happy with what I said.

- He can be difficult, so come here whenever you want, I'll keep you company. - She says happily and I hold out my hand, which seems to be holding something. - That's the key.

She hands me that beautiful but simple golden key. I hold her carefully so she doesn't fall off my fingers.

- Here we go? - Sakura approaches me slowly until she touches my hands.

- Yes, and... how about we repeat that some other day? - I say a little hopeful to have the chance to have a new date with Sakura.

- I would love to. - She has a dazzling smile and looking as anxious as I am. - I can bring Yousuke with me next time.

- Perfect. - I am extremely happy with the promise of having wine and cuteness mixed on a date.

As before, she hugs me gently and prepares me for the jump. I press my face gently against her breasts, I was trying very hard not to be suffocated, but finally I am able to settle comfortably into her subtle silk kimono fabric against my face. I get ready this time and close my eyes waiting for the spell, grabbing my company's body with some strength.

- Steps from Paradise. - She says subtly and calmly, right after that I feel my feet floating a little on the floor.

When I feel the soil on my feet again, I slowly open my eyes to find out where I was. But before I can even see the light, I hear a familiar voice shouting my name.

- Yuki! - Loudly and clearly, Alex calls me with a worried expression on his face.

Before I can react or say anything, he grabs me and quickly pulls me away from Sakura's arms, while holding me with his muscular arms.

- Get away from him, you witch! - Alex insults her, pointing in the direction of my "kidnapper"... it looked like the scene of some cliche anime comedy.

- Who are you calling a witch?! - Sakura counters angrily.

I just watched that scene, still in Alex's arms, trying to take that child's fight seriously. I keep quiet and don't interrupt that stupid argument... I want to see how far it goes... but Alex takes the lead and does it himself.

- Look, if it's not the genius Sakura-san !! - He says aloud with an evil smile.

- Sakura-san ?!

- That's her!

- How beautiful!

- I want an autograph!

I begin to hear the background voices of Sakura's admirers increasing the attention of the people around us... now I begin to understand why Sakura uses that disguise, good move Alex. When people get closer and closer, Sakura realizes it was better to go. She gets ready to jump but before she leaves, she doesn't miss the opportunity to make Alex more angry...

- Yuki, shall we reschedule sometime to have another glass? We repeat our matching before just between us, sure to annoy Alex as she smiled and rubbed right in his face.

I sigh and just follow the script she was weaving with the only reason to end Alex's patience. I was a little confused if I said something or not and in the moment of despair I choose to speak... sorry Alex.

- Now it's my cue, until the next Yuki. - She says goodbye when she notices the approach of the crowd of fans. - Bye Alex. - Sakura speaks showing her tongue out, before disappearing into the air.

After she is completely gone, the people around us realize that Sakura was already gone and calmed down, returning to the normal excitement of the festival. When I turn to see Alex, I see her expression that makes me want to run away ... basically a mixture of confusion and anger.

- Y-u-k-i... explain yourself now. - He says with an intimidating aura, looking like I wouldn't escape this conversation anytime soon.

I look back at Liz and our other companions, hoping for some help but ... they just turned their faces, nervous to be in the middle of that discussion. I just take a last breath, accepting the end of my hope and gradually tell what had happened to Alex.

As soon as I finish saying everything about my conversation with Sakura, he just sighs and I expect the worst.

- If that's all, then that's fine. - He says smiling, raising my hopes. Certainly the total opposite that I expected from that jealous man.

When I'm about to thank God, I feel Alex grabbing me and placing me in his lap quickly. I look worried, while trying to get out of that joke he was playing.

- Alex, darling can you let me go? - I say a little nervous, still thinking it was a joke.

- Sure ... in our room when we get back to the barracks. - says smiling, but surely hiding his Second thoughts.

Gradually, I accepted that I wouldn't be able to get away from him, so I stop struggling and let him take me in his arms, probably for another night where my hips would be destroyed.

- Liz, I take Yuki, I enjoy the rest of the festival with the others. - Alex turns his face to the group, which seems to accept that situation as if it were nothing ... or they are still afraid to say anything to Alex.

- Of course Alexander-sama. - Liz was the only one who didn't seem to be moved, responding politely. - Ah one more thing Alexander-sama.

- Not now Liz! - He says frowning, because Liz is delaying his way. - I don't have tim...

Alex stops talking when he realizes he has spoken in that tone to Liz. As if he had seen a ghost, his skin turns white and he starts to sweat cold. Slowly and carefully, he turns to face the young maid, praying that she hasn't heard. While I looked confused for the whole situation.

- Alexander, I hope you haven't forgotten your etiquette classes that I had so much trouble teaching you, right? -Liz speaks in a calm tone, but her aura was worse than Alex's, making the great general and the others who accompanied us tremble paralyzed. Now I understand the reason for fear...

- Sorry, miss. - He seemed frightened by Liz's words, he straightens his spine and squeezes my body slightly, which makes me nervous... I don't know if I'm worried about Alex or the fact that I'm in the middle of them.

- Great Alexander, I'm happy to know that those years educating you were not thrown in the trash. - Liz opens a beautiful smile, but Alex did not let his guard down. - Alexander, be careful on the way and Yuki-san have a good night.

- S-Sure Liz, good night. - I say a little worried, and getting a little sorry for Alex.

- G-Good night Liz. - Alex says, stuttering and shaking a little. Gradually, he is gradually moving away and waiting for the perfect time to run out of her sight. When the opportunity opens window, Alex snaps fingers of her free hand and creates a navy portal of his time right behind us... normally I would be impressed but I wanted to get out of that situation as much as Alex. Without even thinking, he jumps on the portal taking me with him in his arms.

I have that strange feeling of going through the portal ... I was starting to hate this type of transport... As soon as my senses return, I look around and see that we were in the room where I woke up today. My kimono was a little messy and a little open, due to the abrupt way that Alex had placed me on his lap. I just sigh and get ready to get out of Alex's arms. I try once, but it doesn't work and I keep trying but it didn't matter what I did it seemed like he didn't seem to get the message. I start to get a little irritated and try to call his name.

- God, Alex can you let me go? - I look at him and without any answer he just squeezes my body a little more and throws himself on the bed, with me still in his arms.

I'm surprised by that, but at least it falls comfortably and luckily Alex hadn't put his body on top of mine, for sure I would be crushed. I try to say something but as soon as I see his face sleepy and a little flushed the answer already comes to my mind.

- Drunk? - I say surprised to see that. - I didn't see you drinking anything, how did you...?

I am in doubt, but little by little the image of two well-known drunks comes to mind in response. I want them to give me a little of that same thing to make this big guy sleep at another time, you can save my ass if Alex wants consecutive nights of sex... If this continues, I will need a wheelchair.

I move slightly to settle between the sheets or at least get out of his arm to change clothes, but in my slightest movement I feel a strong tug, bringing my body closer to Alex's. Before I could even react, his muscular arm holds me even more. I get scared to feel the heat of his body but gradually I leave it like that, it's not so bad... besides that, no matter how hard I do, he won't let go... I just stay there and enjoy our approach, give a slight smile of waiver and close my eyes calmly, not long before I fall asleep.

Liz On:

Honestly, that brat gets on my nerves. I just sigh and let my calm return slowly. I turn to Eliza who was with the group, before I was afraid but now they were normal... it's not the first time they've seen me pissing off Alex, the only one who still seemed to be afraid of me was Jax, who was hiding behind Belial... it's a cute scene.

- Eliza, get me a bottle. - I say sighing and wanting to drink something strong.

- Sure sis. - She doesn't even think twice and runs to the drinks stand.

- Liz, you shouldn't be angry with Alex like that, it's not good for your nerves. - I hear Simon from a distance, who seemed to have found Alex's scene funny.

- I know, but it has already become part of my daily life. - I say a little tired to count the countless times that Alexander gave me a reason to be beaten.

- But you taught Alex? - Finally I hear Jax say something, still a little stunned by seeing my threatening aura.

- Yes, since he was a little demon. - I say joining the group with a slow step and sitting on the nearest dark wooden bench, taking care not to fold my kimono.

Before I can start to answer, Eliza runs back to our group while carrying a glass and a bottle of sake... I prefer whiskey but I won't refuse...

- Here sis. - She says excitedly and handing me what I had asked for.

I open it and fill the white plastic cup a little. In just one gulp I drink all the alcohol. When I feel the drink coming down my throat and burning my insides a little, I finally smile again.

When I was happy to have my drink, I started telling the story to the curious.

-I remember as if it were yesterday, the day that the former General of Lust, Thazras, brought a small and weak child to his house. - I start to remember the first time I met Alex, he was just a dirty child, with torn clothes, sloppy hair and eyes as blue as the very sapphires that adorned Thazras-sama's rings.

- Wait a moment, Liz-san ... how many years have you been at Luxuria's house? - Jax says a little nervous and at the same time curious about my story.

- Ah Liz joined the house with the Ex-General of Lust. - Eliza sits next to me and answers in my place, she leans her head on my shoulder like a kitten, which we normally did when we lived together.

- Yes, Thazras and I signed up together. A nobleman born and raised in the most influential and proud hell. - I keep filling my glass again. -When he was promoted to General, Thazras asked me to be his assistant.

- And you accepted? - I hear Simon, speak interested too ... now that I brought it up, I never told this story to Simon, who seemed to be more interested.

- Of course not. - I say quickly and taking another dose.

- What!? - All but Eliza and Belial say that they say they are surprised or even delighted with my answer.

- What's your problem Liz? - Simon says looking indignant that I refused.

- None, it's just very uncomfortable. - I keep removing my lips from the plastic and remembering with pleasure. - Besides being an assistant to that guy, he would be a pain in the ass.

I start to remember the days he begged me to be his assistant, literally he got on his knees and offered me all kinds of deals. Just reminding me of that scene, I regret it... for not punching him in those hours. As I keep drinking, I start to talk more and more about how angry that guy made me.

- But he pissed me off so much that I accepted being the head of the maids and taking care of the house. - I sigh, talking about how I surrendered.

- Maid... you are really crazy... - Simon says still incredulous.

- Save me from this conversation, I managed to do all the work by myself with my magic, I had time to do my job as a stylist and relaxed the rest of the day. - I say explaining everything to the two young people... besides, I only joined the army to have money and a comfortable position. - But imagine my surprise when he decided to adopt a child.

I go back to the main point and remember those moments.

-I thought he was crazy, but as his maid, nothing I said would change anything. - I continue, shrugging my shoulders.

- Then? - I hear Jax sitting next to me, to hear better.

- I just called him: Idiot and irresponsible. - I continue while I remembered that retard. - He had no responsibility to take care of himself, imagine a child.

Everyone there seemed surprised but at the same time they seemed to be expecting it from me.

- And he even asked me to take care of all his education. - I remember those moments when I just wanted a moment of peace and ended up becoming a nanny and teacher. - Aff ... - Sigh turning the bottle, taking it halfway.

- But do you regret it? - I hear Belial, who was looking at me with a loving smile, seeming to know my answer.

When I hear that question, I just smile and look at the starry sky, mixed with the festival lights.

- Not even a little. - I don't even have to think twice to answer, drinking the rest of the bottle. - One more. - I say extending the empty bottle to Simon who was looking at me impressed by my speed in emptying that bottle.

- Wow... - I hear Simon taking the bottle without hesitation.

- Don't look at me like that, who do you think taught Eliza to drink? - I say with a smile, while doing a pat on my sister's head, still leaning on my shoulder.

We all laughed, enjoying the sound of the festival. I remember several funny moments from Alex's childhood, as well as some idiocy that Thazras did... many involving situations that almost caused his death ... oh good times.

Yuki On:


I sigh when I finish drinking the rest of my coffee. I turn around taking advantage of that morning sun and head towards my room and change my clothes. Alex's work is over here, so we are leaving today before lunch. At the same time that I was looking forward to going back to the mansion, I'm going to start taking my self-defense classes with Jax... I hope he has no resentment that I forced him ... After that night, I understood a little how it all worked: the demons, magic, death and even that unknown that seemed to haunt me ... that memory, that I just I couldn't remember, as if it was hiding in the darkest parts of my mind; the sound of the voice being subtle but at the same time rigid, which gave me light at that moment.

Since I woke up, I have been wondering if I was telling Alex or not. I walked through the empty corridors of that building, trying to resolve that issue, but in the end I always came to the conclusion that I would just be silent and hope for it if it was resolved... of course, that will not happen. For now I will leave that aside.

When I get to my empty room, I just see the bed sheets all messed up and the pillows on the floor. Anyone who thinks that we had a wild night ... if you consider it wild to sleep with a drunk bear hugging you, then... I just approach the bed, totally unwilling to make any trips, I was never a person to do morning activities , even if it's just me riding in a car. In the middle of the folds of the white sheet I see a small piece of black fabric, which seemed to be hiding.

I just look at it puzzled, I don't know where that fabric had come from, I don't remember having used anything of that color. I reach out and grab the mysterious fabric. I hold it out with both hands, revealing a large short-sleeved T-shirt, which certainly doesn't fit me at all, it was almost double my number. I look more and more at your black fabric and it doesn't take me long to discover the owner of the garment that caused me that fleeting morning mess.

- Aff, Alex should stop leaving his clothes in the others' room. - Just grunt, while still looking at the clothes in my hands.

I just run my fingers through its fabric, not knowing what to expect, I just stood there looking for a few seconds until in an instinct, which I don't know where it came from, I move my face close to Alex's shirt. Gradually I start to smell the robust smell, as I bring my nose closer, increasing more and more and gradually I started to intoxicate myself, making my cheeks flush. My nose was even closer to the fabric...

Toc Toc Toc

- Hã? - I hear the sound of the door, next to someone turning the door handle and like lightning I just throw the shirt on the wall with such force that it almost prints on the bedroom wall.

- Yuki, I brought your clothes. - I hear Alex entering the door, carrying some clothes in his hand. He was wearing his general clothes when we arrived here, looking friendly and calm.

- Ah Alex... thanks. - I just turn around and try with all my strength to erase that scene from my head, along with that crazy instinct to smell Alex's shirt... it never happened.

- Ah, so this is where my shirt was. - As soon as he hands me my change of clothes, he goes towards the shirts lying on the floor near the wall. - How did it end up on the floor? -He takes it and brings it close to his body.

- .... - I just try to change the subject as soon as possible. - When do we leave?

- As soon as you get dressed. - he says walking towards me and giving me a small hug. - Jax already went with Liz and Belial.

- So I-I better go get dressed. - I speak a little nervous about Alex's sudden body contact, but at the same time I don't refuse.

He just smiles and lets go, but not before he kisses my forehead. I just try to react in a controlled way and at the same time I try to hide my face with the clothes he gave me. As soon as Alex finally releases me, looking satisfied with my reaction, he walks towards the door, holding his black T-shirt.

I just follow with my eyes. With the light coming from the door, It started to cover Alex's body and suddenly a well-known figure took his place, with his spiky blond hair, I don't need to think much about who it was... Haru. I know it was all just in my head, but ... I don't run away ... I just watched, that ghost looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes and a tired expression. I smile with satisfaction, but deep down I didn't want to see him, at the same time that his image brought me good memories, it also brought me despair and doubts. I want to move on, Alex is with me now and I don't want to choose him only as a replacement for Haru, but as a fiance, even if it is just to calm my heart ... my decision.

- Sorry and goodbye. - I say to that memory of my past.

He just smiles in the middle of that yellow light, like a golden mist he disappears into the air.

- Yuki? - I hear Alex calling me, making me come back to reality.

- Nothing. - I give a friendly smile and at the same time feel that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

He finally leaves and leaves me alone in that room. I start changing clothes, but as soon as I take off my shirt I see the two stuffed animals that Alex and I got at the festival, the platypus and the stuffed penguin supported by each other. This scene, even childish, makes me smile with an affection in my heart.

10 minutes later:

We were already in the limousine we came in, with Simon driving and Alex sitting next to me in the back seat. What a surprise, when we came here I was almost punching Alex but now I was glued to him, strange but I stopped caring. I just keep reminding myself of moments in the barracks, like my farewell to Eliza and some soldiers from the 1st and 2st battalions, as well as Yousuke, Takeshi and Kuro who came to say goodbye, in addition to Sakura-san. But when Alex sees the white-haired woman he grabs me to make sure I don't get kidnapped again.

Throughout the preparation, I just look out the window. I'm taking advantage of the view, as well as being a good opportunity to find out where Alex's mansion is, so I'll keep an eye out the whole way.

- Simon, get ready for the jump. - says Alex, putting on his belt and hugging me in order to hold me.

- Okay, Alexander, get ready. - I hear Simon, who spoke in the driver's cabin loud and clear.

I was confused by what was happening or what was to come, but in this little time with these two I just hold on to Alex's arm and get ready.

- Here we go. - I hear Simon again and with the loud sound of the engine, being able to feel that he was increasing the speed.

The car moves forward and I just hold on even more tightly to Alex, who didn't seem to care. I look out the window and the image of the training camp or barracks disappears, giving way to an inexplicable blue, which seemed to swallow the whole landscape, strangely looking like a Star Wars scene. I look at that scene from another world, where only the blue color reigned. It doesn't even take five seconds and we were finally out of it. I am shocked, I have no idea what to say, I look out the window again and see the image of the front garden of Alex's mansion, next to the blue roses and his small path of gray tiles, which went from the entrance door to the street where our vehicle was.

- What the fuck was that? - I ask, unstuck little by little from Alex, who still gave the impression that it had become something extremely normal.

- Oh, it was just fast transport, it's like a portal that takes us from one place to another. - He says explaining the situation to me, while taking off his belt.

- And why do we need to go by limousine? - I ask confused, thinking that the vehicle was part of the magic.

- Oh no, I just like riding a limousine. - He says shrugging and getting out of the luxury car.

I just look at the man, who just enjoyed the luxury. Good is like my mother always said: if you have use. He extends his hand, in a gentle gesture and giving a silly smile. I just sigh and accept his gesture, then get out of the black body car. We passed the small road in slow steps and continued hand in hand, arriving at the entrance door of the glamorous mansion. When we set foot in that magnificent entrance hall, we are greeted by Liz in her maid's uniform, who seemed to be waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.

- H-Hello Liz. - Alex says, a little nervous when meeting her, he was probably still a little affected by what happened yesterday ... I can't blame him, she was more frightening than that serpent demon we faced in the hunt.

- Hi Liz. - I say in a friendly way, happy to meet her and at the same time I was trying to hide this certain intimidation that I felt when I saw the image of the young maid... I will remember never to irritate her...

- Alexander-sama, I already show Jax his new accommodations and he is ready to teach Yuki-san. - She informs, approaching the two of us in a slow step, with her ruffles moving slightly as she walked.

- Great, but first I think Yuki better rest... - He tries to say, but I interrupt him when I rest my other hand on his chest in a subtle way, while still keeping our hands together.

- Alex, I'm fine and I want to start as soon as possible. - I say determinedly looking at him.

- Aff... if you say so. - He agrees with my request, a little tired, due to work in Kyoto... probably in those moments when we were separated. - Liz, is Jax in the training area?

- Yes. - She says with her impeccable education.

- Then take Yuki to Jax. - Alex says to Liz and then he turns to me. - As it is your first class he will only teach you the basics, so don't expect to do anything crazy.

- It's ok. - I say still very excited. Even though it was basic things, I was anxious about everything, I was hopeful that I could release fire and lightning from my hands.

- Well, I'll try to sleep a little more. - He says with a slight yawn and slowly letting go of my hand, pulling my fingers a little, in a way to show that he didn't want to let me go. - Liz, get me something to eat later. -He gives the last order and goes up the stairs, probably going towards his room.

- Oh okay. - I say in a low tone, as I followed him up the stairs.

- When you're done let me know Yuki. - He says even more tired and making a light sign of goodbye with his hand.

I just do the same and say goodbye, even though he didn't see it, while he felt the same feeling of separation as him... but I need it... I want to get stronger...

When we finally lost sight of him, the young maid turns to me gently.

- Yuki-san, this way please. - She asks me to follow her. Liz walks over to the door, which was opposite the living room. It was one of the places in the mansion, where I hadn't yet visited, so I was a little nervous about what I was going to see.

She opens it slightly, turning the silver doorknob, revealing a hallway similar to the ones on the second floor: blue walls and beautiful landscape paintings hanging It opens slightly, turning the silver knob, revealing a hallway similar to the ones on the second floor: blue walls and beautiful landscape paintings hanging everywhere. We continued walking calmly, while I just followed Liz, with her white ruffles dangling in the air and the fabric of the black uniform moving smoothly. As we go, I see a small door open to my left, when we pass in front of me I finally see a beautiful and modern kitchen, all silver and with some vegetables with vibrant colors on one of the countertops. As I only see the interior of that room at a glance, I can't see many details, but I don't even bother to stop, I didn't want to lose sight of Liz and get lost in the middle of that area unknown to me.

We continued on that blue path, where only the sound of our footsteps echoed. Until Liz finally stopped in front of a closed door on the left, it was dark wood, with no decoration encrusted or carved in its wood, something unusual in this fully decorated mansion. Without hesitation, a young maid opens the doors and reveals a stone staircase that goes down to a kind of basement.

I look a little apprehensive at those stairs, where only a few silver chandeliers attached to the gray walls were like the only sources of light, illuminating the gray stone brick walls ... it reminded me of a dungeon from a movie I saw. Liz takes the first step without fear and begins to descend her steps with care and delicacy, I just put my thoughts aside and follow her.

We went down two flights of stairs until we reached a more open place, totally different from the other places in the mansion. A big room, the floor was made of big and gray bricks as well as the walls of that place, which makes my eyes open in surprise... that was the complete opposite of a training room I was waiting for.

As I look at the room covered with gray squares, I notice a single object in the center of the room: a silver pedestal, which held a thick, closed book with a dark blue cover and some symbols that I can't recognize.

- I thought I'd be waiting all day. - As soon as I hear that voice in an angry tone, I smile slightly ... I'm starting to get used to the sound of Jax's voice.

- Sorry, I just arrived Jax. - I say taking a step forward, stopping beside Liz and getting to see the captain with blue hair, with his usual humor.

- Aff... whatever, let's start. - He says between his sigh. - Come here.

He makes a sign with his hand for me to approach, while walking towards the pedestal with the book. Before taking any steps, I take a last breath, until I fill my lungs ... It was really starting ... Finally I move, taking a little run to get to Jax, who opens the big book and starts flipping through it lightly. Placing a hand on his waist, he continues until he finally finds what he wants. I just stay a little behind, trying to look at what was written inside that clump of sheets of paper.

- Here it is. - He finally keeps a specific page open and extends his right hand under the paper, but without touching it. I am attentive to every action that my young teacher did, curious and trying to enjoy every second of experience.

From the skin of your hand, a small white aura begins to come out and enter the paper and ink of the letters on that page. In less than an instant those dark letters took on the color and shine of the magical aura that Jax inserted. A little further on, a large dark blue circle appears on the floor. Its deep blue glow begins to dominate the room, like a live image of the depths of the ocean, I can't take my eyes off it. Unimpressed, Jax just walks towards the circle and snaps his fingers halfway. Seeming to obey Jax's commands, from the big blue a table, a chair and a blackboard begin to emerge, all of shiny metal.

The blue-haired young man stands with his back to the blackboard, with his arms crossed and looking at me, almost as if he can see through my soul. Jax makes a slight movement with his head for me to sit up, looking even more annoyed to say anything. I don't want to make him more angry, so I start to walk fast and in a few steps I can already sit in the chair that magically appeared. As soon as I feel the metal beneath me, Jax begins his class.

- Well, let's start from the beginning. - He lightly touches the slate with the back of his index finger. At the same moment he touches, the once empty slate is filled with words and images of circles, along with something like runes. - Now, about the arcane circles and their structure...

Jax starts throwing up an absurd amount of information and I just sit there listening or at least trying to hear everything. In a sign of desperation I just raised my hand in doubt, at least for him to stop talking and for my ears to have a few seconds of rest.

- I just started and you already have doubts? - He speaks in response to my raised hand, looking a little uncomfortable that I had interrupted him.

- Ah... Jax... - I say in a low voice, but I'm interrupted by him.

- Jax-sensei. - He says coldly and seems to be enjoying it... possibly he must be taking revenge on me.

- Jax-sensei... - I say a little depressed, but accepting that I deserved it. - As I never had any class on, it would not be better... how about a practical demonstration. - I say in the hope of escaping that banal class... I was starting to remember the horrors of my math classes at school...

- Maybe... - I feel a thread of hope emerging. - But no, because it is your first class you need to learn the whole structure of any spell. - I just see an evil smile appear on Jax's face, which makes a cold run down my spine and at the same time I feel my hope die completely.

- Ah... I understand... - I say it in the most depressing way possible. - But, unfortunately I didn't bring anything to write down, so... why don't we move on to the practical part, hahaha. - My sadness disappears and I just smile at this sudden "problem".

When I thought everything was going according to my plan, Jax just keeps that smile in my direction with an evil look. I feel my worries coming back, after two seconds of calm.

- It's really unfortunate, but don't worry Yuki-sama. - He continues with that malicious smile and snap his fingers quickly.

Then, right on the table where I was sitting, a small circle appears and then disappears. I only see that familiar white glow, but I don't look directly, I am afraid of what he had invoked this time but I have the impression that my tactic was completely destroyed.

Slowly, I turn my head to the table in front of me and just see a black-lined notebook and a transparent pen beside it. I just look at those objects of study a little discredited, but at the same time accepting defeat, while my young teacher seemed to be enjoying my situation. I just accept that I'm going to have to relive my school days and I open that notebook totally discouraged, taking the pen and placing it between my fingers.

Feeling the absolute victory over me, Jax just goes back to the blackboard and continues explaining the class, with a friendly smile... I think this bastard has never been happier before... I just sigh and start to write down everything he said or made it appear magically on the blackboard.

A few minutes, maybe hours ... I don't know I lost track of time:

I had my hand almost falling from writing, while my dear instructor did not stop even seeing me in that suffering. But as soon as I don't hear him saying anything else, a relief consumes me and makes me take my eyes off the pages of my notebook, completely filled by my writing in dark blue ink and I see Jax erasing the painting with a flick of his hand.

- I think it's fine for today. - Jax says, finally looking satisfied. - I hope you understand everything. -He gives a friendly smile in my direction, as if he were a good person.


But at the same time that I wanted to throw that notebook in Jax's face, I hold the cover tightly but I manage to control myself. Worst of all ... I was able to understand everything about our class: arcane structure, rune system, structural difference in curses and blessings. He may have a miserable personality but he is a great teacher... I think it was not so bad to make him my teacher.

- I think we can do that now. - He takes that fake smile off his face and goes back to his usual mood.

- What would it be? - I say afraid of having to write something else... my fingers are already falling.

The young blue-haired captain says nothing, just walks towards the silver pedestal with that thick book on top. He walked slowly, where his every step gave me a certain distress and curiosity. Jax faces that centerpiece and flips through the book. This time he doesn't take long to find the page he wanted. That white aura comes out of your fingertip again and goes back into the paper of the book.

A little distant from us, like the blackboard and the table, an arcane circle appears and from it a small pillar about the height of my waist appears, on it a shiny crystal ball and a stack of paper sheets beside it. When that comes up, Jax moves slowly until he stands beside that pillar.

- Yuki, come. - He says a little grumpy, but at the same time Jax seemed calmer than usual.

I don't reply or ask, I just get up slightly, pushing the metal chair away so I can get out, so I head over to my teacher and stop when that pillar with the crystal ball is between me and him.

- Hand. - He asks in his rude tone and extends his open hand to me, waiting for me to follow his request.

I nod and do as he says. I reach out and reach for his fingers, resting my hand on it. When I feel his skin, I notice that his hand had thicker skin, probably due to training with an ax. Then Jax positions my hand just above the crystal ball, without touching my fingers to that clear glass.

- And now? - I ask a little apprehensive, thinking that that glass ball would devour my hand.

- Take a deep breath. - He warns me taking my index finger with some firmness, but at the same time not squeezing so much.

- Why... ouch !! - I get scared when I feel a prick on the tip of the finger he was holding.

- I warned. - Jax says as if my pain was nothing, while he held a needle with his other hand. The tip of the small metal object was with a small drop of blood, staining it with red.

A few drops start dripping from my finger from the wound he had opened, it was small and it didn't hurt so much, it was more of a nuisance than anything else. The blood falls on the crystal ball, which seemed to swallow every drop that fell on its glass and the red gradually mixed with the transparent. Jax finally lets go of my finger, until about five drops fall on the object.

- Ouch , did you need that? - I ask a little uncomfortable and placing the tip of my finger in my mouth, in a way to stop the bleeding.

- For this test I need a few drops of blood. - He says taking one of the sheets of paper from the pile.

- What is this test for? - I ask taking my finger out of my mouth, to see if he was not bleeding anymore.

- It's just a test of elemental affinity. - He explains to me without looking in my direction only focused on the objects in front of him. - Before you ask, it is basically to know which element you are most compatible with, this will facilitate our training.

When all the red seemed to have dissolved in the glass, Jax places the paper lightly on the sphere. It seems that it has completely changed its composition, the sphere seems to become liquid but maintains its shape and swallows the sheet of paper entirely. As if ti was swimming, that white piece floated inside the ball and gradually started to spin more intensely inside, like a washing machine. I just watched that paper spin at an aggressive speed with interest, while Jax just looked boredly on his face and one of his hands resting on his waist as if he wanted it to end soon.

- Aff, I think that's enough. - He says looking tired of waiting.

He extends his hand without being careful and shoves it inside the transparent ball. His fingers begin to swim through the bubble, which transmuted between the liquid and the solid, and grabs the piece of paper. Without hesitating he takes it out of that mini magic washing machine and starts shaking lightly. When I thought the paper would be soaked, it was just as dry as it had come in.

- Okay, let me see. - He puts the paper on the table and the white one, as if a phantom pen were writing, little by little the paper begins to be filled by an exquisite writing in black ink.

Before I could even see what was written, in a quick movement Jax picks up the paper with his fingertips and looks without any expectation. I just see my teacher's eyes going over the words with care and precision. I try to see what was written anyway, but to no avail, Jax just pushed me or took the paper out so I wouldn't see it. I don't know if he was seeing if the test had a problem or if he was just being a stingy little shit.

- Huh? - He finally mutters something and opens his eyes with some astonishment. - What the fuck?

- What's the problem?! - I'm starting to get worried, I can't imagine what could make that guy show such an expression.

- I need to talk to Alexander-sama. - He says worried and tightening the paper even more, he was using so much force that the fold of his fingers were turning white.

- Wait Jax, what problem ...? - Before I could finish, only the shadow of the jax is left and he had already left the room like lightning, to the point that I could not even see him moving. I move my eyes to the exit, with the door leaning, and I start to get really irritated. - It's my test drug... WHY I AM THE LAST ONE TO KNOW!!

I have no hesitation in running after him. I walk through the door, knocking awkwardly on the wood, and start climbing the concrete stairs quickly and accurately so I don't fall in the way. I manage to reach the corridor but I don't slow down, I cross the kitchen again and with each step I accelerate more and more. I manage to get to the entrance hall quickly, I follow the logical reasoning and go up the stairs, Alex must be somewhere on the second floor. I follow the path to Alex's room, running, following where he had taken me on our first night. In the corridor I see a single open door, leaving a clear light and the sound of conversations coming out.

- Alexander-sama, please listen to me. I hear Jax's worried voice first.

- Take it easy Jax, I do not see the reason for so much distress. - Then I hear Alex, I keep moving until I reach the door and see the two inside that room.

They were in something like an office, with bookcases covering the two side walls, a large dark wooden table with some documents on top and a huge window behind the furniture. Jax was standing in front of Alex, who was sitting at the table with a few piles of paper and folders hiding him slightly.

- Honestly you can at least tell me the problem before you run Jax. - I mean, finally entering that room full of books, restraining myself from jumping on the young captain's neck.

- Ah Yuki, how was the class? - Alex looks at me happily and ignoring Jax's presence for a few seconds.

- Alexander-sama, please listen to me this is abnormal. - Jax puts his hand, which still holding the result the paper with the result of my test, in front of Alex's face.

I start to get angry about it, the two idiots don't say anything about what's going on and they don't stop arguing between them. Alex continued with that silly smile and Jax seemed to be starting to get used to the General of Lust's stupid humor. Out of the corner of my eye, I see next to the table where Alex was, a small circular wooden table with some books on it. I approach slowly, without those two noticing, and reach for one of the books gently. As soon as I feel the leather and metal details I can see the object better: it had a blue cover and was quite thick due to the pages.

- I think this one should work. - I say with a slight smile and turning subtly to the two men arguing, while I carried the book I had chosen with one hand.

- Yuki? - Alex looks at me, unable to understand why I was carrying that book. - For what you ... Ouch! - He couldn't finish because I hit him in the face with the book I was holding, I can feel the impact of the book's cover on Alex's face, making me squeeze my fingers even more on the leather so it doesn't fly out. Then the general falls on his desk, knocking over some of the documents that were on the wooden furniture.

Before Jax can react, I throw the book in the young captain's face without hesitation. Like Alex, he was so surprised that he was unable to dodge and the book successfully hit the target. The sound of Jax's face and the leather cover make a loud sound that echoes through the room and into the mansion's empty corridors. Gradually the young man with blue hair just falls to the floor, as if it were a tree being cut, with the book still stuck in his face.

- You two can calm down and tell me what was going on. - I say irritated, but at the same time a little refreshed for having attacked Jax and Alex with that extremely thick book.

When Jax lands his back on the wooden floor of the office, the paper that was the cause of all that commotion was now dancing lightly in the air and falls gently on my fingers. I take the opportunity to read it as soon as possible, before it is stolen from my hands again. My eyes start to wander around the words in black ink, but as the lines pass I get more and more confused.

- Okay, I still don't understand. - I mean taking the paper out of my sight and now I focus on the pair of men in front of me, still stunned by my surprise attack. - Only a list of elements is written: "water, fire, earth, air, ice, electricity, light and darkness". Is that ball not working?

- That's not it Yuki, dear. - Alex says slowly recovering from my surprise attack, using a little force to lift his torso.

- Ah, those are elements that you have affinity, you troglodyte idiot. - Jax complains, seeming not to mind the presence of Alex when insulting me... maybe Alex didn't hear, I may have hit him on the head a little too hard...

When I hear that, I just don't know what to feel or what to do... I just turn my eyes to the paper still in my hands, held by my fingers.

- Really!? - That was the only thing I could say, in the middle of that confusion.

- Now you understand, this is an abnormality even among demons. - Jax continues to explain to me irritated and slowly getting up, while I had the book on top of him. - You basically have an affinity with all the primary elements of any magic, how is that possible? - He keeps asking a rhetorical question.

- So... can I use them all ?! - I say a little shaken, but inside I was more and more excited, I just imagine myself as if I were the protagonist of some magic anime.

- Basically yes ... but that's not the most important thing! - I feel Jax's strong grip on my head, which squeezes my skull little by little with one of his hands, while I tried to struggle to escape... he must be irritated that I hit him... - Aff... that it will make things much more difficult Alexander-sama.

- Well, I agree. - Alex finally takes a serious stance and looks thoughtful. - But I hope this is not such a problem Jax, after all you are an elite captain. I'm sure you will do well.

The young captain, just gets a little tense when he hears those words. In a brief moment he doesn't answer, he just remains quiet and still holding my head, while I still struggle.

- I will need help, but it won't be such a problem. - He stares at Alex with the confidence of a first class captain.

- Great. - Alex finally rejoices at the news and gets up from his dark wooden chair.

In a sign of respect, Jax lets go of me and stands in his soldierly posture, waiting for the general's orders. I am relieved that I no longer feel my head being squeezed, but I don't have time to rest, I feel Alex grabs me from behind in a hug form and places his head over mine. He looked tired and totally exhausted, he said he was going to sleep, but I think he has more work than I thought.

- Yukiiii, I want to take a nap, please be my pillow. - He says in a sly voice, as he snuggled more and more into that hug. While he just ignored Jax, who kept in the same position, looking a little uncomfortable with this show of affection between Alex and me.

- Unfortunately, I can't let that happen Alexander-sama. - I hear the sound of Liz's calm voice behind us.

The young maid enters with grace, without making many movements and with light steps, without making a sound when touching them on the floor of the room.

- What's wrong Liz? - I ask, curious and at the same time sad with what she said... I also wanted to spend more time with Alex.

- ... - She is silent for a few seconds, just seemed a little apprehensive to say anything. - Alexander-sama, Lady Scarlet is coming to the mansion. - She finally says something, a little uncomfortable to say that name, as if a storm was coming towards us

- What!? - Alex has a similar reaction, but a more hysterical version. - What does this violent woman want here!?

- Apparently the analyzes of the Envy research team have arrived. - Liz informs us, returning to her usual calm expression, which makes my heart calm down a little. - She's coming to share the information.

- That hunting thing. - Jax speaks again, firmly but at the same time he was nervous to remember that monster with the snake head. While I feel that even with Alex's body contact, the memories of our encounter with that thing haunt me.

Alex feels my discomfort and tightens his arms even more. It was a strong but gentle grip, making my body relax.

- Well I better get ready, Yuki you too. - He looks at me with dismay, making it clear that he did not want to receive who this person is. - When does she arrive Liz?

- Well I better get ready, Yuki you too. - He looks at me with dismay, making it clear that he did not want to receive, whoever that person is. - When does she arrive Liz?

- .... - Liz is silent, nothing comes out of the mouth of the young woman with red hair, making us all frightened by what would have caused such a reaction in the maid.

- Liz? Alex asks, getting more nervous than ever.

- She's already here. - She finally opens her lips to tell us the bad news. - When she called, she was already in the region. She should arrive... - The maid can't finish speaking due to the loud sound of a car engine, which scares everyone inside the room.

In reaction, we all looked out the office window, which faced the front of the house. It was a large modified car with an engine off, a red body, chrome tires and just two doors with completely black windows.

- Shit... - Alex seemed to almost fall when he saw the vehicle, releasing me right after. - Liz prepare Yuki, Jax distract her until we are both ready. - He begins to give orders, in a level of despair that I had never seen in Alex.

- Alexander-sama wait... - Jax tries to say, confused and worried that the most dangerous task has remained for him. But before he could complain, the great general had already fled to his quarters to change.

- Aff... of so many days, she had to appear just today. - Liz puts a hand on her forehead, seeming to think about the current situation.

- Who is she, for all of you to make all this fuss. - I ask a little worried, it seems that we will find a monster worse than the demon snake.

Jax is silent and Liz looks a little uncomfortable when she opens her mouth, making me even more worried. Before any of us could say anything else, we heard the sound of doors opening. I look back to the window and notice a beautiful woman with dark red hair so long that it reached her waist, black high heels, white pants, a gray bodice and a long blazer in strong red that seemed to be on fire. My first impression of her is between fear or even curiosity to know who would upset Alex and Liz.

- You better be careful with that person Yuki-san. - Liz approaches my side without my realizing it, but even with the surprise approach I don't take my eyes off our unexpected guest, who crossed the road to the door as if she were on a walkway.

- Who is she? - I ask again, hoping that this time she will give me an answer to my question.

- Aff... Lady Scarlet Wrath... - She says her full name and takes a short break before continuing. - The current Demonic General from the house of Wrath.