
Bitter Taste, Swallow Loss

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

<<The Legends of Ren Zu>>, chapter five, section thirty-two.

Ren Zu continued on his journey, after a while, a huge Predicament entered Ren Zu's vision.

Strong Gu was inside this Predicament's body, it laughed: "Oh human, I am back again. This time, I have help, let's see what you can do!"

Ren Zu had to stop walking, even though the Predicament before him was huge, he did not fluster.

Long long ago, Ren Zu had been chased by a group of Predicaments as he escaped, but after he gave his heart to hope Gu, those Predicaments which feared hope escaped in panic.

"Oh hope Gu, I need your help."

Ren Zu summoned hope Gu but the light of hope did not scare away this Predicament.

What was going on?

"Haha!" Strong Gu laughed: "Oh human, this Predicament has gained my help, it will definitely be the greatest Predicament you have ever met in your life. With just hope, how can you possibly defeat it?"

Ren Zu could not think of a way.

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