
Merit Obelisk

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios


A grindstone-sized lightning ball crashed onto Miao Ming Shen's back and exploded intensely.


Miao Ming Shen's body shook as he spit out blood, his pale face was even weaker now. He tried to concentrate and use an immortal killer move, vanishing from his spot and appearing several thousand steps away.

But even there, lightning weaved and beasts roared, the situation was truly at its worst.

"To think that I would die here!" Miao Ming Shen was filled with despair.

Wasn't Paradise Earth's true inheritance meant to be mild? Why was it so dangerous here?

These questions were no longer the point, Miao Ming Shen's immortal aperture had run out of immortal essence, even though he had his Immortal Gu left, his escape earlier was the final struggle he could muster.

The roaring of beasts almost burst his eardrums, the immemorial thunder phoenix attacked him again.

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