
Freedom Gu

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

<<The Legends of Ren Zu>> states, Ren Zu walked on his own road of life. After separating with the hairy man leader, he encountered feathermen in green heaven.

Ren Zu was extremely happy when he saw these feathermen.

Because feathermen had wings on their back, and since the feathermen could understand Ren Zu's words, both sides could communicate.

Ren Zu requested the feathermen: "Feathermen, please help me. My daughter is in ordinary abyss and cannot come out. Please fly down and rescue my daughter, let us father and daughter reunite."

The feathermen laughed loudly: "Human, how can you order us. Us feathermen are the most free living beings in the world, no one can order us or bind us. You want us to listen to your request and follow your wish, that is impossible."

Ren Zu kept on persuading, and even pleaded with them, but the feathermen simply kept on flying in the air, enjoying the pleasure of freedom.

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