
Diamond Soil

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Three star desolate hounds chased, as Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan retreated along the way.

It was not that they could not defeat the three desolate beasts, but they would have to engage in fierce combat and expend a lot of effort to defeat them.

As Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan were inside an unfamiliar environment like Starry Sky grotto-heaven, they would not want to fight with their full strength randomly, especially not against these desolate beasts which they had met by chance, only a fool would do such a thing.

Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan were experienced schemers, this trip of exploring Starry Sky grotto-heaven needed to be handled with caution, they had to preserve their battle strength to deal with unexpected situations.

Especially when the heavenly spirit of Starry Sky grotto-heaven had not shown itself yet.

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