
Deserves death without pity

Boom boom boom...

The earth rumbled, wolves charged out like tides, they were endless like the flood water, charging forward relentlessly.

Tens of thousands of wolves sprinted, the wolf group was in chaos. There were wind wolves running like they were flying, water wolves with their snow-white bodies, night wolves who were slim and stealthy, turtleback wolves who were stable and sturdy, vermillion flame wolves who were burning fiercely.

Hundred wolf king, thousand wolf king, and myriad wolf king led the army along with the mutated wolves, they were travelling in packs and were very conspicuous.

Like the blood forest wolf, with a bone forest on its back, tall as a mountain. The shark fin wolf with with skin like that of an elephant, while being amphibious. The frenzy wolf with three silver-grey eyes, being a battle maniac.

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