
7 WAYS OF FULFILLING A WISH a way of finding your own potential

The book is based on a clear direction of man in finding his own potential through the elimination of all kinds of negative emotions, establishing an identity, a healthier relationship with God and the power to fulfill any desire.

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Your thoughts create you, the outside world and the happenings around you. You have probably already read such a short explanation somewhere, found in many books on the law of attraction and positive thoughts whose authors strive and constantly strive to prove and clarify the above. I also assure you that this is indeed a great truth. Your thoughts have such a strong impact on your future events or the quality of your future. In addition to many quality authors on the power of thought, the greatest influence on thoughts, well-being, the realization of desire and wealth is certainly proven by the author Napoleon Hill in his book 'Think and grow rich'. The author explains how to achieve inner well-being, peace and prosperity through a change of thought about yourself that is reflected and the attraction of the material into your life. In the first way, 'motive for desire', I mentioned getting to know your own image of yourself and activating desire through cognition, the purpose of living, striving for change and motives, thus eliminating the emotions of the batllefields(non-acceptance of self, ego, jealousy, envy and lies) that must disappear from the thoughts of every man who wants to live a fulfilled life and fulfilled desires. If a man walks life with any of these negative emotions he really possesses a huge brake in the realization of everything that leads him to spiritual development, happiness and material well-being. Until he overcomes all the emotions of the 'battlefields' he will only experience the disappointments, rudeness and attraction of the same and the same people to life by creating his own world of negativity and scarcity. However, when the tasks from the first way of this book on cognition, the purpose of living and striving for change are mastered, the obligation of consolidating positive thoughts about oneself follows, and their progression to the highest level. What do I mean? A lot of people live through life living in mercy towards others, without lies or envy and there is nothing wrong with that but the level of building thoughts and self-image is a missed necessary lesson.This is a very strong obstacle to achieving desire, satisfaction and prosperity. Changing thoughts about yourself represents the following personal growth: raising self-confidence, sense of value a sense of specialness equality with others. Let's start clarifying and activating each of these three segments of changing thoughts about ourselves. Self-confidence represents faith in oneself, encouraging oneself not only in the face of some challenges but through continuity, constant holding and increasing such emotion within oneself. You are responsible for your own life, you have before you many obligations that you exclusively have to do yourself. Every day, you are faced with many decisions that depend on you.Over time, you encounter important life decisions that are solely up to you. We all know the feeling of lack of self-confidence, and now is the time to forever change that uncomfortable feeling that is holding you back from realizing a fulfilled successful life and realizing your desires. Remember that self-confidence is one of the most important segments whose strength depends on who you are and how you feel in your life. Raising self-confidence is an active job for you through the use and long-term repetition of affirmations that have tremendous power. Affirm yourself in one of the following ways: '' There is nothing there but fear that prevents me from saying, thinking and feeling. I decide now and overcome fear, I am the energy of life with everyone equal and loved equally by God, I am free to say and express my opinion, I am free to sin and correct myself. I love and appreciate myself, my spirit and body, I am aware of myself and now I wake up and include all my energy and ability for any endeavor in front of me, for each new day ''. Practice self-confidence often with this or similar affirmations, but also strengthening self-confidence is in trying anything that requires you to say, perform, show, solve, etc.

Don't think about falling or the opinion of others. Falls and attempts are steps to achieve what you have imagined, and the opinion of others is completely irrelevant to you! Sense of self-worth- You are worthy of life first, to live and enjoy freedom, you are a valuable member of society, community, city, your state. You are valuable and you, like any other living being, are given a special value unique to you. Your value as a human being, your mind and body, your dignity, moral, religious, educational and acquired principles, your expression, your origin are invaluable and unique creation. A sense of one's own uniqueness and equality with others - you are special as such! What you love, what you want, how you experience life, you are special with your physiognomy, your voice and gestures, you know who you are, you have built your moral and objective view of the world, you know yourself best and that is why you are special. In particular there is no emotion, ego, it is in fact a gift, and you are constantly aware of your gift but also equality with others who possess their particularities as a gift. Equality with others has a need of adoption in every soul. A sense of equality with others is essential. Absolute acceptance of others different from you as well as their particularities is a source of self-worth, self-discovery, spirituality and happiness. Changing one's thoughts about oneself includes all of the above and is certainly a guarantee towards the realization of one's own desire and self-improvement. By strongly activating on the already mastered foundations, gradually begin to change the image of yourself. Thoughts really become your reality no matter what they are. A man with uncontrollable emotions of the 'battlefields' preoccupies such thoughts with which he attracts persons and events on such a basis. His thoughts create his life. We now see the importance of changing thoughts about ourselves and achieving different miraculous outcomes of life. As strong obstructions in achieving a change in your thoughts in a positive direction are the emotions of fear and worry.

How to overcome fear? There are several types of fear (fear of poverty, fear of losing loved ones, fear of loneliness, fear of disease, etc.). Fear is nothing but the absence of self-confidence, one's own uniqueness and values. Whatever your fear, you have to overcome it to move in the desired direction. One of the ways to overcome fear that requires exercise starts from the moment when fear offers you the highest level of its strength. At that moment, stop, take a deep breath and exhale, imagine a clear picture of the worst situation that fear places in you while he rules with you. The moment you strongly illuminate an event that could cause your fear in reality, the process of resolving it begins. For example, you are in love but the fear of leaving a loved one paralyzes you at the very thought. If you imagine an image-event of your loved one leaving you for one reason or another, illuminate such an event in your mind with the method as if it were happening now in reality. You see the picture that you are abandoned, you see yourself in that moment and all the circumstances that your fear awakens. In such moments you can survive a stronger discomfort but stay focused for a few minutes. You will soon feel the impulse of a solution sent by your sensible side of the brain based on the instincts of survival and survival.The activation of the rational will begin and you will begin to gain the belief that you are an individual and a unique creation and that you are guided by your own life path without dependence on others. You will see the promotion of strength and love in you no matter what events take place and what kind of people leave you, you still deserve life. The added impulse works in the realization that you haven't actually lost anyone and that fear is just a feeling that wants to capture your healthy thoughts by creating illusions about an unreal, unrealistic expectation. The energy of grace and love then begins to work, and you will have a clear idea and reasoning of the illusion of reality. With the elimination of the emotion of fear, the presence of the emotion of worry as a consequence of fear disappears. I will now give you a brief test of questions that you will answer in a truly instant. If you activate a clear affirmative answer to all questions, then you have an ideal built image of yourself! Otherwise you have to work hard on the change by applying what is written in this way of the book. Sit still in a comfortable position and start with the answers. Please note, take as an answer the first reaction to the question asked and do not lie to yourself because your mind and the current state of your emotional circuit reveal the degree of your current development.

1. I never have a problem expressing myself clearly either through speech, socializing, or performing in front of a group of people watching and listening to me? 2. I never have a problem being my own, I don't wear a mask of 'fake' emotions nor do I have a need to hide my origin, family status, family and who my friends are? 3. If necessary, I have no problem going public with people who have their own peculiarities in clothing, physiognomy, material status, origin? 4. If you have a family member or another who suffers from a disease especially visible on the physiognomy / disability, etc./, do you go out with him to coffee and public places with love? 5. I am always confident and believe what I say about myself and others cannot disguise me with criticism? 6. When others who happen to be in my society express different opinions or show some kind of ignorance, I do not have any bad opinion about them, or embarrassment, on the contrary I would like to listen to them and possibly share my own opinion? 7. I consider myself fully responsible for my own life, I do not expect targeted retaliation from others, especially when I have voluntarily done them a favor / gift, advice, various forms of help? 8. Do I have ideal relationships with friends with constructive dialogues without quarrels of mistrust or absence? 9. I have no feeling-ego, jealousy, envy, despair at all. 10. I always have enough money, I never have a sense of selfishness, am I happy when I can give money to help others? 11. No one can make me angry to the point of losing control of myself, in case I try I stay calm and calmly leave the discussion? 12. Others can't hurt me even loved ones. I understand that people say harsh words or do bad deeds out of their own emotional weakness and insecurity? 13. I have no problem stopping associating with people who do not support me in my sincere intentions? 14. I know that I enjoy myself and feel pleasure, and the appearance of a partner is an opportunity to grow and share love?

15. Do I never or rarely have a discussion that looks like an argument with a partner or people important in my life? 16. Am I educated a lot about raising children? (important for those who have children or not, married or not) 17. Do I always experience failure as an opportunity for personal growth, learning and experience? 18. I love my life and I am never unreasonably sad? 19. I don't have a problem getting up early, on the contrary I enjoy morning coffee, tea ...? 20. Do I like what I do / work? 21. I do not consume cigarettes, alcohol or other vices, I keep my health with pleasure? 22. Is it never a problem for me or do I feel bad to remain vague and misunderstood? 23. Am I getting used to all the life cycle changes quickly? 24. Do I feel well asleep and full of energy?

Once you have gone through these questions and automatically given yourself answers to the current state of your consciousness and emotions, you realize the importance of the effort to change your thoughts about yourself. If you have given unanimous answers to all the questions - congratulations, you have an ideal picture of yourself. It makes you feel calm, confident and caring. You know your purpose and the reason for your existence. On the other hand, if there are answers that do not agree with the given test, admit them to yourself so that you can start working on changing your thoughts and building yourself in a positive direction. Quality image, knowledge and opinion about oneself is immeasurably important and is in the area of ​​the most important ways to achieve desires and goals. The answers to the given test have awakened emotional cognitions in you and now you know what you need to fix in order to truly reach the peaceful haven of your identity and purpose.

So stop being afraid. Increase love, not fear. Do wonderful things out of gratitude for all that has been given to you and you will recognize a healthy connection with God. Changing thoughts about oneself requires determination and perseverance. It is a continuous process, a seed that germinates and develops. By changing your mind you begin to love yourself so that you can love others. Loving oneself is a fulfillment, not a need of others. If a man does not have a healthy emotional circuit, he hurts himself by not loving himself, and then at worst he hurts others usually closest to him because of unhealthy addictive love. Forgive such people or parents but stop identifying with their actions. Why does someone manage to love themselves and others can't? - The path of finding one's own potential, life knowledge and purpose always begins with the will to face the unknown. The unknown is always unexplored as opposed to what is learned and applied. The power of will is a kind of inspiration, a prayer for that inspiration. I believe that everyone gets opportunities for change (entry of new people into your life who have already gone through what you need and want to help you, literature, life coach, adversity as a sign of recognizing change, etc., these are opportunities to move yourself towards change. the element is key. My opportunity for change happened in a special love affair. Recognize opportunities and people whose presence and love can inspire you greatly and realize an unbreakable will to become a better version of yourself.