
The Sweet Shop,

The Sweet Shop

Zain couldn't make his mind up if he really liked Sam. He was different to Zain's other friends. As they walked down main street, Zain said to Sam, "Let's go to the sweet shop."

As he spoke Sam kicked a can noisily across the pavement.

The two boys went into the shop. "Quick! While he's not looking, put this bag of sweets in your pocket!" said Sam to Zain.

Zain took it and put it on the counter to pay for it. Sam didn't want to pay for it and said "Tomorrow do not say anything otherwise I will blame you for it". Over the next week Zain didn't say a thing and was doing very bad at school he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at the sweet shop, the new member of the class was a stealer! One day, Zain couldn't keep it a secret so, when the rest of the class went outside to play he stayed inside and told his teacher everything that had happened. He told the teacher how Sam asked him to put the sweets in his pocket and how Sam threatened him that if he was going to tell, he would blame everything to him. The teacher was very upset with Sam and Zain felt safe again now that he had told someone. After school the teacher had a talk with Zain's parents and had a bigger discussion with Sam's parents and everything was alright again.

The end