
5Baka No Bōken

5 Baka No Bōken (The adventure of the 5 idiots) this story is about the lives of a 5 highschool girls where they experience different adventure and yes that includes fun , doing crazy things , and etc.

bakaneko17 · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Mae's P.O.V

Morning came and it means another day at school , I jump out of bed and shivered as I felt the cold ground hit my foot " Brrr , I hate Mondays" I thought as I made my way towards my bathroom ignoring the cold ground ,

As I got inside I lock up the door and began on stripping and turned on the shower , after having a cold shower so that it could fully wake me up I wrapped my towel over my naked body and went to my room and grab my uniform that consist of light blue blazer and a white polo shirt and a dark blue skirt that reach just above my knees and a pair of socks that reach my mid thigh,

after changing I went down towards the kitchen and began cooking for my self,

I was actually alone at my house at the time because knowing my parents work they'll only come home once a month but they send me some money for school and for the needed in the house,

"what shall I cook for breakfast?" I ask myself as I looked at the cabinet full of different ingredients then I made up my mind and just choose bread and some strawberry jam and coffee ,

after eating I went back to my room and brushed my teeth and after I grab my bag and unplug my phone and runs towards the entrance of the house and wore my shoes,

" I'm leaving " I said enough for me to hear and with one last look at the house I then walk away closing and lock the door behind me and put it back in my bag pack and with that I exit our gate and began my walk towards the bus station that will bring me to my school.

Normal P.O.V

"Damn , that idiot is getting into my nerves" a girl with a long brown curly hair that reaches on her waist said while tapping her shoes lossing her patience, " just chill Angela " a girl with semi short jet black wavy hair said as she kept on reading as they wait infront of the gate,

"Whatever Vanessa if they will not come here in time then I'm going to beat them until they'll loss consciousness" the girl named Angela said as she clinch her hands in to a fist, Vanessa just sighed in annoyance as her reading got disturb ,

"who are you going to beat dambass?" A voice said behind them making the two said girls turned around and saw their somewhat mother in the group that had long straight Raven hair that reaches in her waist ,

"your late idiot , now let me beat you before the other two will come"Angela said as she drop her leather bag and charge at Mae who just stood on her spot unfazed ,

"tch , if you can" Mae said and began on charging at Angela too, then all Vanessa heared was a cry of agony that came from Angela,

"stop it you two , your not kidder anymore" Vanessa said as Mae pulled Angela's collar and Angela did the same ,

all of the students that was supposed to enter their school stopped midway as they watch the scene folds infront them,

Angela and Mae stared at each other's eyes as a line of somewhat electricity was connecting their glares totally ignoring Vanessa's comment ,

" Hey guys were sorry we're late , Kristen walks so slow " a new girl came with straight black hair that reach just on her back,

"Excuse me but Irish here ate your break fast very slow" The girl that the first girl called Kristen defend her self with a matter of fact tone,

"Anyways what happened?" Irish ask looking at Mae and Angela who was now glaring with each other ,

The three other girls look at the two fighting girls from a few distance away from them,

"well just a childish quarrel" Vanessa reply as she shrug , " what did you said?!" Both girls said unison , And again Vanessa just shrug innocently,

"tsk , were not finished here Mae" Angela spoke and walks away from Mae as she flips her hair making Mae ate some of her hair ,

" Eww , brat your hair doesn't taste good" Mae said making Angela turned at her again with a raise brow,

"And when did you taste a delicious hair HUH?!" Angela ask spreading the last part ,

Mae flips her hair with less force and close her eyes dramatically , " my hair , wanna taste it?" she ask teasingly , Angela back away and Mae step closer to her ,

"Err , no thanks" Angela said , Mae smiled wickedly , " don't be shy , here" Mae said as she a strad of her hair and raise it to Angela's eye level , Angela cringed and turned gloomy and runs inside the school campus while screaming " Gahhh , help there's a psyco here that tries to fed me with their hair",

Mae laughed and so the three other girls , " well shall we go inside ?"Mae ask earning a nod from the three and walks towards their homeroom.