


"The border between elf and fae" was no more than a wasteland, The soil, blood red.

Many battles had been fought here. Fae and elven alike!

Many wars had been fought because of the hatred between the kings, they are as ancient as time.

"once the kingdoms were a united front."

All 5 kingdoms were at peace with one another, but peace never lasts.

The elven king, Calendir was a powerful being only he and his people served nature to all of its people and, the other kingdoms, they were one with nature. Only those who can not pose truly know how to use it.

Harmony flowed through the kingdoms, every king and queen did there part to make the world flow in order and peace.

But with time.

The Elven-kings heart grew cold as stone.

For an eon, Calendir got poisoned with the power of evil.

The once just and the fair king was no more, the shell of what he once was before,

the king did not wish to share the power of nature with the five kingdoms.

"He that did, not see what he had become, tore the Alliance apart with his greed."

The eleven king wanted the power of old, to be his and only his...

The Silver king Arioch, tried to talk some sense into his long lost friend but the king would not listen to reason...

Rage and death. Tore the 5 kingdoms apart.

The 4 remaining kingdoms tried to stand a united front, The nature that ran through Ethilios became sick.

The tree of could not, feed the 4 kingdoms with its magic anymore.

Calendir had made sure that the power of old was truly his.

With the 4 kingdoms remaining a united front the elven king swore upon a war that would drive the kingdoms apart and last for Eons.

The Archmages of Salifremdal, saw the darkness that had entered the king's heart, and the madness worsening. To protect their people the Mages and the remaining 3 kingdoms created a barrier between the elven kingdom and the remaining four to maintain the peace but all things come with a price.

The elven kingdom now secluded off from the rest.

And the tree of old in his grip

what would now become of the 4 kingdoms?. In a land of magic thatcrying out for aid,

The loss of the tree of old, was a tremendous loss that could never be recovered.

Magic is a living breathing thing, the world needs its magic but as time went on and with the war never-ending battles it is slowly dying out, but from light comes darkness, and from darkness light!