

Gapryong Kim is the father of two distant children and presumably more, including Jake Kim and Gitae Kim,But who is the mysterious 3rd son?

Legend_Man_1262 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs

Chapter 8


'This bastarded,system show me his profile display'










'His potential has risen,and 5 stage risen in 3 days not bad I think'

Saying this he also slept, before sleeping he said 'next day gonn be tiring'.


Sun-yang wake ups saw the clock it was 6am,and he goes straight to bathroom,after finishing everything he was sitting in couche.

"Hyaek-sae,Im going to work so dont get out till I come back okay"said sun-yang,and he goes out.

Hyaek-sae who was laying at couche thinking something.

'The Whole night I was watching that chicken head videos,and I watched like 10 or 11 video of his'

'And about generations thing,I only got 2 people's information,first the legend kim gabryong and James lee, kim gabryong is dead and james lee after he defeated the all kings he dispairred'

'Okay now I will sleep till sun-yang comes back from the work,and today is the day we meet those guys'saying this he slept.


Sun-yang who came back with bag of clothes,and he gave Hyaek-sae clothes and one for he's self,with wearing the clothes both left.


When they arrived at studio,they're were so many men's that Hyaek-sae lost the count with this Hyaek-sae said to sun-yang.

"We are so cooked,and I have lost counting them"sun-yang who listened and said.

"500 men's include 2nd gang and higher ups total 567 people's,and we will beat them just have hope you coward"said sun-yang with playfully tone.

Saying this they entered the studio,when they entered a punch came but,Hyaek-sae stopped it and said" dohyon right" before answering Hyaek-sae already lead jab,dohyon who block it but his hand were blue where Hyaek-sae hit"you have guts to punch sun-yang,but your this weak,sun-yang would have crushed your hand if he punched you,I cant believe your Number 8 in gang"said Hyaek-sae.

Dohyon who listens this got angry but someone said"dohyon that's enough"

It was baek-hyeon,sun-yang who was already sitting at chair front of kwon lee,Hyaek-sae also came and sat.

"So whats your answer sun-yang"said kwon lee.

"My answer is same as before No" listening this kwon lee already threw a punch sun-yang dodges and said"be ready Hyaek-sae"he also nodded.

Kwon lee came with blurry vision but for sun-yang it was clear both's punch clashed with loud sound,he didn't wasted time 2nd punch came Sun-yang who grabbed his punch and threw kick kwon lee also blocked it,in 1 seconds they threw 20 plus punches.

Everyone jaw was dropped,but Hyaek-sae who already beaten 10 men's and he didn't wasted time,he goes straight at Baek-seok, he also came at Hyaek-sae, both threw punch, but Hyaek-sae whose hand was okay but baek-seok was struggling,seeing this dohyon also came with kick but he elbowed his leg,and threw a cross jab with this he got flying straight at wall.

Baek-seok also threw his taekwondo kick,Hyaek-sae blocked it with his leg,in air he lead jab to Baek-seok and he was crushed in floor,"I cant believe we both are same strength, and your this weak,its seems you 2 didn't train well"said Hyaek-sae.

Back to our sun-yang,kwon lee was bleeding at his mouth,but for sun-yang it was tiny scars at his neck side,both started again sun-yang who used his Taekwondo kick,kwon lee who sweating because if he blocked it his hand gonn crushes and cant dodged in this close,and that kick hit kwon lee with this he crushes at wall.

'Ah, ah,this bastarded is good at fighting not gonn lie and I cant use potion because of quest system gave me'saying this he look at quest.



REWARDS:10 potions,100m$,Awakened TAEKWONDO AND BOXING,MASTERY OVER ENDURABLE,METHOD TO REACH MASTER OVER SPEED,ENDURABLE(If you train your students,speed or enduring they will achieve Mastery).

'The rewards are too good so im going all out'saying this sun-yang goes straight to kwon lee and said

"Mawashi GERI"his leg was going hit kwon lee but,he blocks it with his elbow sun-yang whose leg were red said" your soo dead"

Hyaek-sae who has beaten 15 to 8 in gang now facing men's,kwan who rushes towards him,and punched him, Hyaek-sae blood came at his mouth,and was getting Dominated by Kwan,he was Covered with blood kneeling'I can't hit him why why,I become this strong still im getting beaten by Number 7,I changed I cant lose here' Hyaek-sae said this and his eye start glowing with red,he stand up.

"Hyaek-sae right,when you came 3 days before you was a weakling but now,your beast you knocked out 200 men's and our gang's 15 to 8,how did you became like this,who trained you"

Hyaek-sae didn't say a word,and came so fast that kwan didn't notice him,and punched him at jaw and said"sun-yang was the one"and he started punching him consecutively with this his eyes gone white.

'Ah,ah,ah,I did it,now I got low stamina but Number 6 also front of me,I think this is it for me'

Sun-yang who was fighting with kwon lee and 1 to 5 Number in gang,everyone was tired.

Kwon lee was holding his other hand,and his face was fully blood,sun-yang was tired and he was also bleeding at his mouth and nose,as for other 5 they were at there limits.

And the fight continued again,Sun-yang who used kakato geri,and hit at ho-ji-son jaw,with this he fainted,sun-yang didn't wasted time and hit a rear uppercut to baek-hyeon and he fell down.

Kwon lee rushes towards him and uses lead hook,and sun-yang graps his hand and said"play times over"saying this he used INVISIBLE ATTACK,and hit at his jaw and, he lost his vision,and sun-yang pocket his hand and started hitting them,they cant see he's attacked.

Now everyone is down expect minhoo-saek and kwon lee.

'System use experience card on me'


Saying this he felt his strength and Speed got higher then before and especially he's durability,his stamina also came back little.

"Let's finish this"said with eye's glowing,this time he was so fast that both didn't noticed they got punched at there stomach,and minhoo-saek fell down but kwon lee was kneeling and said.

"Why was you holding back before,and You could finished us at Beginning then why"

Sun-yang,forget that he got card and INVISIBLE ATTACK.

"Just I was toying with you guys"said sun-yang.

"You!!"and he used something that sun-yang didn't expected CQC,and he hit sun-yang but, he was still standing,using this kwon lee fell and said'It cant be, I cant lose here I got big goals left,and everything I was doing in 3 years gonn disappear'said this he stand up with eye's glowing.

"You cant be serious,but you cant defeat me kwon lee,stop it"kwon lee came with punch but sun-yang was tired he cant dodge it,with this it hat sun-yang with this both were kneeling with no more stamina.

Hyaek-sae and tae-hoon were also kneeling,covered with blood, Hyaek-sae defeated every men's and as for tae-hoon both were matched in middle of fight.

Those 4 was kneeling,but suddenly entrance door opens,4 people entered with men's behind them.

Kwon lee who saw this and said"we are finished sun-yang the other gang has came"

"My my, thanks for telling us seojoon but where is he, oh no his fainted"said gang leader.

"I see,your own people has betrayed you kwon lee"said sun-yang

Sun-yang who stands up and said"get out with your people and take Hyaek-sae with you I will try to stop them"

"Your suiciding facing 400 men's and those 4 at your current state an-" before finishing his word sun-yang punched him and he lost he's consciousness.

"Tae-hoon,take everyone and be gone" listening this Hyaek-sae said"I will help you"sun-yang hit him also and he fainted.

"Boss they're leaving from backside"said someone from they're gang.

"Before going after them you have to pass after me"said sun-yang.



'Let me take out same potio-' before finishing his word all men's came

Sun-yang who started beating them one of 4 came and hit at his head with steal,when sun-yang got hit he lost he's Vision and, he was kneeling another hit came and with this he fell down, but he grabbed the leg of who hit him, with little strength left he used it all with breaking his leg.

Seeing this all came and started beating him with steal his head,ribs,leg,hand were all broken,and last hit was at brain with this they left him.

Laying down with full of bloods,that mean time Nari-seok came at studio when she saw him her heart got stopped,and run towards sun-yang.

"S-S-Sun-yang, w-w-wake u-u-p ahhhhhhh,sun-yang"nari-seok was crying so loud, someone came and they pick up him and goes straight to hospital.

After 20 hours of in theater,doctors came out and said"if you guys were 10 minutes late he couldn have died but now he's in coma,his leg and hand are broken 4 ribs are broke,and atleast he will be out for 1 or 2 years, because he's Brain is damaged, and he could died in these years if he's out luck,and we will put him in ICU"

Nari-seok was crying,Hyaek-sae was freezed, kwon lee sat at chair with he's hand on his face.

Hyaek-sae was remember has time with him and, a tear came at cheeks and said"when you wake up, I,Hyaek-sae will be stronger then you and I will kill those bastarded"With this he left.