
37 Days: Holding on 2 broken promises

This is a second book to 37 days so if you haven’t already read the first book, please do so! Millie and X are now apart and must go back to the lives they lived before they knew one another. They struggle to move on but learn to grow on their own. In their days after the unforgivable actions of X, they continue to show each other their love without the others knowledge. X is faced with the consequences of his actions when Millie is at risk of moving on.

Marissa_Inserra · Thành thị
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58 Chs

The green light



We walk up to the penthouse mostly in silence, dripping water from our bodies and onto the floor creating a trail until we reach my door.

When I get it opened, we walk inside taking small steps careful not to slip on the hardwood floors.

"I'll get us some towels," I say leaving Millie in the kitchen area.

I retrieve two white towels and wrap the white cotton around her first before drying myself off.

"C'mon let's get you some new clothes," I say walking down the hallway to my bedroom and she quietly follows behind.

I rummage through drawers finding sweatpants and a T-shirt, she'll drown in these clothes but I have no other options. I hand her my clothes and then rummage through again looking for clothes for myself.

"Thank you," she says quietly.

"Mhm," I hum out.

I take off my soaked button-down shirt and let it fall to the ground.

"I'll change in the bathroom, you can change in here, just let me know when you're done," I say walking to the bathroom.

I'm half in the bathroom, and half in the bedroom when she asks, "Um, hey X?"

I turn my head towards her, "yeah?" I ask.

"Do you think you can unzip my dress?" She asks and those words make me want to run over to her and not only unzip the dress but rip it off.

"Yeah, sure," I say instead.

I walk over actually feeling nervous, I need to contain myself and attempt to be a gentleman, something completely foreign to me, but when it comes to Millie, everything is foreign.

I stand behind her taking the small purple zipper between my thumb and middle finger, ever so slowly dragging the zipper down until it reaches the middle of her soft back.

She shocks the hell out of me, bringing my dick to life when she takes each side of the straps from her shoulders, to her arms and it lightly falls to the floor. She stands with her back to me, water delicately dripping from her hair and down her body. The image alone is enough to make me cum. She reaches behind her with both hands, unclasping her white bra and allowing it to drop to her feet.

I lean my head against her wet hair, just behind her ear, "what are you doing?" I whisper.

She doesn't say anything, she just cradles the back of my head with her left hand.

Green light.

I move her wet hair to the side, bringing my lips to her neck, gently sucking at the sensitive skin, she shivers either from the cold or my touch. I take both of my hands cupping her breasts, her nipples are so hard right now I just want them to occupy my mouth but I need to pace myself. She puts her hands over mine, encouraging me to continue on. I slowly trail my right hand from her right breast and move it to her stomach, letting the anticipation build for her. It feels as though all of the blood from my body has gone straight to my dick, I'm so hard right now, I just need to be in her but I don't think she'll let me. I tuck the tips of my fingers into the lacy fabric, the last article of clothing left on her. She's not halting my movement, so I bring my fingers closer to where they've been dying to feel for so long. The contact is finally made with my finger pad and her most sensitive spot. She leans her head against the space between my shoulder and neck, escaping a low moan of pleasure. I close my eyelids, getting myself into the same euphoria as her. My fingers are meticulously going to work as she loses herself around me. She turns around, grabbing just behind my ears and pulling me to her lips, these kisses alone are driving me into oblivion. She breaks away, releasing her hands from my neck, and takes my hand instead, guiding me to the bed.

We stand in front of each other just beside the bed and she takes the zipper of my wet pants between her fingers, dragging it down until it can't anymore. She takes the sides of my pants pulling them down as she goes down with it.

Is this actually fucking happening right now?

She pulls the sides of my boxers and takes them down my legs until I'm completely free of all clothing.

She takes me into her mouth, taking my dick in as far as her mouth will allow. I can't even help the way my head is falling back at the sensation.

"Fuck," I say and she tries to take me deeper.

I fist her hair in my hand, allowing my hand to follow her movements. I tilt her head back so she can look at me, "You're so fucking beautiful Millie." I say while she has a mouthful of my dick in her mouth.

"Get up baby," I gently demand.

She releases me and I already miss that wet, warm tongue of hers but I want a turn now.

"Lay down," I say delicately pushing her hips to lay down, when she does, I hover my body over hers.

I kiss her with meaning, lightly biting her bottom lip and sucking, causing it to swell. I move my lips to her neck, doing exactly the same as I did with her lips, and then move to her breasts, giving each one equal attention. She puts her palms on the top of my head and subtly pushes, indicating me to go lower.

I put a single finger on each side of her lace underwear peeling it away from her body.

Fuck, I need to get myself together. The image of her completely naked lying on my bed is driving me wild.

I give her exactly what she wants, trailing my tongue down, and giving faint nips until I reach where she wants my mouth the most. I barely bring the tip of my tongue over her swollen clit and she jerks. I put my hands over each of her forearms, holding them in place momentarily as I glide my tongue over her. She jerks again so I remove my hands, tucking my arms under her thighs and my hands on top of them, keeping her firmly in place.

"Breathe baby," I say before bringing my tongue back to her sensitive clit.

She tries to jerk again but my hands prevent her from doing so. After a few seconds, she calms herself down and enjoys what I'm giving to her. She runs her fingers through my damp hair and then tugging at the roots. This causes me to pick up the speed with my tongue, forcing moans from her. I remove one arm from her thigh and bringing my middle finger into her as I continue on with my tongue. She's becoming breathless, panting, she is so close. I remove my tongue, keeping my finger at work, I look up at her, "Come for me baby," I command.

Within seconds she's coming undone around my finger as she practically rips the strands of my hair from my head. It's so fucking sexy I can't even take it.

I put my mouth back to where it belongs, allowing my tongue to absorb the wetness of her release.

I'm apprehensive about the next step. Does she want me to continue on with the next part or will she deny me? I want her so fucking bad, I'm dying to be in her.

She saves me from my thoughts when she says, "I want you, X."