
37 Days: Holding on 2 broken promises

This is a second book to 37 days so if you haven’t already read the first book, please do so! Millie and X are now apart and must go back to the lives they lived before they knew one another. They struggle to move on but learn to grow on their own. In their days after the unforgivable actions of X, they continue to show each other their love without the others knowledge. X is faced with the consequences of his actions when Millie is at risk of moving on.

Marissa_Inserra · Thành thị
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58 Chs

Hidden hoodie



Saturday morning.

Tonight is my date with Nick that I completely regret initiating.

It's just one date, if it goes south he'll be leaving in two days anyway. I'm so not ready for any of this, I haven't gone on a real date with someone in a while and it's nerve-wracking.

I sit at the table in the suite drinking my morning coffee, not black, but with plenty of French vanilla creamer when Steph comes strolling out of the room like a hot mess with her hair everywhere and yesterday's makeup in all the wrong places. She wasn't home when I got home yesterday but I heard her stroll in late last night.

"Tonight's the night huh?" She asks in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah…do you think you can call me in sick for it?" I ask humorously.

"No baby girl, you did this to yourself, now you gotta follow through, no saving you tonight." She says through a yawn and tapping the top of my head.

"So where were you all last night?" I ask her.

She grins widely.

"At my new place.." she says with a smile that's revealing too many teeth.

I cock my head to the side, "what do you mean…?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Eee! Julian asked me to move in with him!" She says ecstatically.

"Oh my god, no way! Steph are you kidding me? I'm so happy for you!" I say wholeheartedly happy for her.

"And to think a few weeks ago you didn't even want to look him in the eye," I say rolling my eyes.

"I know! It's crazy isn't it?!" She asks waking up more.

"I'm so happy right now, give me that coffee I need it more than you, I gotta get ready to go home," she says snatching away my coffee and dancing around with it as if it's Julian.

I laugh at her silliness and am grateful for her shift in emotions from the other night.

I genuinely am so happy for her and Julian.

After about an hour, Steph leaves to go to her new home and I hop in the shower overthinking everything about this past week. I still feel completely heartbroken but every day is becoming a little less excruciating than the last.

It'll be good for me to get out regardless of whether it's a date or not, I need to be around more people and just let loose.

I watch a new YouTube tutorial on beachy appearing waves for my hair and by the grace of god I execute it. I apply a shimmery brown eyeshadow, add an extra layer of mascara than usual, and swipe on a glossy layer of lipgloss with a touch of shimmer.

I have no idea where we're going tonight but we agreed on casual so I pull out a pair of light-washed jeans that have a rip on the knee with a little kick at the bottom. I decide on a white off-the-shoulder top with ruched crisscrosses throughout. The fit is snug in all the right places and I'm finally gaining some confidence back.

I look through my bag digging through to find a gold necklace and bracelet and feel the familiar fabric of X's hoodie that I shoved at the bottom of my bag days ago. I shouldn't pull it out but I do.

I hold onto it in my arms and it still smells like him.

The scent I'll just never forget.

I contemplate going on this date with Nick more than ever before as I hold the hoodie close to me.

I'm too late though, my phone dings, it's Nick letting me know he's out front.

Here goes..