

Waking up with no memory of who he was or how he wounded up where he was, with a tattoo marked '333' on his neck. Triple three and alongside others, numbering up to 500 are placed in an inescapable garden. Where they are given just one medium to leave this garden. To kill the others and remain as the last man standing. Anxiety, bloodlust and deception take over, and places five hundred people against each other, in a gruesome bloodbath of chaos.

Riceballs_25 · Thành thị
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28 Chs

Two Translucent Hills And a tranquil valley in-between

"Sunlight." I parted my lips leisurely and moaned out that one word. My body remained perfectly still, preyed on by the unforgiving sunlight.

I drew a steady breath for survival, taking in the refreshing air. From my left side, I could detect some faint motion approaching my flaccid body.

The figure cast its shadow upon me, shutting off the rays of sunlight from battering my skin.

"He's moving, his fingers are twitching." A sonorous voice hollered, drawing attention to ourselves. My consciousness was rapidly coming back to me. I could wriggle my toes and breathe steadily now.

That's a relief!.

"Can you hear my voice?. Can you feel?." The voice I associated with a young woman amplified, as she crouched down to take my hand in hers, giving it a firm squeeze.

Soft. Her hands were dainty and far smaller than mine, she had to use both hands to cup just one of mine.


"Save your breath. You're too weak to be speaking." She swiftly inserted, a certain warmth between her hands and mine.

Slowly, I lifted my heavy eyelids, struggling against the wind that roughly brushed my hair around, shielding my vision from the sight in front of me.

"Two translucent hills, blessed with a refreshing river running through its tranquil valley." I babbled, and a tight-lipped smile spread across my face.

Working solely on their own accord, my free hand took a hold of one of these hills and give it a tight squeeze.

"Soft." I moaned, kneading it against my hungry palm, a triumphant smile planted firmly on my face.

"Huh?!." Her sweet-sounding voice shifted into a distressed and conflicted tone, interlaced with anger.

"Pervert!." She slapped my hand away with little restraint, then rewarded me with a heavy punch to the gut. I arched my back in anguish, muttering many profanities under my breath.

She gripped me by my collar and brought my face to hers. My flat chest landed hard against those round hills.

This sort of aggressiveness was sort of a huge turn-on for me. A sly grin escaped my lips, as they jiggled against me. Her big, round brown eyes were inches away from mine, glaring daggers into my temples.

"What in the hell triple three?!." she questioned me, with a fierce-looking gaze, her eyes zoned in on a side of my neck while she scolded me.

On closer inspection, I noticed just how pretty this woman was, shiny black hair that rested on her shoulders, which brought out her round face and flat nose.

She was pretty, had nice boobs, and her feisty nature could do it for me at any time of the day. Everything was supposed to be perfect, but sadly, reality was a mean bitch.

I mean, why would a hot babe like herself be anywhere close to a guy like me? And that thing she referred to me as, triple three, was it?.

Yeah, what the hell was up with that, anyway?. And why is she staring at my neck, as though it were pork ribs?.

Man!. I would KILL for some pork ribs and a cold beer right about now, with a hot babe eating on my sausage.

Great, now I'm hungry and horny at just the mere thought of food. Geez, the human mind was also a bitch.

"Good, he's awake, that's the last one then, we should head back." A mature baritone voice, called out from behind me, possibly referring to me, as the last person?.

"Let's just leave him out here to die, this one's got fast fingers." She told whomever it was behind me, letting lease of my collar, from her tight grip.

Well, that sounded plain rude, a minus point for her, what a shame, her boobs are bigger than her heart. Come on, who would leave someone behind to DIE like that?.

"Can you walk?." He asked, at least he was showing some string of compassion towards me, we both might just turn out to be friends.

"I think so." I answered him, firmly stepping on tht ground, hoisting myself off the bed of white roses underneath me, in one swift movement.

This felt weird at first, because I was just unconscious some minutes ago, my feet shouldn't be this strong already. Yet, I felt stronger than I had ever been, strong enough to go for a run even.

"Good to know, let's regroup with the others." He advised, sounding like the self appointed leader in every group. That one person who just demands authority and leads the group without being assigned to.

Yeah, that guy, I hate that guy, why you ask?. Because men like me are the direct opposite of that guy. Men like those looked down upon my kind, like we were the dirt on their shoes.

Hell, he even looked the part, the man had freakin heavy biceps just hanging on both his arms. And this mature look on his fucking face that just spelt integrity. Not to mention the worse part of it all.

I had to lift my head to look him in the eye, he was a triple threat, tall, meaty and annoyingly good looking.

"Who exactly are the others?." We had been walking for some time now, and all I noticed were tall trees, and lots of them. Miss pissy face and Mr hotshot walked in front, talking animatedly to each other.

"You'll know when you get there!." She sternly spat at me, barely sparing time to look over her shoulder while addressing me.

"It isn't far from here." Hotshot announced, stopping so I could catch up and join in their conversation. Miss pissy face scoffed at me, folding her arms across her chest, shielding those hills from my perverted gaze.

We resumed walking, but in silence, I felt as though they deliberately ended the conversation because of my presence.

Just a little bit further, I could see some people clustered together, the trees around them were shorter and less crowded. Mr hotshot picked up the pace, maybe he had a girlfriend waiting there for him, or he was going to show off.

Yeah, he'd probably say things like, 'look how he saved a defenseless man from dying', or something as idiotic as that. Miss pissy face skipped after him, leaving me by myself.

The upside being, the wind carelessly lifted her skirt up, exposing her creamy thighs. I grinned from ear to ear, staring so hard I was sure she would notice.

But those sexy thighs weren't the only things I caught sight of, the wind lifted her skirt so high, that I saw something inscribed just inches underneath her nice round ass. Covered in white panties.

Maybe it was a tattoo or something, I mean, girls got tattoos nowadays and it made them look extra hot. But that wasn't what freaked me out, it was the distance.

I mean, how the frickin hell, did my vision reach her, for a moment, it felt as though my eyes zoomed in like a camera and captured the image in my head.

"205?(Two O' five?)." I mindlessly said aloud, reading out the numbers written behind her thighs.

What I didn't expect though, was for her to actually hear my indistinct murmur and stop in her tracks. I literally froze where I stood, chewing nervously on my lower lip, Miss pissy face, certainly was not a fan of me.

She peaked over her shoulder and tossed a glance at me, a questioning stare drawn all over her round face.

Holy... Was that her name?. And if it was, why was it tattooed in a place she couldn't see it?. Not to mention that look she had on her face as the wind carried leaves and white flower petals abroad.

Now that I think of it, what the hell was MY name?. And more importantly, who the fuck am I?.

"Let's go, I think something important is going on." She listlessly told me, this time, standing in place, waiting for me to join her.

Not wanting to say no to a pretty girl, I jogged up to her and accompanied her, towards the large crowd of people gathered in front.

While we walked, I was tempted to apologize for the whole boob squeezing thing, but that mean looking smug on her face, made me think otherwise.

And now, the nagging question at the back of my head wouldn't stop, it was giving me a headache now.

People were forgetful all the time, it's human nature, but what douchebag, actually forgets his own name?.

Maybe she knew my name?. Or perhaps we even know each other. She did call me triple three that one time and made it sound like we were acquainted with one another.

After slight deliberation, I parted my lips to speak up, only to have her feed me the dust underneath her feet. Miss pissy face sped off, just like that, mixing in with the crowd of people.

Girls, always going for the looks, when do they ever learn?.

"Gather round!. Gather!. It's finally time!." I heard someone in front announce, barely even yelling.

That was sorta impossible, by headcount there were over three hundred people here, how was I able to hear her so distinctly.

I shoved a path for myself, looking for the duo who had brought me here in the first place.

"All 500 of you lucky candidates have been selected to participate in a fun game, right here in my peaceful garden." The woman at the front continued to announce, in a hysterical tone, coming off as someone high on drugs, maybe.

"The games will be challenging, and will require you push yourselves past your limits. But, you know what they say don't you, the end justifies the means. And in this case, the reward for playing is just something you do not want to pass up." Her voice became louder with each step I took towards the front.

And not hers alone, for some reason, I could hear almost everything around me, right from their side murmurs, down to what sounded like heartbeats.

Yet, despite all these new sounds around me, one voice stuck out the most, and what it said, marked the turning point in our lives.

"After all...the opportunity to take someone else's life doesn't come easy." She grinned in a menacing tone, instilling fear, in all our hearts.

Creation is hard, leave a comment to help me out guys

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