

Tammy watched. Tammy waited. She had her finger twitching just above the trigger, with a focus that rivaled that of a sharpshooter. Which, even at such close range, she knew she would have to be if she wanted to survive this. Her teammates were coming to help her, but they just wouldn't make it in time. She heard heavy footsteps thudding up the stairs and held her breath. Whoever it was started checking rooms, and started with the one directly adjacent to hers.

C'mon… open this…

Before she could finish that thought, the door in front of her flew open and she let off a blast. The high-rise assault trooper standing there took a mouthful of buckshot and went down for the count. Tammy decided to add insult to injury by pick-axing him out of existence rather than finishing him off with the shotgun. She was right in the middle of looting her eliminated opponent when his wingman, a tactics officer, burst through the front door and caught her red-handed. Tammy closed her eyes and waited, but when the subdued gunshot sounded, she felt no pain. She opened her eyes and saw Lola standing over a pile of loot in the doorway, suppressed pistol smoking. Stephen, the rookie, was right behind her.

"We've gotta move, storm's already coming in," Lola explained.

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